Inside the expansive hall, pillars are adorned with gilded red paper and handmade by Kyoto's most dexterous paper-cutting craftsmen.

A rich, thick red blanket stretches from the threshold to the back of the hall, flanked by small tables.

The table is dotted with scattered red candles, and between the candle flames, you can see that there are many jade bowls neatly placed on the case, which in turn contain peanuts, pomegranates, red dates and other foods with beautiful meanings.

At the same time, Bai Yi also observed that on the legs of almost every table, round gold gourds were tied with red ropes, which looked very pleasing.

Above the dome of the main hall, countless small lanterns hang, also made of red paper, and on the gold sands are written touching words such as 'May I be like a star, a sovereign like the moon', 'Yi Yi Nian little junior disciple, for a long time'.

The door of the temple opened, and a breeze blew into the hall, so that the small lanterns carrying moving words swayed from side to side, and the slight red light with warmth also swayed.

Beautiful and gorgeous.

Bai Yi stood at the door, looking at the scene in the hall, stunned for a long, long time.

At this time, a soft little hand familiarly burrowed into his palm, picked up Bai Yi and stepped on the red carpet and walked inward.

"Little Junior Brother, Yiyi can't wait for you to marry me." A blush climbed on the girl's delicate and slightly fleshy cheeks, faint spread to the pinna, glow seductively red, she raised her shining eyes, stared at the man in front of her, and said generously: "So Yiyi made up his own mind and decided to marry himself today, and from today onwards, Yiyi will be Mrs. Bai."

She couldn't wait to take brisk little steps and take Bai Yi to visit every detail in the hall together.

Although there are some fly in the ointment that she was not able to push the little junior brother with a wheelchair, the girl is still very happy.

The corners of her mouth curled in an irrepressible small arc, and she twittered like a treasure to introduce her elaborate arrangement for Bai Yi.

"These lanterns were made by Yi Yi himself in the days when the little junior brother was away, and the words on it were all written by Yi Yi one by one Oh, hee, the words are not very good-looking, but Yi Yi is also very satisfied..."

"The things on these tables Yi Yi doesn't know much, but listening to the master, they all have a good meaning, such as pomegranates, it looks ugly, but the meaning is many children and many blessings, well, That

is to say, Yi Yi to give the little junior brother a lot of babies meaning..." "Little junior brother, you don't know, these stickers are laborious, Yi Yi himself cut it is not good-looking, tried several times and finally decided to hire someone to do it, the craftsman is arrogant, unwilling to take Yi Yi's business, hmph, Yi Yi is not used to her, and let the third senior uncle tie him overnight, but he cut it out really looks a lot better, and there are mandarin ducks on it..."

"There are also these little golden gourds, which were sent by the third senior uncle, he said that the gourd means Fulu, and at the same time, the gourd has many seeds, and it also means many children and many blessings, which looks super cute, right?"

"By the way, by the way, I almost forgot this..." Bai

Yi followed the girl bit by bit.

Listen to her talk about the reason for each arrangement, as well as interesting facts about the decoration process.

He Yiyi said a lot, there are those she likes, and there are those she is not so satisfied, at this time she is no longer as silent as when there are outsiders, lively and jumpy, eyebrows flying.

The joy in her tone made her feel that she was not reserved enough, but like an upstart, and she was destitute.

In the end, Bai Yi stopped and stared at this girl with eyes full of himself for a long time, and did not know what to say for a while.

He could only stretch out his arms and take her deeply into his arms.

Smelling the faint fresh fragrance of the ends of the girl's forehead, he said guiltily: "I'm sorry, it's the junior brother who dragged on for too long."

The girl snorted, narrowing her eyes and laughing.

Although the beauty is not wearing red makeup, she is already a stunning beauty in the world.

I don't know when, the night is already deep.

Bai Yi picked He Yi up by the waist and walked out of the hall to the glazed tile roof.

The boy Lang, who has always been steady, was rarely naïve, he hugged his senior sister and sat down on the edge of the eaves, his four feet hanging in the air.

Raising his finger to the bright and clear moon wheel in the sky, with the purest happy smile on his face, he shouted:

"I have asked this time."

"Senior sister! Are you willing to be the star that will always be by your junior brother's side?

He Yiyi blushed and shook his head: "Unwilling!" "

Huh?" Bai Yi was stunned.

He Yiyi snorted, "There are so many stars in the sky, shouldn't Yi Yicai make only one and leave other places for the little fox spirits?" Don't!

Speaking of this, the girl raised her hands around her mouth, dangled her two white and smooth calves, and shouted to the night sky:

"Yi Yi don't just be a star..."

Bai Yi laughed and nodded softly: "Good." "

The stars are hanging upside down, and the moon is like a wash.

Their shadows pull out long, long in the night sky....

In the following three hundred years, this scene has been in the hearts and dreams of the two for a long time.

Bai Yi and He Yiyi sat on the roof next to each other, chatting a lot, during which the shrewd girl asked the little junior brother many times, explicitly or covertly, whether he had any interest in girls other than himself over the years, and was ridiculed by Bai Yi with a smile and ridiculed as a vinegar jar.

While waiting for the hour, a light rain suddenly fell in the sky.

The two returned to the wedding room that had been prepared long ago, changed into their respective wedding clothes, although it was only the two of them, but they were also full of rituals, and the process of walking did not fall.

Finally, they held hands and made a vow together.

"I'm playing for nothing." Bai Yi smiled and glanced at the daughter-in-law next to him.

"I'm Ho Yiyi." He Yiyi didn't dare to look at him, his little face was tight, and he was very serious.

The two of them paused word by word, and said in unison:

"If you marry a couple, the white head is not separated."

"Born for life, born for life, with each other."

A bow and salute heaven and earth.

Two kowtows and sacrifices to the ancestors.

Three kowtows, mutual husband and wife.


Bai Yi helped He Yiyi up, took the wine on the table next to him and handed it to her.

He Yiyi stretched out a hand arm, interlaced with Bai Yi's arm, and drank it separately.

Under the dim and warm light, the two looked at each other, and a thick ambiguity suddenly surged in the room.

He Yiyi looked down at his toes, his hands behind his back, his white fingers twisted around, his beautiful cheeks were red, and his autumn-like eyes were shining.

Bai Yi put down the wine glass, looked at the moving appearance of the senior sister, his heart jumped, his head was empty, he held back for a long time, pointed to the marriage bed on the side and stammered: "That... Masters... Well... I mean, it's late at night..." The

girl laughed angrily at him, rolled her eyes, and rebuked a silly look.

Without giving Bai Yi time to react, he picked it up and threw it directly on the bed with domineering.

At the same time, the wine glass held in his hand was thrown back at random, wiping out the candle flame, and the room was plunged into darkness...

Outside the house, the rain was still crackling.

Pouring rain, heavy rain pouring, water flooding the golden mountains....

The ground was dry and wet, wet and dry.

The cycle goes on and on, all night long.


this night.

Bai Yi cultivated in the Divine Hidden Realm to enter the Supreme Realm!



(Yiyi is married!! Ask for flowers *^O^*~).

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