After finishing the summons, Bai Yi came to the Moon Hall.

The last time we ate together, Liu Ziru specially made him a dish to 'help cultivation'.

Sure enough, within a few days, he broke through the congenital realm consummation.

"Shi Niang is a good person, although it has been a little strange lately."

Bai Yi muttered, raised his gaze, and the Moon Hall was in front.

He stepped forward, but was stopped by Shao Xiong, who was on duty here, when he entered the door.

"Vice Sect Master Liu was assassinated, the Moon Hall was completely blocked, and any idle people were not allowed to enter."

Shao Xiong found Bai Yi from afar, and when he came to the door of the Moon Hall, he glanced sideways and said lightly.

Shao Xiong has always been very jealous of Bai Yi, he has the face of an immortal recognized by the whole holy land, and he has a sect master as a master, and his every move will provoke his senior sister and sister secretly.

And himself, not good-looking, the master also beats and scolds at every turn, at most, that is, coercion and lure a few maids.

When they are embarrassed, they always call out Bai Yi's name!

This contrast made him very annoying, hateful madness, and he couldn't wait to immediately kill Bai Yi and replace his life with himself....

"As a disciple of Master, it's normal for me to visit an injured Master, right?" Bai Yi didn't care about Shao Xiong's lofty posture.

"What I admire the most is Bai Yi's fake face, but everyone still eats this set."

Shao Xiong looked at him with a sneer, and said in a tone full of mockery:

"Hehe, when a bitch still has to set up a torii, how?" The head is injured, and the adulterer is in a hurry? Be generous, dare to do disgusting things, how can you hide and hide. Hearing

this, Bai Yi frowned slightly.

This dog thing has been targeting itself for a long time.

The spiritual energy surged, gathered in the palm of the right hand, and threw it out without hesitation.


Shao Xiong's eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, did not dodge or dodge, and slapped him hard.

Staggered back several steps.

He covered his face and smiled at the disciples on duty around him and said

, "Everyone has seen it, this person attacked the duty post and forcibly broke into the Moon Hall that has been blocked, I suspect that he is an accomplice of the assassins."

Hearing Shao Xiong's words, the disciples standing around were obviously stunned.

"Why are you still stunned! Are you also an Assassin accomplice?

Shao Xiong didn't give them a chance to hesitate, and sharply raised his voice and scolded.

The disciples had to bite the bullet and slowly walk towards Bai Yi.

Although the identity of the disciple of the Baiyi Sect Master is difficult to handle.

But the matter of the assassins has been shattered, and now I don't know how many people have been implicated in the sect and are struggling to survive in prison.

This big hat is buttoned down.

They don't want to do it, they have to do it.

I can only hold the weapon while apologizing in my heart: Bai Yi, if you want to blame, blame yourself for being reckless.

"I always thought you were waste, you see, it's really good."

"As a personal disciple, it's just a congenital realm until now, and I can't even control my emotions, hehe."

Shao Xiong rubbed his face and patted the folds on his clothes, with a playful smile on his face.

He had long calculated that Bai Yi would come, so he designed this one.

The big hat of the assassin's fellow party was buttoned, even if it was a disciple of the sect master.

And as long as Bai Yi goes to prison, whether to pinch or round next, then it's all up to you.

Handsome and beautiful, like an immortal? Hehe, Lao Tzu wants to brand this stinky face with his own hands countless scars!

"Press it down."

Without waiting for Bai Yi to reply, Shao Xiong waved his hand to signal the disciples to move.

Look at Shao Xiongzhizhu's gesture in hand.

Bai Yi silently spread out his palm, and a dark stone lay quietly inside.

"Do you know? Do you guess if the words that just insulted Vice Sect Master Liu and me, the Sect Master's closed disciples, were recorded? Bai

Yi's voice was calm and did not have the slightest wave.

"Shadow stone." Shao Xiong's face suddenly turned livid.

Lingering stone is a special spirit stone vein that can record an image and sound.

Shao Xiong did not use this thing to secretly record the privacy of the maids and use it to coerce them into submission.

