Until he saw He Yiyi pull out a narrow knife and walk towards him.

Lan Minghuang finally realized that something was wrong.

She looked at the girl with her back to the moonlight and her face blurred.

A chill rushed from the back to the top of the head.

"Yi, sister Yiyi, what's wrong with you?"

Lan Minghuang stammered as he mobilized his aura and was ready to move at any time.

She thought that she had a good mind, otherwise she would not be able to play with the countless Tianjiao in the sect.

But at this moment, standing next to the dead and silent Taiyou Lake, listening to the breeze gently sweeping the leaves rustling.

She actually seemed to be drowned in a pitch-black endless pool, as if she was pressed by a heavy pool and fell towards foreseeable death.

"Yiyi remembers that when you gave the little junior brother a gift, you scratched the palm of his hand with the index finger of your right hand."

He Yiyi's voice filled with icy killing intent came from the front.

Lan Minghuang was about to move, but was shocked to find that He Yiyi was no longer in front of him.

"How come, how can this fool have such a high level of cultivation..." muttered


Lan Minghuang suddenly felt a piercing pain coming from his right hand, and half of his arm lost his intuition.

Before she could look down, she was choked by a small green hand.

"Hmm... Hmm~""

Yiyi still remembers, your name is Little Junior Brother Bai."

He Yiyi still had a morbid smile on his face.

She pinched Lan Minghuang's throat with one hand, and held a narrow knife in the other hand to show Lan Minghuang: "It's

called Xiaoxue, it is a birthday gift from my father to Yiyi, and my father said that Xiaoxue will accompany Yiyi to kill all the enemies on the road."


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The narrow thin snow knife was inserted through Lan Minghuang's lower abdomen and penetrated through the body.

The morbid smile on He Yiyi's face grew, "All the guys who want to snatch the little junior brother are all enemies of Yiyi." The

words fell, and the small hand holding the narrow knife gently turned.

Yin Hong's blood flowed out, and Lan Minghuang's Spirit Sea was completely shattered.


Lan Minghuang felt the aura in his body dissipate madly, and let out a fierce ghost-like scream.

She didn't understand why her self, who was at the peak of the Yuanshen Realm, did not have the slightest ability to resist in front of He Yiyi, a fool.

I don't know where a gush of strength gushes.

Lan Minghuang broke free from He Yiyi's hand and stumbled towards the distance.

"I can't die, I'm the most talented saint girl in the Tianhui Sect, I still have to use Bai Yi's personal disciple status to establish the position of heir, I can't die!!"

The vision in front of him became more and more blurred, and the murmur full of resentment became weaker and weaker.

The spirit sea shattered, and Lan Minghuang, whose lower abdomen was grumbling and bubbling with blood, fell to the ground with a bang.

"What's next?"

Yu Xian walked out of the woods on the side and looked at He Yiyi and asked.


He Yiyi didn't speak, stepped forward and plunged a knife into Lan Minghuang's back.

Spiritual energy poured into her body along the blade, shattering all life.

It wasn't until Lan Minghuang died completely that He Yiyi pulled out the narrow knife.

Calmly wiped the blade and said to Yu Xian: "Hurt me."

Yu Xian was confused: "Huh?

After a little thought, he understood He Yiyi's intentions and hesitated: "There is no need for this, right?" Tianhui Sect dares to squeak, I just kill them all.

"I'm going to show it to the little junior brother." He Yiyi said lightly.

Hearing this, the corners of Yu Xian's mouth twitched.

I really don't understand your relationship.

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Xian instructed worriedly: "If Senior Brother knows, you have to clarify for me, you let me fight."

He Yiyi snorted.


Yu Xian let out a long breath and sealed his hands.

In an instant, majestic aura gushed out, and a blood-colored skeleton gathered in front of him.

He Yiyi, who was standing expressionlessly, hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and threw it at her.


Explosions rang out.

The lake shook and swelled, uprooting large trees within 100 meters of the surrounding area, and the earth churned.

A trace of blood oozed from the corner of the girl's mouth in a black dress, and she walked towards Lin Wai in silence.

When passing by Lan Minghuang's body.

He casually threw out a cloud of spiritual energy and exploded it into a blood mist in the sky.

She grinned, revealing neat white shell teeth, and gently beckoned goodbye:

"Sister Lan, goodbye."


"Groove, what's moving?"

On the other side of Taiyou Lake, Bai Yi sat on an ancient tree and suddenly opened his eyes.

"There seems to be a fight across the lake."

Taiyou Lake is tens of miles wide and endless.

Bai Yi's eyes widened, and he couldn't see why.

After thinking about it, the Aura collection is almost the same anyway.

Bai Yi jumped from the huge ancient tree and took another path to leave.

Before leaving, he pouted at the other side of the lake:

"Such a big movement, whoever goes to see the excitement is stupid."

Bai Yi always believes that Gou is the strategy that he should implement consistently and eternally.

I want to live in this dangerous otherworld.

High-profile are silly birds!

At least seven or eight or ninety hole cards, and then find three, four, five, six hundred ways to retreat.

In order to have the confidence to see the liveliness.

"Green grass, next to the pond, two toads lined up, the male toad put his arm around the female toad's waist, as if doing..." There

are many ways to leave Taiyou Lake, but there is only one way up the mountain.

Bai Yi hummed a song and circled in a large circle, and came to the vicinity of the residence of the various sect personnel who had come to Yanyue one after another.

Pass through the rows of small buildings, and follow the wide mountain road directly to the summit.

"Senior sister should also be arranged around here."

Bai Yi looked at the elegant Xiaozhu next to him and muttered.

"It's still early, go find Senior Sister first."

Walking along the fork in the road, Bai Yi was just about to find someone to inquire about Senior Sister's residence, when he heard a noise in front of him.

"Qiong Yu Demon Sect ignored the rules of Dabi and plotted to kill my Tianhui Sect Holy Daughter!"

"Put your mother's fart, didn't you see that our holy daughter was also injured? Lao Tzu hasn't asked you to settle the score, but you still came to bite us back!" "

Ming Phoenix was taken by your holy daughter, why is she back now."

"What do you mean by being an old bastard? It means that our holy daughter still has to give you the little miscellaneous hair of the Tianhui Sect to accompany the burial? How big a face are you? Believe it or not, Lao Tzu hammered out of your mouth! "

Why is this voice a little familiar?

Bai Yi stopped and looked not far away.

In the center of a group of people watching the excitement, two old men were scolding the street with white faces.

"Lying groove, isn't that the third senior uncle of senior sister? Is this a big night to compete with the old buddies?

Bai Yi recognized Yu Xian and walked towards the pile of people suspiciously.

"Brother Yu, what is this for? What about my senior sister? "

The center of the crowd.

Yu Xian and the elder of the Tianhui Sect scolded each other with red faces.

From time to time, he also rolled up his sleeves and put on a brutal posture of 'believe it or not, Lao Tzu hammered out for you'.

Hearing Bai Yi's voice, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the Lord of the Dark Dao came.



The moment Bai Yi's voice sounded, the door of the small building courtyard also opened.

He Yiyi turned pale and slowly walked out.

She wore a long black dress, and her small face became more and more inadequate.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, He Yiyi looked at Bai Yi through the crowd.

The eyes were red and red, tears swirled in the eyes, and he was extremely aggrieved:

"Little junior brother, Yiyi failed to save Sister Lan..."


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