I don't know when it started, the sky around the Phoenix Sea was shrouded in dark clouds, and there was an oppressive almost wanting escape from the dead silence in the air.

Geographically, the Phoenix Sea is a bit further north than Falling Phoenix City.

Bai Yi stopped for a moment when he passed over Falling Phoenix City, he didn't plan to take his senior sister to the Phoenix Sea.

In his impression, He Yiyi's current realm was still stuck in the Slashing Dao Realm, and he was going to face Gong Tianming of the Seventh Heaven of the Supreme Realm and the other Supreme Realm elders he had brought over from Yanyue.

As a husband, he was reluctant to let his wife follow him to face the danger.

Therefore, before Kyoto left for the Phoenix Sea, Bai Yi told Senior Sister in advance that she could take her with her, but she had to stop in Falling Phoenix City, no matter what happened, she could not go further north.

At the head of the phoenix city, a girl in a black dress holding up the green silk looked forward with a smile, slowly bowed and saluted, and said in a gentle voice: "The lady is waiting here for the return of the husband, may the husband-" "

The horse is successful and safe."

Bai Yi spread out a pair of blue wings, rolled his eyes, and scolded with a smile: "It's quite presentable." The

girl was debunked by him and became angry.

Immediately changed his face, crossed his waist, wrinkled his nose and said fiercely: "When you're done, roll back early, hear no, otherwise cut you!"

Bai Yi laughed, turned around and waved his hand, his aura fluctuated, and turned into a rainbow and went north.

"Obey, my wife."

The backlight hit He Yiyi's face, and the girl who had just become a little woman looked at her husband's back, and the corners of her mouth slightly turned up.

Over the next three hundred years, she remembered this back more than once.

If I had stopped you that day, wouldn't the outcome have been different between us....

After Bai Yi left, many black-clothed disciples with evil spirits embroidered on their chests sprang up in Falling Phoenix City, and they climbed to the head of the city and stood silently behind the girl looking into the distance.

Outside Falling Phoenix City, there was a sudden blood light.

A huge formation that could be described as time-consuming and costly, enveloping a huge Phoenix City.

As soon as He Yi turned around, he pulled out a narrow knife and carried it in his hand, and walked down the steps quietly towards the city.

"Let's go, go and send Shi Niang."

The black-clothed disciples who had the lowest cultivation and were also in the Dao Slashing Realm followed closely.

When He Yi came to the empty long street, there was also a group of people approaching.

Except for a red dress, all members are in blue clothes.

First, there was a woman's eyes scarlet.

Liu Ziru stopped and looked ahead from a distance of 100 meters, she ignored the large array outside Luofeng City, and smiled lightly: "I guessed it was you."

He Yiyi didn't look at her, and looked down at the thin snow blade.

"Little Junior Brother has never liked you." She said.

Liu Ziru's smile froze, she pulled out the long sword at her waist, and the black mist instantly lingered, turning into a huge demon head that twisted constantly behind her, she took a deep breath, "After you die, he will like me."

He Yi hooked the corner of his mouth, and the blood-red aura came out from the dantian, and the tall female emperor statue with blood-red lava rose up in an instant, "Ask the master to kill me." Almost

at the same moment, the two appeared in the middle of Long Street.

The swords touched, and the red and black each took a hundred steps back.

The chaotic aura swept over the houses, and among the collapsed ruins, red blood flowed out and seeped into the ground.

Liu Ziru's momentum skyrocketed instantly, and the demon shadow behind him roared and rolled, and his arrogance was extremely strong.

He Yiyi pulled his body out of the city wall, glanced at the half-cut corpse exposed under the ruins, and frowned.

She rushed forward with the knife again, turned into a black afterimage, jumped high and cut out a huge blood-colored knife.

In Falling Phoenix City, the people's panicked wails, cries for help, and children's cries rose one after another.

In the end, it fell into dead silence, turning into a stream of gurgling blood and submerged into the ground.

The demon head behind Liu Ziru has covered the sky.


the shores of the Phoenix Sea.

"How did it come so fast?" Bai Yi looked at Gong Tianming and the others who were standing in front of him, and muttered in a low voice.