"Well, if you know each other."

Bai Yi grinned, revealing neat big white teeth.

Turning his head to look at the group of disciples around him, he raised his voice:

"Why did I slap Shao Xiong just now, because he insulted our Vice Sect Master Liu, that is, my senior wife, and said that she was..."

Shao Xiong suddenly spoke up and interrupted Bai Yi's words.

"What's wrong? Afraid I'm making it up?

Bai Yi smiled and shook the photo stone in his hand:

"It's okay, you don't have to be afraid, I'll release it for everyone to listen to and see if it's your voice."

“...... You go inside. Shao Xiong's face was livid and said with difficulty.

"I don't want to go in, what to do, everyone is very curious, I'd better release it first to prove my innocence."

A burst of spiritual energy fluctuations surged from Bai Yi's palm, and a shimmer gradually flashed on the dark shadow stone.

"Big Brother Bai! I was wrong. Shao Xiong cried with a sad face, his expression as if he had eaten.

If Bai Yi was released in front of many disciples, he would be finished.

Deliberate provocation, insult to the deputy suzerain ....

Who would have thought that this kid was so yin that he actually carried a photo stone with him! Otherwise, everything is under your control....

"What? A hundred spirit stones? They are all brothers of the same disciple, which is not good, right?

Bai Yi seemed surprised and said something inexplicable.

Hearing this, Shao Xiong was stunned at first, then gritted his teeth and took out a large bag of spirit stones from the storage ring.

I was about to count a hundred, but I heard Bai Yi speak again: "Huh? All for me? Junior Brother Shao, you are also too enthusiastic.

Shao Xiong looked up stunned, reacted, and said with a smile: "Where, I just misunderstood Senior Brother Bai and frightened you, this is as it should be." Saying

that, the corner of his mouth twitched and passed the bag.

"Hey, Junior Brother Shao, you are just polite."

Bai Yi smiled falsely, but the action of receiving the spirit stone bag did not pause at all.

"It's okay, Senior Brother Bai is happy." Shao Xiong's teeth were almost crushed, but he still laughed carefully.

"I'm still not an accomplice of the Assassins?" Bai Yi asked with a smile.

Shao Xiong waved his hand again and again: "Misunderstanding, it's Junior Brother, I misunderstood!" "

Well, well."

Bai Yi patted him on the shoulder and put away the blank Lingering Stone along with a large bag of spirit stones.

"Senior Brother Bai, this shadow stone..." asked Shao Xiong hesitantly.

"Senior Brother Bai will keep it for you first."

Bai Yi didn't seem to understand the meaning of Shao Xiong's words, and said with a righteous face.

Saying that, Shao Xiong, who had a constipated expression, walked into the gate of the Moon Hall.

Although it is a blank photo stone, is there a problem blackmailing Shao Xiong again?

No problem.

Pingbai got hundreds of spirit stones, and Bai Yi's mood was very good.

Junior Brother Shao is a good person.

It's just that the brain is not very good.

Humming a song, happily came to the apse.

The maid standing at the entrance of the corridor said to Bai Yi,

"Did Bai Gongzi come to find the deputy sect master?" She is in retreat. "

I almost forgot, Shi Niang was seriously injured.

You must be recuperated.

Bai Yi patted his head, turned and walked towards the outside of the hall.

When passing next to Shao Xiong, Bai Yi also showed Shao Xiong a sincere smile: "Junior Brother Shao, you are a good person.

Shao Xiong: "..."

Seven days later.

A huge black dragon slowly descended from the sky above the Yanyue Holy Land.

A certain young girl with a knife refused the invitation of the receptionist.

Only an old man who seemed to have no breath fluctuations was brought with him, and he couldn't wait to find Xiao Zhu.

After being apprehensive for a long time, he finally reached out and gently knocked on the courtyard door.

"Little Junior Brother, guess who I am?"



(There is a little delay in signing today, the second chapter will be a little late, in addition, scattering and rolling flowers and generating electricity for love, hugging everyone.) )

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