As for the reason why He Yi brazenly betrayed the Yanyue Holy Land without warning a year or two ago.

Bai Yi never asked her head-on.

But he had a speculation close to the truth in his heart, related to the transfer of power from the sect master...

The previous sect master of the Yanyue Holy Land was the father of Senior Sister.

"Senior sister, you want to come back?"

Hearing He Yiyi's words, Bai Yi immediately frowned.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister is not welcome?" He Yiyi touched his eyes and wanted to cry: "Little junior brother, you have changed, you have begun to hate senior sister..."

Bai Yi had a black face: "Drama essence, can you talk well!" "

Hehe, you found it." He Yiyi snickered embarrassedly.

"Why are you coming back, how dangerous it is, Gong Tianming said that you stole the supreme treasure of the Holy Land, and I don't know if you are offered a reward to catch you?"

Bai Yi was not in the mood to joke with her, and said with a serious face.

Mentioning Master Gong Tianming, Bai Yi called him by his first name without the slightest respect.

In fact, to him, the high-ranking master was very strange.

After so many years, the two have met privately only a handful of times.

Every time we meet, it is just a false greeting and encouragement, and then it is hurriedly dismissed.

Teach practice? Give resources?

Not even the slightest.

Perhaps in Gong Tianming's view, this is just a show to win people's hearts....

But for Bai Yi, without the support of his parents and without Master's teaching, he has stumbled and crawled on the road of cultivation for so many years.

If there is no grace of teaching, how can we speak of respect?

"Is the little junior brother worried about Yiyi?" He Yiyi bypassed the topic and asked with big watery eyes.

"Don't think about changing the subject!" Bai Yi said angrily.

"Oh, the little junior brother is angry." He Yi pouted and lowered his little head aggrievedly.

Bai Yi couldn't help her, and said helplessly: "You stay outside, it's really dangerous to come back."

"Oh, is there a lack of aura? Why can't you hear the little junior brother clearly, hey? Feed? Damn it! It seems that only the next time can be summoned. He

Yi snapped and ended the summons.

Bai Yi: "......"............

Time passed like a white horse, and three days passed in a flash.

These days, although Kanamata Bridge is busy because of the thousand-year-old competition, he still has not forgotten to investigate the trickiness between Liu Ziru and Bai Yi.

"Master, the disciple has investigated an important news!"

Shao Xiong, the big disciple with a thief's eyebrows, rushed in from outside the door with a face full of excitement.

"What kind of system is noisy, I don't know at all to learn from Master and me, every time there is a calm qi in major events, do you know the quiet qi?"

Kanamata Bridge was busy sorting out the guest list and hospitality specifications, and when he heard this, he frowned and scolded lightly.

"Get out, knock again."


Shao Xiong did not dare to argue, and obediently walked out of the room.

He knocked on the door again and got Kanamata Hashi's permission before walking in.

"Now let's talk, what did you find?"

Kanamata Bridge's tone was not very serious.

He held the authority of an elder and did not find any suitable breakthrough.

What important news can his own unproductive apprentice find.

"I found out that Vice Sect Master Liu purchased a batch of Dragon Whips some time ago."

Having just been reprimanded by the master, Shao Xiong was a little afraid, and shrugged his head and whispered.

"This is what you call important news? Useless stuff, get out. "

Seeing his appearance, Kanamata Bridge was angry.

Before he even finished speaking, he cursed with a black face.

"It doesn't matter,"

Shao Xiong muttered softly, and walked towards the door dejectedly.

"Something that didn't come out, why did I have a bad eye in the first place, and I chose such a thing as you to be a pioneer disciple."

Didn't you just buy some dragon whips!

It's not normal for people to buy some dragon whips....

Wait a minute!

"Aphrodisiac Relic Dragon Whip?!"

Kanamata shouted.

Dropping the pen, the aura surged around him, and he chased out the door in an instant.

It was found that apprentice Shao Xiong had not gone far.

He turned into two steps in three steps, and went up to be a big pocket.

Jumping foot and scolding: "You are a worthless thing!" Why wasn't such important news said earlier? "

“?? Master, what you just said yourself is not important news! Shao Xiong was extremely aggrieved.

Kanamata Bridge's face froze.

"Snap!" Another big squeeze.

"Pout! Dare to pout with the master, don't you!

Shao Xiong: "I..." "

Tell me how this news came about, is it reliable?" When was it bought? Before or after the suzerainty retreat? Say it quickly, you are a worthless thing, I am dying.

Kanamata Bridge's expression was excited, and he kept urging like a cannon.

"Didn't you say that you should have calm breath every time something big..."

muttered Shao Xiong full of resentment.

Kanamata Bridge is not still in charge.

As soon as his face darkened, he took out a cold and brilliant long sword and snapped it on Shao Xiong's neck.

Broke his mouth and cursed: "I will slaughter you a traitor!"

"I got involved with Xiaocui, the maid of the back kitchen of the Moon Hall, in the past two days, this is what she told me, absolutely reliable!"

Shao Xiong felt the cold touch coming from his neck, and hurriedly said.

"The time was after the Sect Master's retreat, and I did it once in the first two days, yes, Bai Yi was also there that day..."

Bai Yi..."

Kanamata Bridge turned and glanced in the direction of the Moon Hall.

A flash of cruelty and intense excitement flashed in his narrow eyes.

Moon Temple.

"Who told you to bring the food! Has the master called you, is there still some rule in your eyes! Liu

Ziru's personal maid, Lin Yamei, was reprimanding several maids with wooden dinner plates.

Since the seduction of Bai Yi that day, her status beside Liu Ziru has gradually risen.

Now she looks like the head of the maid of the Moon Palace.

"Sister Lin, our back kitchen watched the deputy sect master rush these days and couldn't even care about eating, so he made his own claims..."

The maid leading the back kitchen laughed with it, took out a bag of spirit stones and stuffed it into Lin Yamei's hand.

Lin Yamei weighed the weight, her face eased a lot, but she still held the shelf and reprimanded:

"It's not me who said you, doing your job well is the most important thing, don't always think about jumping on the branch and becoming a phoenix one day, just this once, not the next example!"

"Yes, yes, not in the future."

"Let's go inside." Lin Yamei especially enjoyed this lofty posture and waved her hand lightly.

"Thank you, Sister Lin."

The lead maid winked at the four people behind her, and walked towards Liu Ziru's room with a wooden plate.

The maid standing at the back consciously or unintentionally slowed down and distanced herself from several other people.

From the dark compartment at the bottom of the tray, a dagger with poison was quenched.

His eyes were fixed on Lin Yamei...

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