Gong Tianming looked relaxed, with a sinister smile on his face: "Aren't you surprised, why didn't I go south but appeared in front of you." Bai

Yi put on a 'yes, yes, I'm surprised' expression very cooperatively, but silently called in his heart: "The essence of the Eastern Green Emperor, the Azure Dragon belongs

..." Gong Tianming laughed, his eyes were full of killing intent, "The little cub who cheated the ancestor and destroyed the ancestor, today it is difficult for you to insert wings..." As

soon as he was halfway through the words, a casserole-sized fist hit him hard in the face.

Smash him out thousands of meters away.

Bai Yi had a dragon horn on his head, his vertical pupils were cold, he withdrew his fist and turned his wrist, pouting: "What about fighting, forcing and nagging."

"White! You look for death! Chang Shou Chong's eyes widened, expressing his heartfelt anger at his shameful act of not waiting for the Sect Master to finish speaking.

Bai Yi stood in place, turning his head sideways and squinting his eyes, "Which trouser belt was not fastened and exposed you?"

"You scold me!" Chang Shou Chong reacted for a long time before he understood the meaning of these words.

Bai Yi had a feeling of bullying the mentally handicapped and ignored him.

In the distance, a moon wheel rose, Gong Tianming gritted his teeth and pulled his hands away, and the two powerful wheels on his palms rotated, and the wind rushed towards Bai Yi.

Bai Yi put away his smile, looked at the other party solemnly, mobilized the spiritual energy of his whole body to raise his right hand, and lightly spit out a word: "Bundle!" Several

blue water columns appeared out of thin air beside Gong Tianming, entangled it like a vine, and he rushed forward and slammed his figure.

Bai Yi did not dare to be careless, and lightly pinched the magic technique with his left hand, and continued the edict: "Seal!" The

huge blue water column turned into cold ice in an instant, sealing Gong Tianming inside, and at the same time countless dense ice thorns extended inward, stabbing heavily.

"Sting!" Bai Yi continued to change the technique, wanting to take advantage of this opportunity to expand the victory.

In the Xuan Bing, Gong Tianming smiled mockingly, and the black roulette wheel in his left hand was thrown.

The ice spur broke by the inch, and the Xuan Ice Cage exploded with a bang.

He snorted coldly, his figure hung in the air, twisted his waist and raised his arms, and the pure white wheel that rotated endlessly in his right hand was thrown forward.

In the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Bai Yi.

Bai Yi withdrew slightly, and two slender wings, one cyan and one golden, folded back, and protected him in front of him.


The pure white wheel cut through the air and slammed into the wings.

The wings composed of spiritual energy immediately cracked, and Bai Yi spat out a mouthful of blood, and did not hesitate to control the wings to explode.

The huge impact tide hit, and Bai Yi couldn't control it and flew backwards, shattering dozens of mountains before he could stop.

But simply, the pure white roulette wheel also dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Gong Tianming laughed wildly, and his face was hideous.

"I just made a slight move, and you are already so embarrassed, in vain, and dead!"

Saying that, he mobilized his aura and stepped forward on the void.

The palms folded and turned around, and a terrifying condensation shaped like a yin and yang fish condensed.

At the same time, Chang Shou Chong took out a long sword, pulled it up, and raised his hand to cut out several sharp sword rays in the direction where Bai Yi was.

Blocking his way back doesn't give him a chance to pull apart.

"What are you all stunned to do, form a formation, and catch the rebels!" Chang Shou Chong swung his sword non-stop, and separated a wisp of five hundred disciples brought by the spiritual order.

When the disciples heard the sound, they all returned to their positions, forming a terrifying sword formation in the blink of an eye.

Also kill towards the white game.

Gong Tianming's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't care about fighting more or less, and he and Chang Shou Chong and all the disciples gathered together.

Bai Yi spat out a mouthful of blood again, and as soon as he stood up and didn't wait to catch his breath, Chang Shouchong's sword was already in front of him.

What's more, Gong Tianming followed and also threw out the yin and yang roulette wheel in his hand....



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