In late autumn, Maiyu Town ushered in a rare harvest.

In the countryside fields, bales of wheat stalks piled up, and children in open-crotch pants gathered together with their buttocks, lit a small bonfire, felt a few dirty fresh potatoes from their arms and threw them into the fire, buried them with wood ash, and then began to wait with their eyes in unison.

On the loess road not far away, a young man and woman walked hand in hand, looking at the intimate gesture between their words, it should be a small couple who had just been married.

The man is handsome and kind, the woman is dusty and playful, and although the clothes are not obvious, Ren can see that they are good even if he is blind.

Naturally, Bai Yi and He Yiyi are one.

The two interlocked their fingers, walking slowly along the tamped dirt road, the tip of their noses was a faint fragrance of earth.

Seeing the children wearing open pants who were looking at themselves and their senior sister with curious eyes, Bai Yi suddenly remembered something, and turned his head to look at He Yi with a mocking smile on his face.

"In addition to children who like to wear open pants, there are two other people who are also very fond of this thing, senior sister to guess?"

Bai Yi and He Yiyi went to the Phoenix Sea this trip, originally Bai Yi had no intention of bringing his senior sister before, but then suddenly changed his mind.

So the two of them 'secretly' left Kyoto and accompanied each other.

It was said that it was a secret departure, but in fact, it was more like a game for them, and even He Yiyi could feel that Bai Yi had intentionally or unintentionally slowed down his travel speed, as if he was waiting for someone or something.

She didn't ask much, and now the girl who regarded herself as Mrs. Bai was worried about the short and important things in her parents.

As for those murderous things, if the little junior brother makes a mistake and does not finish it, Yiyi will naturally make a move, but now, let the little junior brother come first.

A virtuous woman must know how to take care of her man's face, and even if she can solve the problem, she must 'trouble' him more, so that her man can have a full sense of achievement.

And He Yiyi, a good lady who thinks she is super invincible and virtuous, naturally won't ask more about this kind of thing.

Everything is subject to the decision of the little junior brother.

Little Junior Brother is heaven! Little junior brother is the ground! The little junior brother's waist plate is hard!

Along the way, Bai Yi rarely relaxed, unrestrained, He Yiyi was used to it, and immediately shook his head with a smile and said honestly: "Yiyi can't guess."

Said, wrapped his arms around his chest, carefully let him naturally fall into a pair of fledgling, ripe bulging sacs, a pair of autumn water eyes shining a few times, pouting coquettishly: "Little junior brother tell Yiyi quickly."

Bai Yi could withstand this situation, and immediately stopped selling passes, and gave the answer:

"The female bodhisattva who makes a small profit and sells happiness, and the kind benefactor who sponsors the female bodhisattva."

He Yiyi chewed this sentence carefully, understood it, and immediately blushed, rolled his eyes and said in shame: "What, little junior brother is not ashamed!"

Immediately afterwards, the girl suddenly became nervous again, released the arm holding Bai Yi and asked fiercely: "No, little junior brother, where did you hear this!" Quickly and honestly explain, did he secretly follow the bad embryo of the third senior uncle to drink flower wine.

Bai Yi was dumbfounded: "Huh? "

I'm just kidding.

The senior sister who hurriedly hugged her breath and explained with a sad face.

When several red-faced children on the side of the road saw this scene, they nibbled on black potatoes, making their little faces dark, pouting their butts, gesturing with their hands on their faces and shouting:

"Shame, big pea!" Shame, big pea! Hehe, haha.

Then put down the scorched potatoes, covered his eyes with his small black hands, but his fingers parted and looked secretly, "We didn't see it, we didn't see anything."

Bai Yi's old face was red, and he turned around angrily and was about to laugh and scold, but found that the bonfire on the side of the road had disappeared, and then fixed his eyes, and the five chubby dolls had disappeared.

Bai Yi was stunned, but He Yi was not much surprised, she had already noticed at the first glance of several children that they did not have the slightest shadow in the noon sun.

They walked along the entrance of the town and found that the people of the town were gathering together to pray for a lively blessing.

Some people have black hair, some have a bright white forehead up to the jaw, but their cheeks are pitch black, accompanied by a burst of firecrackers, people have smiles on their faces, and shouting in unison:

"Five blessings come together, family to family!"

In the center of the crowd, a group of young and strong men carried five round wooden statues, and also laughed and shouted with the crowd.

Bai Yi and He Yi looked at each other and laughed together.

It turned out that the five little guys that Tianbian had just seen were the same as the statues in the center of the crowd.

Longevity and wealth, good health, and good death.

The five beatitudes have arrived.

The world is wonderful, all things have spirit, the heaven and the earth are vast, and the virtue is carried.

Quirky and endless.

All the beauty will eventually meet us.


"You mean, Wang Sanmu told you that Bai Yi was going to the southern Phoenix to Wenyang Yingling?"

In the Yanyue Holy Land, in the Moon Hall, Gong Tianming's face was hesitant, and he looked up and down at Chang Shouchong, who was standing in the hall.

"Yes." Chang Shou Chong, the elder of the Hall of Judgment, also had doubts, but still nodded and replied: "It is indeed he personally told me, he also said that the Baiyi Imperial Ghost Method has reached the bottleneck, and this trip is to seek a breakthrough, if he gets his wish, his combat power can reach at least the Supreme Realm Eighth Heaven!"

Gong Tianming was slightly startled, and then frowned deeply.

Wang Sanmu's relationship with Bai Yi and his parents, who doesn't know about Yanyue?

Would he really be so kind to take the initiative to expose Bai Yi's whereabouts?

Gong Tianming didn't believe it.

He thought for a long time and asked Chang Shouchong to fully activate all the spies dormant in Qiong Yu to investigate the truth of this news.

The end result was that Bai Yi had indeed secretly left Kyoto and headed south.

At the same time, Liu Ziru, who was thousands of miles away, also got a message.

Interestingly, the white game movement on her side is diametrically opposed to Gong Tianming's here.

Bai Yi will go to the north of Huangyu - Falling Phoenix City.



(This chapter is not a hydrological boo, it is a carp full of Lantern Festival blessings to everyone!) Well, that's it.

Over twelve o'clock is the Lantern Festival, carp wishes everyone a happy Lantern Festival, five blessings come together, chirp ~ In addition, pay attention to the two words of good ending).

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