Three hundred years of war and strife have come to an end.

The top sect formerly known as the Yanyue Holy Land was now under the jurisdiction of the Qiongyu Demon Sect.

On the once Yanyue Peak, a city on the clouds built with magnificent white jade taken from the coast of the East China Sea is thousands of miles high.

Among the more than 100 cities in the world, its name is the most special: First Encounter.

"Why is my sister in a daze again."

Tang Xinning hurriedly stepped into the palace in the center of the first encounter city, and at a glance saw the woman sitting alone on the throne with one hand supporting her chin.

She just sat there quietly, and an unspeakable heavy sadness swept in like a tidal wave.

Because he came too hastily, Tang Xinning didn't even change a bright yellow golden dragon robe.

She took a deep breath, dragged the luxurious skirt and trotted forward, while holding

back her words and said with joy: "There is his whereabouts!"

The woman's eyes on the throne gradually showed a hint of agility.

The next moment.

She stood up and took a step.

Instantly appeared in front of Tang Xinning.

The woman was only dressed in a plain black long dress, and there was no ornament except for a white jade hairpin between the soft blue silk held high.

But it was still beautiful that made Tang Xinning's heart tremble.

“...... Where is it? The woman squeezed Tang Xinning's arm and asked in a trembling voice.

Without waiting for the other person to answer, she asked again:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, sure!" Tang Xinning nodded heavily and explained: "The news comes from a woodcutter outside Nian Bai City in the western part of Huangyu, who when he went into the mountain to cut firewood, he bumped into a white-haired old man slowly peeling off his face on the edge of the silent cliff, revealing a handsome face, between the cliffside streams, the treetops on the stone, in turn, there were twenty-eight heroic spirits standing or leaning, and the stars arched the moon.

"The woodcutter, who mistakenly thought that he was a ghost in the day, fled down the mountain in panic and informed the local government of the matter, and was suppressed by the Nianbaicheng Luowang branch and secretly uploaded it to Kyoto, and I personally went and questioned many local people, dozens of whom said that they had encountered this scene in the past three years."

Speaking of this, Tang Xinning paused and continued: "Sister knows, since the beginning of the search for whiteness in the world, all great cultivators must make records in the nearest official mansion, especially the ghost cultivators, without exception, but this person seems to appear out of thin air, without the slightest record!" After

the woman listened quietly, the palm holding Tang Xinning's arm slipped down her sleeve, and she fell to the ground, bursting into tears all of a sudden.

There was an occasional whimpering sound in the temple, tiny pieces.

For a long time.

The woman gently wiped the reddened corners of her eyes and swept out of the hall to the sky above the hall.

The wind is raging, and the skirt is fluttering.

The irrepressible qi machine swept overwhelmed the sky, and it was actually the entire First Encounter City that fell more than 100 meters into the air!

"Chen Dong, little pimple, immediately go to Huangyu Nian Bai City, mobilize troops nearby, block the surrounding thousands of miles, as long as you are not dead, not even a single bug will be allowed to leave there for me!"

The aura was wrapped in a cold female voice and spread throughout the four heavens and earth.


When he first met the peak below the city, two figures, a man and a woman, instantly swept out, bent down far away, and disappeared.

"Third Senior Uncle, I'm afraid that Chen Dong and they can't control the situation, you take Luo Net to go."


Yu Xian climbed up from a hillside with grass roots, patted the butt of the maid next to him, rose from the ground, and turned into a rainbow north.

At the same time, Sui Yi, the former sect master of Qiong Yu with an aging face, appeared next to the woman's voice and asked with concern: "I will also go with you." He

Yiyi, who had been searching for one person for three hundred years, and who had also sat alone on the throne for three hundred years, laughed with tears in his eyes.

She nodded at her master, looked at Tang Xinning who chased out of the temple, and her eyebrows curved, "Xinning, can you help me last with my makeup once?" "

She won't let the little junior brother see her ugly appearance.


