On the left-hand side, Chang Shou Chong threw out his long sword one after another, and the sharp swords were one after another.

On the right-hand side, the sword array formed by the disciples of Yanyue quickly approached, and several flying swords were cut out one after another.

And right ahead, Gong Tianming had already thrown out the terrifying Yin and Yang Roulette in his hand, and his feet stepped on the void and rushed forward.

The huge mountain behind him cuts off the back road.

No matter how you look at the white game, there is no way to retreat, and there is no doubt about death.

Bai Yi took a few steps back, clinging to the mountain wall, raising his arm to wipe the blood from his mouth.

He smiled and said, "Gong Tianming, Laozi hasn't lost yet!"

"Haha, dead duck has a hard mouth!" Gong Tianming's eyes shone coldly, urging the Yin and Yang Roulette to speed up and go in the direction where Bai Yi was.

Bai Yi glanced at the yin and yang wheel that was about to cut off his waist the next moment, and took a deep breath.

Take an item out of the storage space and in an instant it will be born for two days and dazzling.

It is the combination of the shadow dagger and the golden panties - the old shadow dagger!

The people who were besieging in three ways only felt a flash of golden light in front of them, and then their eyes suddenly stabbed unbearably.

Had to close my eyes to avoid the dazzling light.

Chang Shouchong closed his eyes the moment he saw the golden light lit up, and at the same time did not hesitate to remind: "Everyone pay attention!" Don't release divine consciousness, this light has a strong impact on divine consciousness! But

it was too late, and after the monk lost his vision, it had become a habit to release his divine sense to probe the surroundings.

The next moment -


Gong Tianming and all the disciples spat out a mouthful of blood, all of them were wounded.

The sword array instantly scattered and invisible.

Gong Tianming endured the heavy damage of his divine soul and controlled the yin and yang roulette wheel to fly straight in the direction of Bai Yi in his memory.

But he didn't even touch Bai Yi's shadow, but cut off several tall mountains in a row, stirring up dust in the sky.

The scorching sun hangs high, and Bai Yi repairs the blue gold wings with difficulty, standing above the clouds in the face of the cold wind.

Silently chanted in his heart: "Horned wood jiao, Kang Golden Dragon, help me absorb the spiritual energy of the nearby thousands of miles with all my strength, I will summon other stars here!" "

Horned Wood Jiao (Kang Jinlong) obeys the order!"

The voice fell.

On both sides of Bai Yi's shoulders, two mysterious shadows, one dragon head and one head climbed up.

They looked at each other, circling and intertwining, centered on the white game, seemingly slow and fast, spiraling and flying.

So above the clouds, a wind tornado suddenly appeared.

Three thousand miles along the coast of the Phoenix Sea, the spiritual energy gathered like fish swimming in the direction where Bai Yi was located.

This huge vision naturally alarmed Gong Tianming, who was searching like a headless fly.

Gong Tianming pricked up his ears, and threw out a spiritual energy in the direction of the wind, bursting out to guide everyone: "He is in that direction, chase me!" Be fast! Chang

Shou Chong and the disciples naturally knew the consequences of being successfully broken through by Bai Yi.

At the moment, he did not dare to drag the mud and water in the slightest, and hurriedly rushed in the direction where the explosion remembered.

But the white game is above the sky, and there are wings to assist in moving the position, and their attacks can't hit others in the slightest...

Seeing that the time passed little by little, Gong Tianming's heart was anxious!

His eyes were red, and he took out a forbidden elixir from the storage ring that could briefly improve his cultivation.

A ruthless gritted teeth and obeyed.

After fighting this battle, you will also slaughter Bai Yi at this moment!

When he boarded, Gong Tianming's momentum rose rapidly!

It was actually able to come to the early stage of the Eighth Heaven of the Supreme Realm!!

Following the direction where the wind sounded, he sealed his hands and tried his best to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, forming a terrifying moon wheel with nine rays of brilliance flowing behind him.

A wisp of blood oozed from the corner of Gong Tianming's mouth, and he raised his arm tremblingly, shouting angrily: "Moon wheel, and cut it off!" "

In an instant, flying sand and stones, the sky and the earth change color.

The nine terrifying moon wheels cut through the void, completely encircling the center of the wind rise, and quickly slashed away!

There is no escape.

As long as there is a moon wheel slash, Bai Yi will definitely die!

But it was at this moment, between the electric flint.

Someone above the sky spoke aloud.

"The spirit of the Eastern Azure Dragon, the horn and the two suku listen to the edict."

"The spirit of the Southern Red Emperor, the well and the ghost two places listen to the edict."

