That night, Bai Yi returned home.

First sat on the chair and sighed for a long time.

He didn't expect Shi Niang to hate because of love so easily.

First abolish the cultivation, and then break the legs....

This is also too ruthless!

Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart.

The only hope now is the horned wood jiao that has not yet been summoned.

As long as the strength of the horned wood jiao is enough, it will not be killed by the master lady in seconds, then he will still be saved.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi's eyes gradually deepened.

The defense of the boy chicken is up to you!

"System, I can summon the horned wood jiao now, right?"

[The wood attribute aura is enough to summon the horned wood jiao, and the host can start summoning gods at any time. ]


Bai Yi took a deep breath.

The spiritual energy in the body slowly mobilized, gathering along the meridians around the body to the fingertips.

Bai Yi does not move his left hand, and his right thumb pinches his little finger, middle finger, and index finger in turn.

At the same time, his face was solemn, and he silently said:

"Hunt on behalf of the heavens, graze the stars."

Mysterious star phantoms slowly appeared behind Bai Yi, and countless small figures stood in the endless starry sky, like the sand of the Ganges.

"The Ancestor of the Stars, Doumu Yuanjun's Edict: The Spirit of the Eastern Green Emperor, the Canglong Belongs, and the Horned Wood Jiao of the Chengong Palace."

In the east of the star map, in the galaxy shaped like a dragon, a star slowly lights up, and after a while, the light blooms, dazzling.

"Listen to the Nether!"

The voice fell.

The shining star cut through the starry sky and flew straight towards Bai Yi.

A pale and powerful aura slowly appeared in the house.

Not far from Bai Yi, the space is distorted in a ring.

A figure slowly walked out of it.

It has no horns like a snake, its skin has beaded horns, and its body and tail.

As it slowly approached, the beast body gradually dissipated, and a handsome man with white face with beast ears appeared.

"Tatsumiya Kakumujiao, in."

Bai Yi's gaze looked at the man with vigilance, and the divine book hidden in the Dantian Spirit Sea was ready to go.

As long as there is a change in the horned wood jiao, he can respond at any time.

After waiting for a long time, Jiaomu Jiao just quietly knelt in front of him, without the slightest movement.

Bai Yi was relieved.

Smiled: "Quickly stand up, let's talk." Hearing

this, Jiaomujiao got up and raised his gaze to look at Bai Yi.

Isn't it Doumu Yuanjun summoned, how is it a little doll?

He stared at Bai Yi with some doubts for a long time, and said tentatively: "Yuanjun? Is it you?

Bai Yi was stunned and immediately reacted.

This is asking my identity!

Yuanjun should be the Doumu Yuanjun in those words just read.

In this way, the horned wood jiao did not appear as a system summoner, but really existed in a certain time and space!

That is, acting!

Thinking of this, Bai Yi immediately put away his smile and tightened his face: "It's me." "

Yuanjun, are we going to reforge the Heavenly Court in this realm!" After receiving an affirmative answer, Kakumujiao's expression became more and more respectful, and he asked excitedly.

Reforge the Heavenly Court or something first, let's talk about defending the chicken.

However, this can't be said directly, Bai Yi rolled his eyes, and said lightly: "I summoned you here, naturally to recast the glory of the Heavenly Court, but now that Ben Yi has not healed, he needs to temporarily hide in this Yanyue Holy Land..." Speaking

of this, Bai Yi paused, looked at Jiaomujiao and said: "Jiaomujiao, there is a major task to be entrusted to you in the organization!" "

Major tasks?

Horned wood jiao's eyes immediately lit up.

According to his status in the Heavenly Court, it is usually difficult to see His Holiness Doumu Yuanjun, but now that His Holiness is seriously injured, it is a good opportunity to show meritorious service!

"Kakumujiao is willing to accept it!" He nodded without hesitation.

This reaction made Bai Yi flicker to his lips for a while, he hadn't even started to flicker, so he agreed?

