Inside the small building, the main house.

Gong Lingyun sat on the chair, her tone irritable, and her gaze swept around with obvious disgust.

In her eyes, Bai Yi's room layout is simply like a dog kennel.

There are no expensive carpets, no jade furniture, and even tables, chairs and benches are ordinary woodwork.

In such a place, every extra second is torture for her!

"Don't be angry, I've already sent someone to find it, and there will be news in a moment!"

Kanamata Bridge was like a sycophant old eunuch, standing next to him hunched over, soothing with a fawning smile.

Originally, Gong Lingyun meant to go to see him by himself.

But helplessly, last night's negotiations were fruitless.

Jinmata Bridge told Gong Lingyun about the conversation with Bai Yi.

Gong Lingyun was furious, a slave dared to be so arrogant.

Immediately decided to come to Xiaozhu to find Bai Yi and teach him a hard lesson.

Let him recognize his status.

"I'm bored, I'll find him later, Miss Ben has to break his leg, dog slave!"

Gong Lingyun covered her nose, her eyes full of anger.

Bai Yi fought that her dead parents occupied the identity of her own disciple, so she could not worship under her father smoothly.

Now he didn't have the slightest self-awareness, knowing that he dared not to come.

It's just a dog that my father uses to win people's hearts, so he doesn't know how to put his position straight.

Did he really think that he was the sect master above ten thousand people?

"Yes, yes, when I find him, I will definitely punish him severely."

Kanamata Bridge wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his face was not very good-looking.

If it weren't for the importance of her Gong Tianming's daughter, the identity of the heir nailed on the future holy floor.

With this kind of brainless thing, he can die a hundred in the blink of an eye.

"Who is to blame?"

A man's voice suddenly came from the courtyard.

Jinmataqiao's eyes lit up, and he reminded Gong Lingyun: "Bai Yi is back."

Hearing this, Gong Lingyun said irritably: "Let him roll in."

"I'm going to get in when I go back to my house?"

Bai Yi walked in from the door of the room, without looking at the dog-legged Kanamata Bridge.

He found a chair and sat down, looked at Gong Lingyun and said.

"Bai Yi, pay attention to your attitude in front of your distinguished guests." Kanamata scolded.

According to Gong Tianming's instructions, Gong Lingyun's identity cannot be publicized everywhere until the dust settles.

So he just called Gong Lingyun a distinguished guest.

Gong Lingyun waved his hand to interrupt Jinmata Bridge's words, with a hint of surprise in his eyes: "You are Bai Yi?"

"I'm not called Bai Yi." Bai Yi said seriously; "Actually, my real name is Bai Nicholas Yi."

"Bai Yi! I repeat, pay attention to your attitude in front of your distinguished guests! Kanamata scolded again.

Bai Yi glanced at Kanamata Bridge and said lightly: "Do you eat oil cakes?"

Kanamata Bridge frowned: "If the distinguished guest wants to see you, you can serve it well, who wants to eat your oil cake."

"Elder Jin, don't talk." Gong Lingyun looked at Bai Yi and hooked his hand: "Sit closer, I want to see you." "

The tone is high and unquestionable.


Yi rolled his eyes, and said in his heart that such a stupid lack came from.

The tone of her voice really wanted Yu Xian to come and go and stuff two shoes into her mouth.

Seeing that Bai Yi didn't move, Gong Lingyun thought that he hadn't heard clearly, so he said again impatiently: "Sit closer, I want to see you." Compared

to the previous minions, she was slightly more patient with Bai Yi.

The reason is that the white game is good-looking.

For Gong Lingyun, slaves are used to pass time.

If you get tired of playing one day, just throw it away.

But after seeing Bai Yi, her mind changed.

With such a look, such a temperament, she can make an exception to give Bai Yi a chance.

As long as Bai Yi performed well, it was not impossible for her to inherit the position of Sect Master of the Yanyue Holy Land in the future, and it was not impossible to award him the position of Deputy Sect Master.

"No, why are you so righteous with a big face?"

Bai Yi had a black line on his face, and asked incomprehensibly:

"If it weren't for Kanamata Bridge saying what kind of distinguished guest you are, I would give you two slaps to drain the two pounds of powder on that face, do you believe it?"

Hear this.

Gong Lingyun was stunned.

She pointed to herself and asked incredulously, "Are you talking to me?!" Looking

at her like this, Bai Yi's brain hurts.

Waving his hand, he said, "I didn't say you didn't say you, I said it's stupid."

Saying that, he looked at Kanamata Bridge and said speechlessly: "Where did you find such a stupid and disgusting person?" Take it with you quickly, or I'm afraid I'll kick the tumor out of her head.

"Bai Yi!! You, you..." Kanamata Bridge was also stunned.

Without waiting for Kinamata Bridge's reprimand, he said.

Gong Lingyun stood up, pointed at Bai Yi's nose and scolded angrily:

"Bai Yi, you are just a dog of my Gong family, who gave you the audacity to scold the master?" Your parents died fighting for the Holy Land, and that was their honor! The Holy Land has raised you for so many years, are you going to be a white-eyed wolf! This

is said mercilessly, even extremely critically.

Even Kanamata Bridge's face on the side was a lot ugly, and a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Bai Yi didn't look the slightest bit angry, but just smiled and muttered: "Oh, your surname is also Gong." "

Moon Temple.

Liu Ziru sat in front of the dressing table and nodded with satisfaction as she looked at herself in the copper mirror.

Beckoning to the maid next to her, she said, "You go and call Xiao Baiyi..." Halfway

through the words, she had the attitude of Bai Yi last night in her mind.

Frowning slightly, he changed his attention.

"I'll go find him myself, you don't have to care."

Saying that, he got up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

If everything goes well, tonight she will leave Yanyue with the white game of abolition of cultivation and legs.

Together forever and forever....

On the way to the summit of Yanyue Peak.

The rare girl without a slash knife greeted the butterflies on the road with a casserole:

"Little butterfly, do you also know that Yiyi made something delicious for the little junior brother to send to him?"


"Bai Yi, quickly apologize to the distinguished guest." In the small building, Kanamata Bridge hid his dissatisfaction and said seriously to Bai Yi.

"People have already made their cards clear, and you still keep your mouth shut and cover your ears and steal the bell." Bai Yi leaned back in his chair and cast his gaze at Kanamata Bridge and teased.

"Now that you know my identity, what are you still standing there for?"

Gong Lingyun's face was flushed, and he pointed to Bai Yi's nose and said:

"Give me over, I will slap you!"

Bai Yi: "..."

Accustomed to the intrigue and intrigue in the Holy Land, and then seeing this kind of stupid hat, he was actually a little uncomfortable.

How to say it, it's as if every word she said hit Bai Yi's speechless hole...

"Kanamata Bridge, are you blind? Slap him for me! Dog slave, wait for your personal disciple position to be gone, see how I concoct you!!

Gong Lingyun scolded Bai Yi while summoning the Jinmata Bridge.


Kanamata Bridge didn't want to make a big deal out of it, but he didn't want Gong Lingyun's anger to be transferred to him.

With the sect master behind his back, he couldn't make any moth by slapping him twice.

After all, when it comes to Gong Lingyun, the sect master will definitely suppress the matter.

Thinking like this, Kanamata Bridge no longer hesitated.

Mobilize the majestic aura in your body.

Slowly walked towards Bai Yi......



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