"The spirit of the Northern Black Emperor, Dou and Niu Erju listen to the edict."

"With blood as a guide and spirit as a medium, wish me-"

Bai Yi put his palms together and pulled out the magic seal one after another.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "

A glimpse of the Nine Heavens!"

In an instant, the blue, blue and red light appeared in a triangular pattern and surrounded him.

Six strange-looking lights and shadows retreated into Bai Yi's body one after another.

A white suit hunted, and the young man's eyes were full of six rays.

Bai Yi reached out and pinched the moon wheel in front of him.

The palm of the heart surged with qi, and the terrifying moon wheel shattered!

The next moment, he appeared behind Gong Tianming, and the old shadow dagger pierced through the dantian.

Bai Yi pinched Gong Tianming's neck from behind, and smiled in his ear: "Master, you have a bad move." Gong

Tianming covered his dantian and tried in vain to organize the spiritual energy that the spiritual sea scattered and fled.

He hated it in his heart, spit out a mouthful of blood, and grinned with a mouthful full of bright red sarcasm:

"Bai Yi, Wang Sanmu has raised you for twenty years, you can take his life and death layout, ruthless enough!"

Bai Yi was stunned when he heard this, and narrowed his eyes to kill with intent: "You attacked Uncle Miki?"

Gong Tianming was stunned at first, and then laughed wildly, his hair was scattered, like a crazy demon:

"Hahahaha, you don't know, you actually don't know!"

"He's dead, Bai Yi! He's dead! Search for souls and corpses, never afterlife! Hahahaha. "


Gong Tianming exploded, and his soul was destroyed.

Again, there is never an afterlife.

Bai Yi stood there looking south, his eyes reddened.

Stinky old man, I haven't given you the end of my life....

"Bai Yi! Let me go, I didn't participate in Wang Sanmu's death, it has nothing to do with me, you let me go, I am always willing to be a cow and a horse, follow left and right, as long as you don't kill me!

Chang Shou Chong plopped down on the ground, kowtowing repeatedly, while tearfully accusing Gong Tianming of his tyrannical behavior of forcing himself to do things.

Bai Yi walked by in silence, without even looking at him.

"Bang bang..."

One dull sound after another went away with the wind.

Including five hundred black-clothed disciples.

In the coming moon, everyone turned into a blood mist, and everyone was destroyed, and there would never be an afterlife.

In this way, Bai Yi sacrificed King Miki Haruki.

After cleaning up the battlefield.

Bai Yi didn't want to do anything, just wanted to find Senior Sister and lie quietly in her arms in a daze.

However, a small black mist quietly appeared in front of him, bringing Liu Ziru's last words in the world.

"Xiao Baiyi, Shi Niang is about to die, are you a little bit sad?"

"There is no need to answer, Shi Niang can't hear it anymore."

"Finally found you, just to ask a very interesting question - do you really know

He Yiyi..." ————

"He Yiyi, you won, but I didn't lose either."

Liu Ziru's figure dissipated like a cloud of smoke, and the smile on her gentle cheeks with scarlet eyes was crazy.

She stared at He Yiyi mockingly, and said with a laugh

: "What I can't get, no one can have, he knows everything, Xiao Baiyi knows everything..."

Liu Ziru stopped talking.

This red-dressed woman who regards her apprentice as salvation.

Before dying, look somewhere outside the city.

She knew that her little white game was in that direction.


He Yiyi seemed to have thought of something, and his mind boomed.

She rose from the ground and swept out of the city like crazy!

The girl in the black dress was not even willing to wait for the disciple to open the big array, and regardless of the reaction, she split a gap in the large array, spitting blood in her mouth and stumbling to the Phoenix Sea.

But the coast of the Phoenix Sea is empty....

She walked alone on the shore like a lost soul, letting the sea soak her shoes and socks without realizing it.

They wept or begged, but they didn't respond.

"Little junior brother, even if Yi Yi searches the mountains and inspects the sea, exhausting nine days and ten lands, he will definitely find you!"

"Bai Yi! You can't run..." The

aura wrapped in the girl's sorrowful cry spread throughout the four fields.

Somewhere on the clouds, someone took one last look at her and quietly left.

Only a murmur was left to disperse in the howling wind.

"Senior sister, you shouldn't lie to me."

At the moment,

she is eightfold heaven.

He is nine heavens.

For the next three hundred years, the world searched for white....

End of book.

ps: The text ends here, there is a fan later, the testimonials will also be placed there, thank you for accompanying you all the way, scattering flowers and scattering flowers~

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