"Lazy pig, the sun is drying your ass, it's time to get up."

Bai Yi returned to the inn and found that the senior sister had not woken up yet, the girl's soft and tender cheeks were powdered, a pair of eyes with slender eyelashes were closed, and a few strands of loose hair were placed between her forehead.

The small and cute mouth opened slightly, revealing a few neat shell teeth, and the corners of the lips hung a little crystalline.

Humble and tempting.

Bai Yi playfully jumped up, gently leaned over and pinched her crystal nose, so the girl's cheeks bulged and breathed out of her mouth.

After the monk crossed the innate threshold, he experienced the first cleansing and cutting of the pith, and his body was already different from that of ordinary people, clean and unturbid.

Therefore, the warm and warm breath that hit Bai Yi's face from the girl's mouth did not have any peculiar smell, but also carried a quiet fragrance that belonged to her alone.

Looking at her cheeks bulging and deflated, Bai Yi's crotch moved his mind, and he couldn't help but kiss her lips gently.

"Oh, that thief, who are you, dare to break into this girl's room in broad daylight, and steal the mouth of this girl, hmph, do you know that Yiyi's little junior brother, that is, I was the only good-looking in the sky and on the ground, the only amorous, the only hard..."

In fact, the girl who had woken up a long time ago opened her eyes, glared, and made a small face bad, and said more than a dozen unique copies in a row.

Finally, the fierce god said viciously, opening his teeth and dancing his claws:

"... Lord Husband! Do you have a fist bigger than a sandbag? Hmph, it's not this girl boasting, he can knock out two of your front teeth with just one punch! Speaking

of this, the girl pretends to be vicious, but her goose-egg little face is too moving, not only does it not look scary, but it adds a bit of cuteness.

Maybe he also noticed that something was wrong, or he was hit by Bai Yi's laughter.

He Yi's small face collapsed, and he rushed forward in anger and bit Bai Yi's chest.

Then, the girl was slightly stunned, and the tip of her nose twitched slightly.

Just like that, he bit his teeth and took out a fragrant bun from the clothes in Bai Yi's arms.

She huffed and took a bite of the big bun with thin skin and a lot of filling, and muttered with vague eyes: "Little junior brother, you don't love me anymore, you don't cooperate with me, woo!" Yiyi simply died. "


Bai Yi covered her stomach and leaned back and forth, how could my senior sister be so cute.

The girl who was already embarrassed saw him laughing, and suddenly became even more annoyed, and the buns did not eat, and suddenly pounced.

As soon as he started to pull the buttons of Bai Yi's clothes, he said in his mouth: "Okay, okay, it seems that Yiyi can't teach the little junior brother a lesson today, and the wife has to stand up


Bai Yi couldn't laugh when he boarded.

Bai's spring and autumn have clouds, and the energy of the family is thrifty and long-standing.

In layman's terms.

Even the landlord's family has no surplus food.

He Yi didn't stop moving, just squinted his eyebrows and cast a defiant gaze at him, "What, can't the little junior brother?"

"You can say anything about a man, but you just can't say he can't!" Bai Yi gritted his teeth and turned over.

Bai's spring and autumn have clouds, time is like water in a sponge, squeeze is always there....


The two finches shyly changed treetops.

Human beings are really, how old are children, and stick education.

Before you know it, it's a three-shot day.

Bai Yi's face was slightly haggard, but with a bit of pride between his eyebrows, he hummed a song and walked out of the inn.

Behind him, a certain girl who was begging for food followed with a look of chagrin.


Tsumizuna failed to stand up....

Lost a generation.


The two went all the way out of Maiyu Town, which was less than three thousand miles away from the Phoenix Sea.

If it is replaced by the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven Cultivation after Bai Yi fuses his combat power, it will not take a quarter of an hour to arrive.

He Yiyi before the heart demon was not bad, but slightly slower than him.

But Bai Yi didn't plan to go all out to rush away, and Gong Tianming hadn't taken the bait yet.

There are mountains and waters around the Phoenix Sea, and a good burial place.

If Master hadn't come to calculate what would have happened.

Therefore, they plan to go over like this, at most tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there will be news from the Yanyue Holy Land.

Although Yanyue is thousands of miles away from the Phoenix Sea, for Gong Tianming, who has made up his mind to make a move, it is estimated that it will be less than an hour's effort.

If Bai Yi arrived early, with Gong Tianming's cautious and suspicious personality, he would have to test for a long time.

Waste of time.

Bai Yi stood at the exit of the town, greeting the brilliant sun, pointed to a large area of steep and towering mountains in front of him, rubbed and smiled:

"Go, take Senior Sister to find the mountain ghosts mentioned in the book."

The girl suddenly became happy, the mountain ghost she only told the little junior brother once when she was very young, but he remembered it now.

That's nice.

So she felt that the little chagrin in her heart was not important at all.

Oh trotted forward and shoved his little hand into his big one.

Meizi smiled, her eyebrows crooked.

"Little junior brother, little junior brother, the book says that the immortal has gone to the mountain ghost, and the tiger and leopard have rushed back to the dragon, if we really find the mountain ghost, can we ask it if it has ever seen an immortal?"

"Hmm... Senior sister, do you say that there is a possibility that mountain ghosts are just a kind of elves that most of them do not even have the innate realm, and for them, we are actually immortals? "

Huh? Is that so.

"There is a book written ah, senior sister should read more books."

"Yes, yes, little junior brother, you see, there are mountain ghosts in the sky!"


"Let's go, Yi Yicai don't read a book, slightly."


"No, they must not have gone south in vain." Gong Tianming's brows tightened together, although all the information currently investigated pointed south.

But the more so, the more Gong Tianming felt that there was something tricky.

Wang Sanmu and Bai Yi's parents have been friends for many years, and they have been taking good care of them after their deaths, and it is not too much to say that Bai Yi is half a son.

Anyone can betray Bai Yi, but he Wang Sanmu is absolutely impossible!

Gong Tianming pondered for a long time, then suddenly a flash of light, looked at Chang Shouchhong and said: "You said that there is no possibility, Bai Yi warmed the heroic spirit is true, but the news that he went south is false." "

Wang Sanmu's old thing deliberately leaked secrets in order to trick me into the ambush they laid in advance, and at the same time delay time for Bai Yi's little beast, and wait until he successfully climbs to the Supreme Realm Eighth Heaven or even higher..."

Gong Tianming slammed his fist heavily on the armrest of the seat, already full of hideousness, and said angrily: "At that time, I just happened to fall into an ambush, they took the lead, and there was still cultivation to suppress, wouldn't I definitely die?"

Chang Shou Chong's face was stunned, and he said in his heart that Sect Master, your brain supplement ability is really his grandmother's not covered.

On second thought, although it sounds a bit fantastic, it doesn't seem so impossible?

So he was also inexplicably a little scared, and when the sect master killed someone, would he be okay?

He hurriedly asked, "The sect master is really wise and martial, and such a sinister scheme of linking links is also seen by you, so what should we do now?"

Gong Tianming was silent again, if it was really as he thought.

Then even if you are not deceived, when the Baiyi Imperial Ghost Method breaks through the bottleneck, and the Eighth Heavenly Cultivation is crushed, it will still be difficult for him to escape a dead word.

Sitting on a seat of a pillar of a holy place.

Under the sky, above tens of thousands of people.

How could he be willing to die? How can he die!

Thinking of this, Gong Tianming's eyes surged with fierceness, and he looked at Chang Shouchong and said urgently:

"Now, immediately, immediately!"

"Bring someone to take down Wang Sanmu for me! Be fast!! "



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