Moon Temple.

Liu Ziru finished the retreat and walked out of the secret room.

Her injuries were more serious, and this retreat was only a rough retreat.

Now that Gong Tianming has not yet come out of retreat, the sect has to prepare for the convening of the Millennium Competition.

Although her injuries are still unhealed, as the deputy sect master, she must come out to deal with various affairs.

Saw Liu Ziru walk out of the secret room.

The henchman maid waiting outside immediately stepped forward and whispered

, "Master, Gong Lingyun has been brought back."

Hearing Gong Lingyun's name, Liu Ziru was stunned.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the back mountain and was silent for a long time.

He said to the maid, "Got it."

The maid glanced at her with concern, but did not dare to say more, so she had to wait silently beside her.

It took a long time before Liu Ziru withdrew her gaze.

He returned to the room with the maid.

Sitting down in the rearranged room, Liu Ziru looked at the various books on the table while casually asking,

"Did Xiao Baiyi come after my retreat?"

The maid was stunned, did not dare to think much, and said truthfully: "Bai Gongzi came to visit you the night you were injured, but master, you were in retreat at that time, so the slave did not inform you. Hearing

that Bai Yi had come to see him, a smile appeared on Liu Ziru's face.

The maid observed her expression and added carefully: "Bai Gongzi is very concerned about your master, and when he heard that you were in retreat, he specially instructed the slave to wait for you to leave the customs and remember to tell him."

The smile on Liu Ziru's face was even wider, she thought about it and ordered: "You go and call Xiao Baiyi now, just say that I will call him."

"Yes, slave, let's go."

The maid nodded in agreement and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Sitting in front of the delicate ebony desk, Liu Ziru didn't have the heart to flip through the book.

After being stunned for a long time, he said to himself: "Gong Tianming, I thought you would leave us some leeway for each other." She

knew about Gong Lingyun's existence for a long time, but she had been pretending not to know anything, trying to maintain the image of the gentle and virtuous Sect Master's wife.

But now, Gong Tianming brought his illegitimate daughter back to the Holy Land.

Completely disregarding the feelings of his wife....

"That's fine." Liu Ziru suddenly laughed, stroked her smooth and white palm, and muttered: "In this way, everyone does not have to be restrained, just play their own."

She raised her gaze in the direction the maid had left.

In my mind is Bai Yi's young and handsome face....

On the other end, after the maid left the hall, she went straight to Baiyi's small building.

"Knock knock~

" "Bai Gongzi, are you there?"

After waiting for a long time, no one responded.

The door was also locked.

The maid returned to the Moon Hall and asked several disciples on duty to help her find it.

After a long while, a disciple ran back breathlessly.

"I've heard that I've seen Senior Brother Bai near the residences of those from the Outer Sect on the mountainside."


"You're a dog thing, are you still arrogant?"

"Brother Yu, don't fight, hit people again."

"Yes, what is there to say, Lao Wu he is also confused, isn't the saint girl on Qiong Yu's side also seriously injured, what is the use of you making trouble here, everyone discuss together to find out the murderer is the most important ah."

There was a constant noise of discussion outside the courtyard.

Bai Yi glanced outside through the window and said, "Senior sister, don't come out, I'll take a look outside."

"Well, the little junior brother apologized to the Tianhui Sect for me, and blamed Yiyi for not being able to save Sister Lan."

He Yiyi held the cup and nodded obediently.

There was a very obvious sense of self-reproach and sadness in his tone.

Seeing the state of senior sister, Bai Yi hurriedly persuaded: "Senior sister, don't be too sad, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, you rest first, and leave the rest to me." "

Well, Yiyi will obediently wait for the little junior brother to come back."

Bai Yi sighed as he looked at Senior Sister's self-blamed and helpless appearance.

When he came to the gate of the courtyard, before he went out, he heard the roar of Elder Wu of the

Tianhui Sect: "Two people go together, why are the people of our Tianhui Sect gone, and your people are good, maybe the people were killed by He Yiyi!" Otherwise, why didn't she die together! "

Hear this.

