The eastern border of the Phoenix Empire, looking north to the city.

Since Liu Ziru got the news, she has been sitting in a dimly lit room until now.

The sunset is red, and the sky is like a burnt iron.

The shimmering light of twilight shone through the only narrow window in the room, and it was the end of the day without him.

"Squeak~" The door was pushed open from the outside, and the wooden bird walked in, she was busy from morning to night, secretly investigating the subtle actions of many armies in the northern part of Phoenix, as well as the whereabouts of the current top cultivators of the Qiongyu Demon Sect in Kyoto City.

Finally, I got the answer I wanted.

"Master." Gently closing the door, the wooden bird came to stand beside the startled woman and whispered.

Liu Ziru came back to her senses, raised her gaze and glanced at the loyal maid, put away her messy thoughts, and said calmly: "How is the investigation?" A

trace of distress flashed in Mu Bird's eyes, she had grown up in Liu's family since she was a child, received rigorous training, and was not as active as Qingge, who had died in the hands of He Yiyi.

Therefore, the love between men and women is completely a state that I have not understood and do not want to understand.

Especially after seeing her master's current state, she had some heartfelt fear of liking these two words.

The book says that I don't know what to do, but I always have a deep affection.

The master liked this sentence, but Mu Bird felt that this love word should be the most terrifying and bloodless difficulty on the way for their female cultivator to seek immortality.

It can make the master leave everything in Yanyue behind and embark on the point of no return alone in pursuit of that person's footsteps.

It can also make the master who has been gifted since childhood, but has never fought for it, fall into the devil overnight, just to have the strength to get that person.

It can actually make a kind woman who is gentle and virtuous and has IKEA comments become like a wild cultivator and evil demon, killing people and pumping souls by any means!

Day by day, night by night, withered and sat out, suddenly laughing, suddenly angry, moody, and related only to that one person.

The wooden bird is really afraid of the current master, and he is afraid to like these two words.

She took a deep breath, lowered her eyebrows, did not dare to let Liu Ziru find her heartache, and responded softly:

"The slave has contacted the spies in the army controlled by the Qiong Yu Demon Sect in the north of Phoenix according to your orders, and learned from them that although outsiders do not seem to have the slightest change in the barracks, in fact, since three days ago, many armies under Qiong Yu have entered full martial law, and the soldiers do not unload their armor at night, at any time..."

The wooden bird raised his eyes to look at his master, and said heavily: "Prepare to go north!"

Hearing this, Liu Ziru's scarlet eyes rippled a subtle ripple, she thought for a while, her face could not see any emotion, and said lightly: "Continue to talk

" "Yes."

Mu Bird agreed, and continued respectfully: "Then the slave maid carried the old ancestor behind his back to use Kyoto's spies, and according to the news they sent back, all the peak cultivators in Kyoto fell silent and never showed up again.

"At the same time, Bai Yi and He Yiyi appeared three days ago south of Kyoto, but for a very short time, and then disappeared without a trace, and the slave felt... The two of them looked like... Just showing up for the sake of showing up.

Liu Ziru sneered: "That's not them."

Mu Bird nodded in agreement, she also felt so, so she said: "In this way, the news should be true."

Liu Ziru glanced at her, did not speak, and was silent for a long time before spitting out a sentence.

Without waiting for the wooden bird to ask again, she made a decision: "Go and repay the ancestor, we will leave for Phoenix City tonight."

After that, Liu Ziru walked to the narrow window and looked at the sunset in the sky.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, there are only two possibilities.

A kind of nature needless to say, the white game itinerary leaks, and people who want to fish in troubled waters.

This is not a small possibility.

Another possibility is that the news comes from... She.

This is unlikely.

Liu Ziru watched the sunset like this, and night fell.

The sky was full of stars, and the river of stars was as bright as the smile on the corner of her mouth at the moment.

"Regardless of the truth, I will come."

"I'll slash you one by one and take him."

"That's it."


In the middle of the night, there was an old guy who looked like a rich man in Beiwang City, with a female bodhisattva as a mattress and a female bodhisattva as a quilt.

In the midst of the fierce battle, he still had the strength to look at the sky outside the window.

There are people quietly heading north.

The short and tough old man retracted his gaze and quietly injected a wisp of spiritual energy into the transmission jade card disguised as a jade Buddha around his neck, but he withdrew the spiritual energy without waiting for the other party to connect.

And so on and so on three times.


accidentally met those five 'Fuwa' in Maiyu Town, which is of course a good omen, so Bai Yi and He Yiyi are in a good mood.

So much so that that night in the town inn also tore two pairs of Fuwa pants that they made themselves....

Early the next morning, before He Yiyi woke up, Bai Yi walked out of the inn and bought some food unique to the town.

On the way back to the inn, he found an uninhabited alley to contact a person with a message jade card, and the following conversation occurred:

"My side has already leaked the news, but it will take a little time to let him personally enter the set."

"Well, I don't have anything to prepare here, just go sightseeing all the way."

"You don't have to deliberately drag out time, just march normally, but remember to keep the Phoenix North Realm in a state of no waves, or even dead silence."


Bai Yi did not ask the man in the end why his purpose was obviously to lure Gong Tianming north, but he seemed to want to make the fake news of his southward going more real than the real movement.

He also did not tell the other party not to deliberately mislead Gong Tianming because he was worried about his comfort, but instead harmed himself and planned to miscarry.

He just kicked the wall on the side lightly with his foot, and said in a joking tone: "Uncle, don't die, I'm still waiting to give you the end." This

uncle, he has been shouting for more than ten years.

The other party has also responded for more than ten years.

So when he needed someone in the Yanyue Holy Land like this, he stood up.

There was no much to say, just pretending to be fierce: You stinky boy can't die, otherwise I can't explain.

The implication is, as long as you don't risk yourself.

It doesn't matter if the old man lives or dies.


inside the inn.

He Yiyi turned over, his pink lips smacked gently, his little face was flushed, and he slept very sweetly.

Along the way, she simply accompanied the little junior brother.

As if nothing had been done....

But strangely, on the thousand-mile road from Kyoto to Maiyu Town, I couldn't meet a storyteller who used to be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys.



(Two days ago, the Lantern Festival, the part-time supermarket was very busy, so it didn't update, I didn't deliberately break my word, woo-woo, it'll be a full month soon, hold on a little longer-.-, hug everyone!! )

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