In the noisy crowd, the black-dressed girl who was struggling to stand against the door frame had slightly red eyes.

Two small white hands twisted in front of him.

There was a hint of grievance and helplessness in his voice.

"It's okay senior sister, let's go back to the house first." Bai Yi walked straight into the crowd and came to He Yiyi.

"Little Junior Brother, woo!" He Yiyi let go of the door frame and snapped into Bai Yi's arms.

Small hands tightly wrapped around his waist.

"Yo, Senior Sister Yiyi, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, will also have a time to cry."

Bai Yi didn't know exactly what happened.

But according to the current situation, coaxing the senior sister first is the most important.

After thinking about it, with Senior Sister's current state, I am afraid that it is a little difficult to walk.

Bai Yi picked her up by the waist and walked towards the house.

"Oh!" He Yiyi froze, and raised his gaze to look at Bai Yi with red eyes.

Why did the little junior brother suddenly provoke so well...

It's overbearing.

"Who are you that kid and what are you going to do?! Our Tianhui Sect Holy Daughter hasn't made it clear what happened, she can't leave!" Seeing

this, the elder of the Tianhui Sect blushed and had a thick neck and wanted to step forward and grab Bai Yi.

He Yiyi was finally spoiled by the little junior brother, and he didn't have time to enjoy it for a few seconds.

How could he be allowed to spoil the scenery.

Immediately gave Yu Xian a look.

Yu Xian looked at Bai Yi, who was holding He Yiyi and walking towards the house, and reacted immediately.

Jumping up and facing the back of the neck of the Tianhui Sect elder, there were three big pockets in succession.

"Blind, blind you!"

"Something you can't see! What a serious injury have our holy daughters become! Let me make it clear to you, Lao Tzu really wants to take off his shoes and stuff them in your pig's head! The

Tianhui Sect elder was stunned.

He knew that his sect was not as strong as the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, so he deliberately made a big deal out of it, wanting to use the attention of the major sects present to put pressure on the people of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect.

But he never expected that this old boy Yu Xian would dare to ruthlessly force himself to fight three in front of so many people!

Turning his head to look, he was crowded with people from the major sects watching the excitement.

Elder Tianhui Sect touched the back of his neck, which was rapidly red and swollen, and gritted his teeth.

No matter how good Yu Xian is, it is impossible to kill himself in front of so many people.

Then what else to hesitate, tickle him!

Immediately howled and pounced, "I fought with you!" "

The two of them have a tacit understanding, neither of them use spiritual energy, and simply use physical strength to fight.

You punched me and kicked, and the scene was very hot for a while.

Inside the house, Bai Yi hugged He Yi and came to the bed, and subconsciously wanted to throw it on the bed.

Suddenly reacted, Senior Sister was still injured.

Hurriedly put away the strength and gently put her down.

Scratching his head, he said, "Senior sister, you should lose weight, at least you have to have." He

Yiyi: "..."Well

, the little junior brother is still the little junior brother..."

"Yiyi is not fat at all, okay?!"

"Then hold this Shen, at least more than two hundred catties!" Bai Yi was not convinced.

"That's fine snow! I still have fine snow on me!

He Yi said with a huff and pointed to the narrow knife at his waist.

Bai Yi looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, the senior sister's favorite narrow knife was hanging from her waist.

Only then did he suddenly realize: "No wonder it's dead, I remember that this knife has to have more than a hundred pounds, right?"

"It's one hundred and thirty-nine pounds!" He Yiyi was angry with him and added fiercely.

No girl can tolerate being liked by someone who says she's fat!

"It's all hurt like this, and you still hang fine snow on your waist, He Yiyi, are you stupid?"

Bai Yi picked up the fine snow and stood by the bed, reprimanding with a straight face.

"You're stupid! Little Junior Brother is the stupidest! "

I just said I was fat, and now I say I'm stupid.

He Yiyi felt that he was almost angry with the little junior brother.

After fighting for a while, Bai Yi finally asked what happened: "Senior sister, tell me what happened, are you attacked?" I

heard Bai Yi ask about this.

He Yiyi's expression fell, and his little face was clearly helpless and sad.

nodded: "Yiyi remembers that the moonlight on the side of Taiyou Lake is very beautiful at night, and when the little junior brother was young, Yiyi often took you to see it, so I thought of going there for a walk with Sister Lan." Speaking

of this, she raised her head, and her eyes began to turn red again:

"As a result, as a result, someone followed us, and after we were discovered, he immediately took action, Sister Lan wanted to go up to stop him and let Yiyi go and call someone to save us, but that person's cultivation was too powerful, and Sister Lan was smashed by his three punches."

Bai Yi's heart jumped when he listened, this is at least a Dao Slashing Realm Great Cultivator!

He Yi wiped a handful of tears, gently leaned his little head on Bai Yi's shoulder, and continued to tell with teary eyes:

"Then the man still had to chase Yiyi, Yiyi ran and ran, but still couldn't run past him, and was smashed by him."

Bai Yi pinched his sweat and hurriedly asked, "Later, Brother Yu found out that something was wrong and saved Senior Sister, right?"

He Yi was stunned for a moment, what happened later, he was not still making it up.

But after thinking about it, the little junior brother has not already made it up for himself!

So Baba nodded pitifully, "Well, but Sister Lan has already been killed by that man, woo!" "

After knowing each other for so many years, this is the second time Bai Yi has seen He Yiyi cry.

I didn't know how to make girls happy, and I thought about it for a long time.

Stood up and poured a cup of hot water and brought it back.

"Senior sister, don't be sad, when Junior Brother and I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely find that guy to help you take revenge." Bai Yi said firmly.

He Yiyi held the water cup and looked at Bai Yi and nodded obediently, "Well, Yiyi believes in the little junior brother." "


Outside the door, Yu Xian who was pressing the Tianhui Sect elder to the ground and rubbing it sneezed.

Rubbing his crazy right eyelid, he muttered, "Which dog thing is nagging Lao Tzu."

"Little junior brother, don't go back tonight, sleep well with Yiyi." He Yiyi said pitifully as he grabbed the corner of Bai Yi's clothes.

Bai Yi originally planned to go back to study the Divine Book and summon the Horned Wood Jiao out to try.

But Senior Sister suffered this kind of thing tonight, and she was seriously injured, and it was indeed a little uneasy to leave her here.

So he nodded and agreed: "Good." Hearing

this, He Yi's bright eyes narrowed happily.

Start looking forward to what will happen for a while.

When she was young, she curiously flipped through a little imperial uncle.

At this moment, the red-faced plots in Little Uncle Huang kept popping up in her little head.

So much so that the girl's slightly pale little face gradually surged with a slight pink...



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