Bai Yi has been practicing at home these days.

With the help of Shao Xiong's more than one hundred and eighty spirit stones, he was making rapid progress.

Now it has been completely stabilized, and the innate realm is complete.

"Little Junior Brother, guess who I am?"

A familiar girl's voice came from outside the courtyard door.

"Senior sister?!"

Bai Yi changed his clothes and opened the courtyard door.

Sure enough, He Yiyi, who was wearing a long black dress and revealing his smooth ankles, was standing outside the door beautifully.

I saw the courtyard door open.

Her face was filled with a happy smile that the old man beside her had never seen before.

Without hesitation, he opened his arms, jumped up and pounced.

That impatient look was as if he was afraid that the teenager in front of him would slip away in the next second.

"He Yiyi! How old are you!

Bai Yi complained, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Pull the octopus-like Ho Yiyi off his body.

Itachi reprimanded her: "Didn't you say that I wouldn't let you come back?" Shi Niang was assassinated a few days ago, and she is still in retreat to recuperate, what are you doing when you come back. Hearing

Bai Yi's words, the old man on the side subconsciously looked at He Yiyi.

This kid is not ordinary fat.

But unexpectedly, the bloody scene he expected did not happen.


He Yiyi not only did not turn his face, but also stood on his toes together, obediently standing in place and letting him teach him a lesson!

"Oh, little junior brother, don't be angry, Yiyi has been on the road for several days, so hungry."

He Yiyi lowered his head, touched his little belly, and blinked pitifully with big eyes.

"Let the old man smile, my senior sister and I have been getting along like this since childhood, quickly enter the house, I just cooked us a few dishes."

Bai Yi noticed the old man on the side, and took care of He Yiyi's face, so he had to give up.

The old man smiled politely and led the two into the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the house, He Yiyi familiarly found a rattan chair.

Moved to the dining table, crossed a pair of long legs and sat comfortably.

Then he looked at Bai Yi with his eyes open: "Little junior brother, when is the meal?" "

A set of actions flows naturally.

"I'll talk later, the old man forgives, there are not many guests at home, there is no tea, only hot water."

Bai Yi glared at her angrily, brought a cup of hot water, and placed it in front of the old man.

The old man nodded and did not speak.

He didn't think Bai Yi had anything worth looking up to.

On the contrary, I was very puzzled.

How could such a teenager who was worthless except for his looks make Yiyi so special?

"Old man, you sit first, I'll go cook, it's just time for lunch."

Bai Yi sensed the old man's attitude and didn't say much.

He turned around and went into the kitchen.

"I want two poached eggs." He Yiyi touched his stomach and shouted.

Until Bai Yi's figure fully entered the kitchen.

He Yiyi then looked at the old man.

Her little white face with a slightly cute blush still maintained a smile.

The words spoken by the voice made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Third Senior Uncle, do you think Yiyi dares to kill everyone in your vein?"

"Well, Uncle Junior should be able to understand what everyone means, right? It is including the illegitimate son who was fostered in the Youquan Dynasty, and the concubines who were raised in Deadwood Peak, by the way..."

Listen to her murderous tone.

Thick beads of sweat floated on Third Senior Uncle Yu's forehead.

"Why didn't Third Senior Uncle speak? Do you think Yiyi can't do it, or will Master protect you?

He Yiyi asked with a sweet smile, and his little white hand slowly touched the narrow knife on his waist.

"No, it's not."

Yu Xian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and did not dare to look directly at the girl at this moment.

"Then, the third senior uncle must be obedient."

He Yiyi withdrew the hand holding the narrow knife.

No more glances.

Pick up the hot water that Bai Yi poured for Yu Xian and hold it in the palm of your hand with two small hands.

Leaned close to his little head and took a sip.

The big eyes suddenly narrowed in happiness, and Meizhi said:

"Well, the water poured by the little junior brother is sweet."

After working for a long time, Bai Yi returned to the main house with three bowls of noodles.

"Hard work brother, oh, this side is so fragrant."

However, in just a quarter of an hour, Yu Xian's attitude came to a 180-degree turn.

See Bai Yi coming out of the kitchen.

Yu Xian immediately stood up and helped serve the noodles with a bright smile.

After putting the noodles away, he also wiped all the benches that Bai Yi was going to sit on with his sleeves....

"Come brother, sit."

“...... The old man doesn't need to be so polite, just be his own home. Bai Yi said.

For a moment, he felt that he had come as a guest.

Yu Xian's wrinkled face smiled like a chrysanthemum, and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, what Brother Bai said."

"I haven't asked yet, who are the old man and senior sister?" Bai Yi asked.

"Brother Bai don't need to be polite, I'm Yiyi's third senior uncle, you can just call me Brother Yu." Yu Xian said with a cheeky smile.

"Yes, little junior brother is welcome." He Yiyi ate the poached egg contentedly and nodded vaguely.

Bai Yi: "..."

After eating.

Bai Yi planned to take Senior Sister and this strange Third Senior Uncle out for a spin.

While cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, there was another knock on the door outside the courtyard.

At the same time, there was also a whispering girl's voice.

"Brother Bai Yi, are you at home?"

In the kitchen, He Yi, who helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks, froze.

A strong killing intent slipped under his eyes.

She stared at Bai Yi's expression and smiled sweetly:

"Little junior brother, there are girls calling your brother alas..."


(Update time, eight o'clock every night, special circumstances will be specially notified to everyone, than heart ~)

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