Bai Yi's face sank.

He pushed open the door and looked at Elder Wu and said, "What, what a liar?" Hearing

this, Elder Wu cast his gaze towards the gate of the courtyard.

His current state is extremely embarrassed, with his hair scattered and his nose blue and face swollen.

"Our elders are talking here, do you have a junior to interject?" Elder Wu said with a gloomy face.

"Hey, my temper!"

Yu Xian was pulled by several people, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to start again.

Seeing this, Elder Wu subconsciously retreated, he really couldn't beat this animal.

"As the only personal disciple of the Yanyue Holy Land, do I have to ask you when I speak?"

Bai Yi was not used to him at all, and directly opened up.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, the crowd of onlookers was in a commotion.

Elder Wu's face was a little ugly, he thought that Bai Yi was a disciple of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, but he didn't expect that the person turned out to be the apprentice of the sect master of the Yanyue Holy Land.

He has already offended the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, and offending the Yanyue Holy Land again is that his head is inappropriate.

So he hurriedly went back to make amends: "Don't blame this little brother, it's the old man who is clumsy."

Bai Yi didn't speak, and walked to Elder Wu.

Angrily said, "You just said that my senior sister killed people, right?

"I, I'm angry." Elder Wu said with some weakness.

He knew he was messing around.

The Tianhui Sect and the Qiongyu Demon Sect did not have any entanglement of interests, and the difference in strength between the two sects was so huge that it was not even a competitive relationship, and He Yiyi had no reason to kill Lan Minghuang.

But why did he make such a fuss?

Because the Qiong Yu Demon Sect is strong, there will be no loss if they make a mess, maybe they will give some resource compensation under pressure?

"Angry talk, huh."

Bai Yi pointed to his chest and asked,

"Do you know what I came out for?"

Without waiting for Elder Wu to reply, Bai Yi continued with a dark face: "Senior Sister said, let me apologize to you on her behalf because she failed to save Lan Minghuang!"

"Damn, as a result, I haven't left the yard yet, I heard you shouting here that my senior sister killed someone, and I really want to put my shoes in your mouth."

Hearing this, there was another commotion among the people.

"Yes, that little girl from the Qiong Yu Demon Sect is also seriously injured."

Golden opportunity!

Yu Xian, who was being pulled by everyone on the side, rolled his eyes, struggled to break free, took off one of his shoes and rushed towards Elder Wu.

"You are an old slurch, today Lao Tzu will let you know what it means to eat indiscriminately, and you can't talk indiscriminately."

Saying that, Yu Xian threw Elder Wu down in the shocked eyes of everyone.

Holding his head, he shoved his shoes into his mouth.

Bai Yi: "..."

Brother Yu is a ruthless person.

He really stuffs shoes into people's mouths!

After reacting, Bai Yi hurriedly pulled Yu Xian up.

"Brother Bai, brother is interesting enough." Yu Xian stepped on the ground with one bare foot and patted his chest and said.

According to He Yiyi's attention to Bai Yi, he made him happy, and in the future, He Yiyi will succeed to the throne, and the benefits will definitely be indispensable.

Bai Yi felt sorry for Elder Wu for three seconds.

Pulled up the miserable him.

Help Elder Wu pat off the soil on his body, and then pull out the shoes in his mouth.

Bai Yi then said bitterly:

"Elder Wu, we can understand your feelings, but this is indeed a bit excessive, think about it yourself, my senior sister is seriously injured, and crying and blaming herself for not being able to save Sister Lan."

"You say, with her kind character, besides, is it a bit of a loss of conscience that she killed Lan Minghuang?"

Speaking of this, Bai Yi patted his chest and said with a firm gaze: "My senior sister, she is not this kind of person!" "

Kind character....

Hear this.

Yu Xian on the side looked away unnaturally.

The barefoot girl awkwardly slashed the stone slab on the ground.

Heartless whispered in echo: "Say... That's right. "



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