However, since Comrade Jiaomujiao's consciousness is so high, Bai Yi is also happy to talk less.

Looking at him with appreciative eyes, he praised: "I really didn't misunderstand you, this figure has long known that you Jiaomujiao is the most loyal warrior of our Doubu!" Hearing

this, Jiaomujiao suddenly grinned beautifully, scratched his head and said, "I wonder what task Yuanjun wants to let Jiaomujiao do?" As long as Yuanjun gives an order, the horned wood jiao is ready at any time!

"Well, your faithful Buddha-figure knows."

Bai Yi pretended to nod, and said seriously:

"This task is very difficult, that is... Protect Buddha-figures. "

Huh?" Jiaomujiao was stunned, the prestige of the Yuan Monarch resounded in the thirty-sixth heaven, and I still need to protect it?

"The Buddha-figure naturally does not need you to protect us, but we are now in a completely strange otherworld, and we can't be anxious if we want to reforge the glory of the Heavenly Court."

Bai Yi didn't give Jiaomujiao time to think, and continued: "

Since you are slowly plotting, you can't attract the attention of others, right? Then my strength cannot be exposed, so you need to stand on the bright side, and the Buddha-figure pretends to be a low cultivation and hides behind the scenes.

"Uh-huh, that's how it should be!"

Kakumujiao nodded to show understanding.

Bai Yi glanced at him with his afterlight and continued:

"Originally, when you were in the Heavenly Court, you were different from others, the most diligent and diligent, and the first to compete in everything, these Buddha-figures are in the eyes, so the first one to summon is you, otherwise, the Buddha-figures can completely summon other stars, right?"

Kakumujiao nodded movingly.

"So, in this otherworld, you must continue to work hard and live up to the expectations of the Buddha-figures, right? Among the twenty-eight stars, the Buddha-figure is most optimistic about you. Bai

Yi followed the good way, and from time to time cast a trusting gaze.

Complete PUA Master performance.

Jiaomujiao was touched and broken, and his blood was boiling, and he immediately half-knelt and hugged his fist: "Jiaomujiao is willing to die for Yuanjun!" "

Hmm." Bai Yi pretended to step forward and help him up.

At the same time, he also 'inadvertently' released a trace of the breath of the divine book, making his identity more credible.

Sure enough, feeling the breath of 'Doumu Yuanjun Venerable', Jiaomujiao's eyes became more respectful.

Bai Yi said a few words of encouragement with an attitude, and then asked about the cultivation of Jiaomujiao:

"The realm of this realm is divided into... What stage are you equivalent to now?

After listening to Bai Yi's explanation, Jiaomujiao calculated and scratched his head: "Jiaomujiao is just a small Supreme Realm Duotian. "

The Supreme Realm is divided into three stages: primary, middle, and peak, and each step has three heavens, also known as the Supreme Nine Heavens.

Supreme Realm!

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, but his mouth said lightly:

"It's just the Supreme Realm Duo Heaven, it's really too low, you have to hurry..."

Bai Yi dismissed the horned wood jiao and came to He Yiyi's residence.

"Senior sister, how are your injuries?"

"I took the pill last night, it's already a lot better, did the little junior brother go to see the senior lady?" He Yi asked with shining eyes.

"See you." Bai Yi Dao.


He Yi little bit of his head and stared at Bai Yi's eyes.

The little green onion white hand unconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes.

As if casually, he asked,

"What did the little junior brother do in the Moon Hall?"

Bai Yi was stunned, hesitated, and said: "..."



Little carp's words: (Take a leave tonight, adjust your thinking, prepare to break out in the next few days, and strive to write fifty chapters at the end of the month!) Add

more rules: add one chapter for every ten five-star positive reviews, one chapter for every fifty reminders, one chapter for every fifty gift value, valid before 120,000 words, hehe, see how much you can let me add at most, hug everyone ~

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