Southwest corner of the Royal Palace, Hall of Torture.

This place was originally called the Zhengde Hall, but later Yu Xian chose this place as his office and that of his subordinates, and changed its name to the Torture Hall.

"Elder Yu, I really didn't plot against me! Usually after the autopsy, the deacons will ask us for a second examination, so I subconsciously did not put down the knife, not to assassinate Bai Gongzi, please believe me. The

black-clothed disciple's name was Chen Dong, and he was standing in the torture hall at the moment, anxiously explaining to Yu Xian.

"Okay, I know you have no intention of assassinating." Yu Xian sat down in the main seat, took a sip of the teacup, waved his hand to summon the subordinate deacon standing next to him, pointed at Chen Dong and said lightly: "Take it to Zhao Hu and leave it to him to deal with."

"Yes." The deacon glanced at Chen Dong and nodded respectfully.

"Elder!" Hearing Zhao Hu's name, Chen Dong's heart suddenly sank, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes.

Zhao Hu is quite famous in the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, of course, this reputation is definitely not very good.

Generally, the disciples who fell into his hands, even the deacon elders, wanted to leave a corpse behind, which was a great luxury.

Among the deacons who followed Elder Yu, Zhao Hu was recognized as the fastest promoted and the most capable, and at the same time, there was a very scrupulous evaluation of this person behind his back.

Only recognize that the elder does not know the sect master.

He is an absolute henchman of Yu Xian.

And now that Chen Dong heard that he was going to be handed over to Zhao Hu, he subconsciously thought that he was going to be dealt with internally, how could he not be in a hurry.

Now it's time to explain again.

"Silence!" The deacon had been under Yu Xian for many years, and he knew very well what Elder Yu meant by handing it over to Zhao Hu.

This kid went with the big shit luck!

He was afraid that Chen Dong's hairy boy would not understand things, and he would anger Yu Xian again, but he would delay the future that was about to arrive, so he reprimanded him.

And when Chen Dong reacted later, he naturally ended up with a favor.

On the contrary, if Yu Xian said 'give it to Zhao Hu to play', it would be a completely different treatment.

After the deacon finished scolding, Chen Dong, who was like a dead heart, walked out of the main hall and entered the martial arts arena below along a secret door.

After inquiring, he found Zhao Hu behind the martial arts arena.

"Brother Zhao, the elder sent me to send someone, saying that it was handed over to you to carry." The deacon probably explained, and then stepped forward and nodded, "The elder and the demon reserve have both mistakenly presented this kid with a love.

After that, he patted Chen Dong's shoulder with a smile and left.

Hearing the deacon's words, Chen Dong was obviously stunned.

Then a burst of ecstasy surged in my heart.

Is it carrying, not processing?

"What's your name?" Zhao Hu glanced Chen Dong up and down, and asked cheerfully.

Chen Dong hurriedly steadied his mind and said politely, "The disciple's name is Chen Dong."

Zhao Hu nodded, still maintaining a smile on his face, but the words he said made people feel like falling into an ice cave:

"There are elders and... That one who values you, the future is naturally not small, but since it is under my hands, you must follow my rules, otherwise it is impossible to die, but other Laozi cannot guarantee it.

"Disciples remember, don't dare to forget when you die!"

Chen Dong secretly looked at Zhao Hu's expression, and suddenly blessed his heart, bent his knees and knelt down, slamming his head heavily on the ground.

Zhao Hu was a little surprised, "What is this for?"

Chen Dong had tears in his eyes and kowtowed heavily: "Somehow, the disciple became close when he saw Deacon Zhao, and inexplicably remembered the old father at home..."

Zhao Hu squinted and smiled: "Oh?

Chen Dong gritted his teeth and continued to say in a 'sincere' tone: "It's a pity that the family father was wrongly killed by Haoqiang, and the disciple failed to fulfill his filial piety in front of his knees, and every time he thought of it, he tossed and turned like a knife, and now when I see you, deacon, I can't help but think of his old man."

Speaking of this, Chen Dong raised his gaze and looked at Zhao Hu sincerely, "I don't know if the disciple can have the honor to worship the deacon as a righteous father, lead the horse and serve the left and right, with full filial piety!"

Zhao Hu was stunned for a long time, and a funny smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It's a little interesting."

He stepped forward and picked up Chen Dong, and said in the same hypocritical, no, 'sincere' tone: "Laozi sees that you are also kind and tight, good son, get up quickly."

After a hypocritical performance, Zhao Hu still had something to deal with, so he shouted to the room behind him: "Little pimple, come out to meet your junior brother."

After a while, a swarthy girl wearing a practice shirt walked out of the room, "Master, is he?" "

The godson I just recognized will be your junior brother in the future, and you will take him to practice together in the future." Zhao Hu explained softly, there was a rare pampering between his eyebrows, which was very different from his attitude towards Chen Dong.

"Remember shh."

The girl nodded her head bently, strained her little face, and took the 'junior brother' who was a round older than herself into the room full of all kinds of horrific torture.

"This corner, that corner, as well as the table, the door, there are quenched traps, don't run around."

"By the way, it's called Little Pimple, what's your name?"

"Senior sister, my name is Chen Dong, you can just call me Xiao Dong."

"Sounds good."

This was the first time that the famous 'hypocrite' and the 'poison girl' met.

In the following three hundred years, in the frenzy of searching for someone all over the world, tens of thousands of people in black who set off a bloody storm after bloody storm were all obeyed by the two...


Yanyue Holy Land, somewhere in a secret room.

An old man sat alone and pondered for a long time, and finally only said to the transmission jade card in his hand:

"I'll deal with it here, but you remember that you can't take risks, otherwise I won't be able to explain to your father and mother when I go down."



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