Thirty miles west of Nianbaicheng, a group of bandits who occupied the mountains as kings built a village based on the mountain, and the name of the village was very dirty, called Heifeng Village.

At noon, on the hillside outside the Black Wind Village.

The white-haired old man was surrounded by a group of swarthy children, sitting under a large tree blowing the breeze of a mountain stream.

"Sir, have you ever been to town?" The children asked, holding their chins.

"Been there, what's wrong?"

The old man is a teacher in the village, who was abducted from outside the mountain by the owner of the village three years ago, and in addition to teaching, he would take the children to the hillside to tell some interesting stories while blowing a cool breeze.

"Then why do you say that the largest hundred cities under the sky have to carry a white character?"

The children heard this strange story from the small talk of their parents and uncles, but they could not get the answer from the bitter men who did not even understand robbery, so they came to ask the well-informed city gentleman.

"This..." The

rare old man who usually knew everything fell silent when he heard this.

He picked up a small pebble, gently threw it into the distance, and sat down against the tree so infiguratively.

In the clear eyes, the clear blue sky was cloudy, and finally converged into a delicate girl's cheek.

Just when the children were about to lose patience and get up to flutter the butterflies, the old man finally spoke.

"Sir thinks it's a girl looking for a guy who escaped far, far away."

"Stubborn and temperamental, she has been searching tirelessly for many years, but she has found nothing, so she ordered to change the name of the city under the world, Sibai, Nian Bai, Wangbai, and Lianbai,...... She probably wanted to tell the guy that way..."

"I miss you so much."

"Old Yitou, fooling the cubs here again!"

The scruffy village lord with a beard came up the hillside, sat down next to the old man, rolled his eyes and scolded with a smile:

"How can this kind of thing involving the general trend of the world be related to love and love, what do you know as a poor scholar!" Lao Tzu look, you have the idea of moving under the crotch, and you want to find a daughter-in-law to warm the bed. The

old man smiled and did not speak.

"Hey, to be honest, old Yitou, you haven't thought of finding a daughter-in-law to be a companion for so many years? Sleeping on the cold bed board every day, I am not afraid of breaking my hands. The village owner asked curiously.

"you." The old man laughed and kicked the village owner, got up and patted his butt and walked down the mountain.

Before he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped and stood still.

"I said it!" The village owner laughed, squeezed his eyebrows and said: "Lao Tzu has a second uncle, he died when he went down the mountain to work a few years ago, leaving an aunt alone, Lao Tzu can't bear to look at it, or I will match you?" Saying

that, he got up and put his arm around the old man and elaborated.

Then he flew out where he was.

"Do you kid know what you're talking about?" Chen Dong kicked out a kick, followed in an instant, and grabbed the neck of the village owner, his eyes were hazy.

At the same time, five hundred red-robed monks who had been urgently dispatched showed their figures.

Under the Black Wind Village, 10,000 Huangyu border pass iron riders were all heavily armoured, holding spears, and began to climb the mountain, and the horse's hooves exploded like spring thunder!

The Black Wind Village is thousands of miles away, and the official mansions are under curfew!

Whether it is ordinary people, powerful squires, or spiritual sects.

But there is a slight change, the chicken dog does not stay!

It was no longer the little pimple of the black boy back then, raised his hand and threw out several small quenching flying swords, put them against the children's necks, and winked at the old man:

"Big brother immortal, long time no see."

"Kill them, and you two won't have to go." The old man slowly removed the skin covering his face, revealing a handsome face.

It's the white game.

"Little junior brother is so domineering."

The red-clothed netizens gave way to a path, and He Yiyi walked out of it, with exquisite makeup and unparalleled beauty.

Although the tone was cold, the joy in his eyes could not be hidden.

Bai Yi stopped talking and looked at her instigatedly.

Without warning.

He Yidang took a step first and instantly came to Bai Yi.

