"What do you do? Slow down! Seeing

that the people in front of her had walked away, Lin Yamei frowned and scolded.

"Sister forgive me, I am unwell today, and it is a little difficult to walk."

The maid lowered her head as if aggrieved and explained.

Yu Guang glanced at it and saw that several people were almost at the door of Liu Ziru's room, so she quickened her steps.

"What's wrong with you not feeling well, delaying the master's meal, carefully consider your life!"

Lin Yamei did not adhere to it, still holding up the shelf with a calm face to teach her a lesson.

The maid lowered her head aggrievedly, as if she did not dare to refute.

"Sister, have you seen Bai Yigongzi?"

Just when the two figures staggered, the maid was about to enter the corridor.

She suddenly opened her mouth and asked an inexplicable question.

Hearing Bai Yi's name, Lin Yamei remembered what happened that day and was in a trance.

Immediately after coming back to his senses, he opened his mouth to reprimand: "This is what you should inquire about..."

A subtle muffled sound sounded.

Lin Yamei looked down in amazement, and a glowing dagger was inserted into her lower abdomen.

The maid's body was filled with strong aura fluctuations, and her eyes were cold.

She covered Lin Yamei's mouth to prevent her from shouting before the poison attacked.

Expressionlessly, he said: "The young master said that she ticked off your name..."

At the same time.

The lead maid knocked on Liu Ziru's door.

"Deputy Sect Master Liu, Sister Lin saw that you have worked hard these days, so she let the kitchen stew soup and made some side dishes to send over."

Hearing this, Liu Ziru, who was busy dealing with affairs in the room, did not take it seriously.

Gently said: "Send it in, go out and remind Xiaomei, don't make your own claims in the future."

"Well, the slave remembered."

The lead maid agreed and gently pushed open the door.

Together with the three people behind him, he rushed in.

"Just leave it here, I'll eat it when I'm done." Liu Ziru pointed to the table next to her.

"Yes." The lead maid nodded, turned and made a look at the few people behind.

Intentionally or unintentionally, he moved closer to the direction where Liu Ziru was sitting.

Although Liu Ziru is very good at cooking herself, she usually doesn't bother to do it alone.

Therefore, it is usually delivered by the back kitchen.

"I'll go out later to remind Xiaomei, don't make your own claims next time, I think I will naturally say it after drinking."

Liu Ziru ordered, and continued to bury her head in her work.

When he lowered his head, his gaze inadvertently swept over the face of the leading maid, and he was slightly stunned.

How are there all the raw faces?

She frowned slightly and asked, "Are you new here?" What about the little cui who used to cook in the back kitchen?

"Yes, Deputy Sect Master, the slaves are new, this is my brand."

The lead maid pulled off a jade tablet from her waist, lowered her head and slowly walked towards Liu Ziru.

Seeing this, the other three maids in the room looked at each other, and a look of determination flashed on their faces.

At the same time, the leading maid also came to Liu Ziru with a jade card.

Liu Ziru did not reach out to take it, but continued to ask, "What about Xiaocui in the back kitchen?" Why didn't she send it? "


The jade card in the lead maid's hand dropped, and a long sword appeared instead.

The aura surged and stabbed towards Liu Ziru without hesitation.

At the same time, the other three maids also took out the daggers from the tray in their hands.

Roll up the wind and blow blatantly!

Liu Ziru reacted extremely quickly.

The moment he realized that something was wrong, he immediately ran the exercises, his body was covered with body protection aura, and he quickly retreated.

At the same time, the wrist of the right hand flipped, and a cyan aura flung out.


The long sword pierced the protective body aura, making a sound of gold and iron.

The sword of the sneak attack was easily blocked by Liu Ziru.

Aura came to the leading maid in the blink of an eye.

Her face froze, her steps moved in a small area, and she dodged sideways.

Again deceived themselves.

"Slashing Realm?" Just a few breaths of time, Liu Ziru had already roughly estimated the cultivation of the leading maid.

Suppress the doubts in your heart.

She took out the sword Aoki from the storage space, and the exercises in her body were running endlessly.

First, a sword seriously injured one of those who was holding a quenched dagger and wanted to sneak up on him from behind.

Then he instantly appeared behind the leading maid.

After hesitating, she adjusted the trajectory of the Aoki sword that was stabbing towards the neck of the lead maid slightly, and turned to the back and cut out.

"I want to catch a live mouth."

The lead maid smiled mockingly, and did not dodge.

I took this sword alive.

The muscles behind the control gripped the blade.

Immediately afterwards, surging aura fluctuations gushed out from her.

Inside the dantian, the spirit sea surged.

Blatantly self-detonated!

Seeing this, the other three maids also did not hesitate to detonate the spirit sea and pounced on Liu Ziru.

"Aoki is stuck!"

Liu Ziru was taken aback.

There was no time to withdraw the Aoki sword, and immediately released his palm without hesitation.

Three crossed the Tribulation Realm and one Slashing Realm self-detonated.

Liu Ziru knew that if she was careless in the early stage of the Supreme Realm, she would most likely be replaced by them!

Mind turning.

Liu Ziru ran the exercises frantically, and the powerful aura of the Supreme Realm penetrated his body.

At the moment of the attack, he used the top defensive martial art 'Linggang Protective Body'.

The cyan aura gushed out, first protecting the dantian heart and several other key points, and then quickly spreading towards the limbs.

The dazzling light around her climbed to the peak, and dense blood-colored cracks began to appear on the face of the leading maid.

She didn't care, her eyes were fierce and determined!



That night, a piece of news caused a sensation in the entire Yanyue Holy Land.

The disciples who provoked a lot of discussion.

"Have you heard? Deputy Sect Master Liu was assassinated!

"I learned in the afternoon, a Dao Slashing Realm Great Cultivator took three Tribulation Realm cultivators, disguised as the kitchen maid behind the Moon Hall, and wanted to assassinate Deputy Sect Master Liu, and after she found out, these people blew themselves up together."

"How do you know so well?"

"An announcement has been posted on the bulletin board..."

"Haha, I didn't look at it, how is Vice Sect Master Liu's situation?" No injuries, right? "

How could it not be injured, the announcement said that it was a minor injury, but the small half-moon hall was blown up by the huge aura fluctuation, I guess it can't be a minor injury..."

Bai Yi is communicating with He Yiyi through the summons jade card.

"Senior sister, have you heard, Senior Sister was assassinated and seriously injured."

"Depend, I don't know which guy was so ruthless, he caused a few dead men to blow themselves up, and half of the temple was blown up..."


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