"Huh? Are you sure? Shi Niang was assassinated? "

Hear Bai Yi's words.

An extremely obvious shock appeared on He Yiyi's face.

A small hand covered its slightly open little mouth as if in disbelief.

The surprise in his tone seemed to be transmitted outside the courtyard through the jade card.

"I know you're surprised, but you don't have to be so loud."

Bai Yi covered the transmission jade card and looked out the outer window.

Senior Sister is now being rewarded by the cheap Master.

If you are heard, report it.

Bai Yi believed that his Sect Master would definitely clean him up in accordance with the principle of 'fairness and justice'.

"Oh, Yiyi is so surprised, how can there be such a bad guy who actually assassinated Shi Niang." He Yiyi nodded blandly, his eyes still with a lingering shock.

"Who knows, it may be the handiwork of a hostile sect."

Bai Yi shook his head, he was also wondering who had done it.

There was no doubt about He Yiyi's reaction.

He was also surprised when he first learned that Liu Ziru had been assassinated and seriously injured.

"Little Junior Brother is right."

He Yi shook his little head up and down with care.

With a small face, he gave Bai Yi a serious analysis:

"I heard that the Great Sect of the Holy Land will hold a thousand-year competition, and then the Yanyue Holy Land will be the venue this time, Yiyi thinks it must be the Xuantian Sect, the hands of those guys who love to make bad guys move behind their backs in the Rakshasa Gate!"

"Makes sense."

Bai Yi's eyes lit up and he slapped his thigh sharply.

After this analysis by Senior Sister, he also felt that these two sects were very suspicious.

Xuan Tianzong is also one of the top ten super sects in the world, and it is friendly with the second-level force Rakshasa Gate.

I usually like to do things that harm others and hurt myself.

So much so that all sects have a consensus - if you can't find anyone behind the evil, it must be Xuan Tianzong's troublemaker!

"Junior Brother is very concerned about this matter, do you want to find out who is behind the scenes to take revenge on them?"

He Yiyi stuck out his tongue a little weakly, and asked with a humble expression.

"I'll take a look at the liveliness, retaliation yarn, the strength of the innate realm cannon fodder is not enough for those great sects to hit with one finger."

Bai Yi shook his head without hesitation.

It's not that his head is out of place.

Shi Niang is the wife of the cheap master, but not his own wife.

The masters of the people are all beautiful and retreating, and they are rushing to make some fun.

Whose wife is responsible.

I don't have a wife, so I don't have to be responsible for anyone.


Bai Yi's plan for his future route is very simple, one word - Gou.

With the help of the system, you are invincible in the world.

Until one hand, no, a little steadier.

One finger can press Xuan Tianzong's kind of super sect when it hits, and then go out to wave.

"Hehe, I thought the little junior brother would be angry for the sake of the senior lady."

He Yiyi glanced at Bai Yi's expression and said tentatively.

"Chong Guan is angry that is for the red face, the master is the red face of the master, there is the master."

"That... What kind of red face will the little junior brother be angry for? He Yiyi asked casually.

Bai Yi thought about it and said truthfully: "Gentle and lovely, the soft and sticky little junior sister is good."

He Yiyi's big eyes narrowed all of a sudden.

The freshly replaced floor under my feet began to crack again.

At the same time, a dangerous aura gradually pervaded the air!

She looked at Bai Yi with big eyes and said expectantly: "Can't it be a cute little senior sister who is lively and cheerful and full of security?" "

Nope." Bai Yi's gaze was firm and unhesitating, he was a dedicated man.

Junior sister is so cute, soft and sticky will be coquettish.

It is impossible for him to change the ideal type in his heart in vain.

Unless he breaks his leg!


He Yiyi was a little disappointed.

The little junior brother likes his junior sister, and he doesn't want Yiyi.

After thinking about it, she was happy again.

Yiyi can also be a gentle and sweet, soft and sticky girl.

As for Junior Sister...

Well, let all the junior sisters who like the little junior brother disappear, so that he can only like Yiyi.

Thinking of this, He Yiyi viciously wrote down the two words junior sister on the death list in his heart.

And added a level of alert to the back!

Only then did he laugh beautifully: "Hehe.

"What are you laughing at?"

Bai Yi scratched his head and asked.

He didn't think at all that He Yiyi liked the possibility of himself.

Their emotional intelligence is so high, can a person not see whether he likes himself or not?

Girls like that someone is shy and shy.

What about Senior Sister?

She sent her profane pants to wash herself!

What does this say?

It shows that she has no idea about herself!

"No, Iichi didn't laugh at anything."

He Yi Yimei shook his little head.

Quietly clench your little fists to cheer yourself up.

From now on, Yiyi will be a cute and loving, soft and sticky girl.

Come on!

The two chatted a little more, and Bai Yi also wanted to go to the Moon Hall to see Liu Ziru, so he ended the summons.

Put away the message jade card, put it into the small cloth pocket and pat it carefully.

The humble expression on He Yiyi's face gradually disappeared.

The black and white good-looking eyes danced with a sickly forest glow.

She picked up another jade tablet and entered the aura in silence:

"Number zero one three."

"Next time I disguise myself as a person from Xuan Tianzong against Liu Ziru, in addition, focus on all the junior sisters around him and sort out a list..."

"Do it, I will arrive at Yanyue in ten days at most, when the time comes... I'll deal with it..."



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