The petite white fist suddenly swung out, and with only one punch, it smashed straight out, knocking out a hundred-meter-deep pit on the ground at an extreme distance!

The lord of the Black Wind Village was instantly stunned, what kind of monster is this mother!

Old Yitou won't be beaten into....

But that's not the end of it.

He Yiyi's face was cold, his aura was born, and he followed in an instant, and he was an old fist against Bai Yi lying in the big pit.

The rumble is endless.

"You run!"

"Why didn't you die outside!"

"Yiyi has been looking for you for three hundred years! Three hundred years! I'll kill you!

"Trick Yi Yi and walk away, killing you bad man!"

"Bad white game!"

"Stinky little junior brother!"


Woo-woo..." As he spoke, this domineering woman above the cultivators of the world, a terrifying peak cultivator of the half-step Supreme Emperor cultivation, became less and less powerful.

In the end, she lay in his arms like that, tears like beads of broken threads, flowing unstoppably...

Chen Dong gave Xiao Dong a look, picked up the village owner, and led everyone out of the hillside.

Listen any further, to die.

Until sunset West Mountain.

He Yi dragged Bai Yi's ears down the hill.

"As long as you dare to run, these people in the Black Wind Village will all pick up their skins and cramps, draw their souls to make soul lamps, and they will never be able to live beyond life!" Don't believe you try!

He Yiyi wrinkled his nose childishly and said fiercely and vigilantly.

"It hurts..." Bai

Yi covered his ears and bent over, his palms on both sides of his waist and pressed continuously.

The mouth muttered unconvinced:

"Mad woman, I will not give in!"

"What are you rushing at me!"

"Even if you beat me to death, I won't bow down to you sick petite!"

Bai Yi said cruel words on his lips.

The body followed He Yiyi very honestly....

Hearing this, He Yi glanced over coldly and began to turn around and walk towards the hillside.

Bai Yi panicked, and jerked his waist, "What are you going to do!"

"Girls should be reserved, hey, hey! Don't, it's been an afternoon, I really can't bear it..."

He Yi was indifferent, rearranged the formation to block the hillside...

Moon stars are rare.

He Yiyi dragged his face white again, and his footsteps were vainly white and he went down the mountain.

"We, go home..." The

girl who was no longer a girl, the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

It turned into a white rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

Everyone behind him also followed in a rainbow.

If a meteor shower slides down the sky, all good things will eventually meet...

In the blind area that He Yiyi could not see, Bai Yi grinned gently.

He didn't go back voluntarily by pajamas, but now his cultivation is only at the peak of the Mixed Yuan Realm, and he can't beat the half-step Supreme Emperor who is still fierce.

As for all the twenty-eight stars that the Mixed Yuan Realm Peak Fusion had already summoned, it was possible to raise the combat power to the Supreme Emperor Realm.

Well, he forgot.

Three hundred years, enough to make people forget a lot of things....



Well, this book ends here, scattering flowers and scattering flowers ♡~

Thanks include:

uh-huh, Sui Yi @~@, , Miki, , Country Cook, Empty Shadow, A Little Shadow, Xuanjian who likes rabbit grass, Cucumber Jun is not for sale, Xuanzi, Yue Xie, Happy Hemudu, Ahawu, Xiao Ti, who loves mushrooms, "Li An", ht.n, Hawu Tianwang, Xun Qian. , Yan Xiao Carp's assistant, Xiong Shao who likes hot water, Ideal と Xianggong, Yan Xiao Carp, An Old Cha, Lao Cha next door, BaBa who is a thousand worries, Sha Yun who loves to eat mung bean licorice tea, I am a breeze and proud bone, (⊙o⊙) what a thing, Late Winter Eleventh Night, Chaos Lawyer, Inspirational to become a single push person in the palace... Wait for all the readers, including the big guy, to accompany you all the way, love you ♡ ~

See you in our new book, hug tight~

On the afternoon of March 20, it was cloudy and windy.

- Yan Xiao Carp

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