"It's nothing, Senior Lady asked me last night to talk about the assassination before, and then I went to the Hall of Elders to contact Elder Liu and gathered disciples to sit and practice in front of the Moon Hall every night."

Bai Yi did not choose to tell the truth.

Although he was surprised that Senior Sister had been out for two years and became the Holy Daughter of the Qiongyu Demon Sect, Liu Ziru was the Deputy Sect Master of the Supreme Realm.

If Senior Sister found out and desperately participated in it, a new Saint Girl faced the Deputy Sect Master of the Supreme Realm, it would be equivalent to harming her.

And now that Bai Yi has the Horned Wood Jiao guard, there will basically be no great danger in a short time.

So it's totally possible.

"And then shhh He Yiyi blinked his eyes and said curiously.

What Bai Yi said was the same as what she had learned.

But because the internal defense of the Moon Hall was strengthened after Liu Ziru's assassination, her people had no way of knowing what Bai Yi and Liu Ziru had done during the quarter of an hour they had spent together in the room.

"Then I went home to rest." Bai Yi Dao.

"Oh, I thought the little junior brother would guard the senior sister at the Moon Hall." He Yiyi glanced at Bai Yi's expression with his afterlight and said tentatively.

"With so many disciples here, it doesn't make much sense for me to keep it." Bai Yi said lightly while playing with He Yiyi's saber fine snow.

He's not stupid.

Liu Ziru hated because of love and wanted to kill herself.

How dangerous it is to still practice in front of the Moon Hall.

What if she couldn't figure it out in the middle of the night and blatantly snatched herself into it and ruined it.

Of course, spoiling or not spoiling is secondary.

Judging from the eyes that were interpreted, Liu Ziru was going to kill herself!

Yes, in Bai Yi's opinion, Liu Ziru just wants to kill him and kill him.

It's all about to be abolished and Xiu Weijia broke his legs, this is not to extinguish the mouth but to do something!

What else can be done!

"Well, the little junior brother is right."

He Yiyi wished that Bai Yi and Liu Ziru would never meet, and immediately agreed.

At the same time, he began to calculate in his heart how much success he would have if he confided his heart to his little junior brother now.

Soon, she came up with a rather frustrating answer - Yiyi now tells the little junior brother that he likes him, and the chance of succeeding together is very small, woo!

The little junior brother said before that he liked his junior sister more, and if he wanted to make him hopelessly like the beautiful girl Yiyi senior sister, he still needed a very important opportunity!

Thinking of this, the indomitable beautiful girl silently waved her small fist in her heart.

Yiyi come on, wait for a suitable opportunity, take down the little junior brother, rush the duck!

"Don't talk about this, Senior Sister, you are injured now, will it affect the next millennium competition? Is the Holy Son you are competitors with you?

Bai Yi didn't want to pass the bad emotions brought by Liu Ziru to He Yiyi, who was still injured, so he changed the topic with a stroke.

Hearing Bai Yi's question, He Yi was stunned.

Hey, does the Demon Sect have any holy sons other than Yiyi?

Then she reacted.

Wrinched his little nose and said seriously: "Little junior brother is talking about Liang Qiangu?" Yes, he is a strong competitor to Iichi. "

Liang Qiangu is another disciple of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect who participated in the Dabi.

His identity as the Son

He Yi killed all the competitors, where did he come from, Liang Qiangu was naturally a puppet pushed out by the Qiong Yu Demon Sect in order to cover his ears and steal the bell.

But it doesn't matter, from now on, Liang Qiangu is one of her strong competitors.

She is not stupid, if she tells the little junior brother that she is poisoned in the Qiongyu Demon Sect, it will not have any other benefits except to surprise him.

But if he said that he was bullied in the Demon Sect and was in danger, then the little junior brother would definitely care about himself.

Maybe Iichi will feel sorry for him, hehe.

Bai Yi naturally didn't know He Yi's snapping Ruyi little calculation, and asked worriedly:

"That senior sister, you are seriously injured now, if the results of the next millennium competition are not good, you will be very passive after returning to Qiong Yu, right?" Bai Yi said worriedly.

"It's quite possible, but Iichi will work hard."

As soon as He Yi saw Bai Yi and began to care about himself, his heart was about to bubble.

But in order not to show the stuffing, she still pretended to lack confidence and said.


Bai Yi nodded thoughtfully.

Senior sister injured and can't play results, so for the sake of fairness, does this Liang Qiangu also have to be injured?

As a competitor, he probably doesn't want to win

.... "Little junior brother don't have to worry too much about Yi Yi, yesterday Yi Yi asked the third senior uncle, he said that Yi Yi's injury should be almost better than before, by the way, the third senior uncle also said that there is a way to speed up the recovery... But..." He

Yiyi glanced at Bai Yi, shook his head and said firmly:

"Yiyi can, there is no need to speed up recovery."

Hearing this, Bai Yi immediately frowned.

It must be good to be able to speed up recovery.

So he said: "Honestly, what is the way to speed up recovery?" He

Yiyi's face flashed with a hint of obvious entanglement, and it took a long time before he whispered:

"Third Senior Uncle said that healing has a lot to do with Yiyi's state, if Yiyi can maintain a good mood, it will recover quickly, but Yiyi will only have a good mood when he is with

the little junior brother..." Speaking of this, the girl secretly glanced at the little junior brother, and immediately looked away with a weak heart.

He Yiyi, you are going to die stupidly!

This reason is also too lame, the little junior brother will definitely see through it.

Sure enough, after listening to He Yiyi's words, a strange look appeared on Bai Yi's face.

He cast a smiling gaze at the girl with a weak heart.

But nothing was said.

The two chatted for a while before Bai Yi got up and left.

Look at the back of the little junior brother who walked to the door.

Despite knowing that her reasons were lame, the girl couldn't help but feel a little lost.

He actually pretended not to hear it, hum!

Stinky little junior brother, Yiyi wants to break off with you for one ten-thousandth of a breath!!

But at this moment, Bai Yi, who had already come to the door, suddenly stopped.

He turned his head, looked at the girl who was sulking quietly, and said with a smile: "

Since I can help Senior Sister recover quickly, then I will reluctantly make it difficult, and come to Senior Sister every day in the future."

The early morning sun stretched.

So a ray of golden sunlight shone into the room from behind the boy, and he turned his head to look at her, smiling warmly.

The next moment.

The girl who was sulking with her mouth deflated, her eyes bloomed with shining stars.


Bai Yi hummed all the way back to Xiaozhu.

I don't know why, after seeing Senior Sister, his mood became better.

Strange, but nice.

Come to the gate of the courtyard.

Bai Yi suddenly found that Xiao Zhu's courtyard door was wide open.

The broken lock was thrown to the ground.

Inside the house, a brutal girl's irritable voice came:

"Why hasn't he come yet, won't you go and look for it!" I have to wait until when. "



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