Ho Yi Yi is kind?

This is the funniest joke Yu Xian has heard this year.

If she was kind, did those Son and Son candidates who had been wiped out in the sect choke to death with cold water?

But I didn't dare to say it, for the sake of the lives of three little wives and six illegitimate children.

He could only weakly add 'right'.

"Besides, Senior Sister, what reason does she have to kill Lan Minghuang?"

Seeing that Elder Wu did not speak, Bai Yi frowned and analyzed:

"If you want to talk about personal grudges, don't talk about my senior sister, even the Qiong Yu Demon Sect and the Tianhui Sect do not have any grievances, but if you say that Senior Sister can have one less competitor in the thousand-year competition."

Bai Yi paused, pointed at the people from the Xuan Tianzong next to him and continued

, "Then why didn't she attack these more competitive sects of the Xuan Tianzong, it was obviously more valuable to move them!" To put it ugly, is the Tianhui Sect competitive with the Qiongyu Demon Sect? "

Hearing this, everyone in Xuantian Sect has a dark face, so you can give an example, what are you doing with us."

This is not to show the way to those with ulterior motives!

Bai Yi didn't care what Xuan Tianzong thought, Xuan Tianzong was the biggest suspect about the assassination of Shi Niang before.

He didn't forget it.

It's you-churning sticks who pit it.

Of course, this is just a piggyback on the lips, and the most important thing now is to solve the matter of Tianhui Sect touching porcelain.

Bai Yi stared at Elder Wu's expression, thought about it, and asked a very serious question:

"Since even a junior of mine can figure out this truth, then why can't Elder Wu figure it out?" Or did Elder Wu understand that he simply wanted to blackmail the Qiong Yu Demon Sect? Hearing

this, the corners of Elder Wu's mouth twitched, and he quickly denied it: "No, it's the old man who is confused." "

Although his purpose is this, this kind of thing must not be admitted!

"Oh, it turns out that Elder Wu didn't think clearly, people can always understand when they are emotional."

Bai Yi did not continue to be aggressive, there is no point, just talk about things.

Thinking like this, Bai Yi turned his head and smiled at the people around him: "A misunderstanding, everyone go back, it's late at night, rest early."

On the side, Yu Xian looked at Elder Wu, who was grateful because Bai Yi did not pierce his mind, and for a while he only felt absurd.

This Nima, is it true that we didn't kill people?

How grateful!

"Bai Gongzi, I can be considered to have found you."

Just as everyone dispersed and Bai Yi was about to return to the house, the voice of the maid came from afar.

"You are, the maid of the Moon Temple?" Bai Yi looked at the panting maid in front of him, feeling a little familiar.

"Yes, the slave is Vice Sect Master Liu's maid."

"Shi Niang is out of customs?"

"Yes, the master asked the slave to come and call Bai Gongzi." The maid said.

Bai Yi turned his head to look at the courtyard, Senior Sister was still injured, "Is there anything important about Senior Sister?" Hearing

this, the maid was a little hesitant.

According to her judgment, Liu Ziru should not be in any hurry, but when she thought of Bai Yi, the ambiguous smile on her face when she mentioned it...

The maid didn't dare to think about it, and nodded: "The master didn't say, but there should be something urgent."

Bai Yi frowned and said to the maid, "Then you can wait for me now." With

that, he turned and walked into the house.

"Little Junior Brother, are they all gone? Yiyi heard that it seemed to be quiet outside. He Yiyi leaned on the bed, holding the cup in his small hand.

"It's all dispersed, it's just..." Bai

Yi was a little hesitant, he had just promised to stay here tonight to guard Senior Sister, and he would leave in less than half an hour.

He was really a little speechless, but Shi Niang had something urgent to call herself, and she couldn't help it.

Headache ah....

He Yi blinked Shui Lingling's big eyes and asked, "Just what?" How did the little junior brother swallow. "

Speaking of 'swallowing,' her little face flushed.

It's going to die! He Yiyi, what are you thinking!

The reserved girl fiercely condemned herself in her heart for being improper.

I already knew that I didn't look at that little imperial uncle, and Yiyi was strange now....

"Shi Niang got out of customs, and sent a maid to call me, saying that there was something important." Bai Yi said apologetically, "I may have to go to the Moon Hall now." Hearing

this, He Yiyi's expression froze.

A subtle killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"That little junior brother go quickly, otherwise he will be punished."

"I'll go check it out first, if nothing happens, I'll come back later." Bai Yi thought for a while.

"No need, just go to the little junior brother, Yiyi just needs to heal his injuries."

He Yiyi shook his little head and smiled purely.

"Too." Bai Yi hesitated, Senior Sister was injured so badly, she must be recuperated, and she would come back later to disturb her.

So he said, "Then tonight, senior sister, you will recuperate your injuries first, and I will come to see you tomorrow morning."

"Well, the little junior brother go quickly, otherwise the junior sister will be in a hurry."

He Yiyi looked at Bai Yi's tangled appearance, and urged very understandingly.

Seeing that Senior Sister was not angry, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

After telling some things to recuperate, he walked out of the courtyard and followed the maid to the Moon Hall.

After Bai Yi left, Yu Xian walked into the room.

Finding that He Yiyi was communicating with the summons jade card, he withdrew.

When he was about to go out, he vaguely heard He Yi and a pair of jade cards saying:

"Keep an eye on them..."

Bai Yi knocked on the door: "Senior Lady." "

Little Baiyi is here."

Liu Ziru opened the door with a kind smile on her gentle and pretty face.

She stepped forward and naturally hugged one of Bai Yi's arms.


What bounced me all at once?

Bai Yi looked down, and the two peaks trembled.

"Sit down in the first room." Liu Ziru noticed that Bai Yi's body froze, and a smile gently curled at the corner of her mouth.

Dragged him into the house.

"Senior lady, I'm a little thirsty, I'll go pour a glass of water." Bai Yi withdrew his arm and opened the distance between him and Liu Ziru.

The master and lady can be kind, but they must be square to be disciples themselves!

Liu Ziru's arms were empty, and her heart was inexplicably a little lost.

I tidied up the skirt of my nightdress and sat down in front of the bed.

She wore a purple nightdress tonight, and the purple skirt was beautiful on a pair of white and slender beautiful legs.

"I heard the maid say that Senior Lady, do you have something important to find me?" Bai Yi put down the water cup and asked.

"How? Shi Niang can't look for you if she is fine. Liu Ziru frowned, gave him a blank look, and said with disgust.

"No, no, Shi Niang misunderstood, I didn't mean that."

Bai Yi said on his lips, but he was complaining in his heart, it's okay what you asked me to do.

In the middle of the night, how bad it is to pass it out.

"Junior Lady still thinks that you dislike me, come, sit in front of Shi Niang, and let Shi Niang take a good look at you." Liu Ziru smiled and patted her bed.

Seeing this, Bai Yi was stunned.

During the night shift, go to bed and sit in the same bed with the master in the nightdress?

After a moment's hesitation, he stood up....



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