"Bai Yi, if you bump into the honored guests of the Holy Land, Elder Ben will punish you slightly." Kanamata Bridge said awe-inspiring while walking towards Bai Yi.

In any case, Bai Yi is still a disciple of the sect master.

Kanamata Bridge must find an excuse to say about the past, even if the excuse is a bit.


Bai Yi smiled playfully at Kanamata Bridge.

Suddenly stood up, strained his face solemnly, and shouted loudly:

"Kanamata Bridge, as an elder of the Holy Land, you actually infiltrated Xiaozhu, a personal disciple, with outsiders, intending to steal important secrets, and after I found out, you still want to kill people and kill people?!"

Kanamata Bridge: "??? "

Who doesn't know that your identity as Bai Yi's personal disciple is a decoration, and you have an important secret of Mao!

"Kanamata Bridge, on behalf of my master, the Sect Master of the Yanyue Holy Land, I am warning you, and I will be arrested if you don't tie your hands within ten breaths." Bai Yi didn't care about Kanamata Bridge's reaction at all, and said to himself.

"...," Kanamata Bridge looked at Bai Yi with a skeptical gaze for a long time.

Is this kid with a broken head?

He is a mid-Dao Realm elder!

You warn me?

Do you still do it within ten breaths without binding your hands?

A congenital realm actually threatened him, a Dao Slashing Realm Great Cultivator, with a loud statement.

Kanamata Bridge laughed angrily, pointed at Bai Yi's nose and said, "Come, Elder Ben is standing here, I'll see how you do it." "

Hunting on behalf of Tianxing, grazing the stars..." Bai

Yi didn't pay any more attention to the Kanamata Bridge, and whispered the magic trick in his hand.

He didn't care how Kanamata Bridge felt.

As long as you just say those words.

Say it, take a photo and record it, that's the evidence.

Evidence of Kinamata Bridge's collusion with outsiders to defect!

Isn't Master going to kill himself to pave the way for his daughter?

But why will I let you slaughter for nothing!"

"Edict: Tatsumiya Kakumujiao, listen to the edict of the Nether !!"

"Horned wood jiao, in."

The star gate opened, and the horned wood jiao walked out of it, kneeling on one knee.

Bai Yi expressionlessly stretched out his finger to Jinmata Bridge and Gong Lingyun, and ordered:

"Break this old thing's leg, and then abolish that woman's cultivation."

"Who are you?!"

Kanamata Bridge looked at the horned wood jiao that suddenly appeared in the house, and his heart was alarmed.

This is....

Supreme Realm!!

Feeling the terrifying aura on the Kakukijiao, Kanamata Bridge did not hesitate to retreat towards the meeting.

At the same time, his eyes looked at Bai Yi in shock.

Can he drive the Supreme Realm?

How can it be!

Isn't Bai Yi a congenital realm, how can he have a peak cultivator of the Supreme Realm as a subordinate!

Pubic hair, with pubic hair!!

On the side, Gong Lingyun, who was originally high above, was also frightened at the moment.

Didn't Dad say that he never gave Bai Yi any guidance and resources?

Shouldn't Bai Yi just be a congenital realm mascot?

What happened to this white-faced beast-eared Supreme Realm cultivator!

The most important thing is that he said to let this person destroy me!!

"Bai Yi, my father is your master! My father is the Holy Lord of the Yanyue Holy Land! In a panic, Gong Lingyun screamed.

She believes that as long as she identifies herself, Bai Yi will definitely not dare to make a move.

Sure enough, hear the phrase.

Bai Yi frowned slightly, as if he was hesitant.

Seeing this, Gong Lingyun was overjoyed.

He really didn't dare to do it!

He really was afraid of his father!

Thinking of this, Gong Lingyun gradually gained confidence and resumed her high-ranking appearance.

Chao Bai yi scolded: "My father is the sect master of Yanyue, the Holy Land has the grace of nurturing you, do you want to be a white-eyed wolf who deceives and destroys the ancestors!" I'll tell you..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Bai Yi suddenly spoke.

His expression was serious, and he said seriously:

"Who in the Holy Land does not know, Master and Master have no children under their knees, you evil thief actually wants to coax me in the name of my Master, damn it!" Horned wood jiao, after abolishing her cultivation, break one of his legs! "

Is Yuanjun's status in this realm a disciple of a sect?

Kakuki scratched his head blandly, "Yes." Saying

that, he disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of Kanamata Bridge.

The horned wood moth raised his left hand lightly.

A blue glow lit up.

Two water jets immediately burst out from the foot of the Kanamata Bridge, who wanted to retreat and dodge.

Locked his ankle.

With that, Jiaomujiao took half a step back, hunched his waist, and the muscles of his right arm bulged violently.

Just throw a punch neatly!

The aura was surging, and a majestic dragon composed of water pillars blasted towards the immobilized Kinmata Bridge!


The blue dragon circled and roared, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the Kanamata Bridge.


All this happened too quickly, and Kanamata Bridge was bent on retreating from the beginning, so he didn't even have time to react at the moment.

Seeing that the blue dragon fist shadow was about to hit Kanamata Bridge's abdomen.

At the moment of the attack, a golden sword suddenly lit up outside the house, and it slashed straight at the dragon fist shadow.


The fist shadow meets the knife.



Gravel and wood chips are flying.

Bai Yi looked up, the roof had long disappeared, and the hot sun hit his forehead hotly...

"Horned wood jiao, you are a, my house is gone!" Bai Yi roared angrily.

"Yuanjun, there's a guy outside." Jiaomujiao stared at the dust and smoke and reminded.

"I know."

Bai Yi glared at him angrily, and a pity flashed in his eyes.

Turned around and walked towards the courtyard, with a happy smile on his face, and said as he walked:

"Congratulations Master on getting out of customs."

"Do you still have me as a master in your eyes?"

Gong Tianming stood at the gate of the courtyard, gently raised his hand, and the smoke and dust in the courtyard were gone.

He glanced at Jiaomujiao with his afterlight, his expression puzzled.

Where did this Supreme Realm come from?

"Look what Master said, isn't I busy catching traitors."

With a smile on his face, Bai Yi pointed to Jinmata Bridge and Gong Lingyun, and said excitedly:

"Master, this old thing of Jinmata Bridge took outsiders to pry open my small building door, wanting to steal important secrets, and after I found out, I still wanted to kill people and kill people!"

Saying that, Bai Yi paused, as if remembering something, frowned and stared at Gong Lingyun and added:

"By the way, Master, especially this woman, she actually wanted to pretend to be the daughter of you and Shi Niang, but fortunately she was recognized by the apprentice."

The corners of Gong Tianming's mouth twitched as he listened.

For a long time, he took a deep look at Bai Yi and didn't say anything.

Just glared at Gong Lingyun and signaled her not to speak.

"Master, what are you going to do with these two evil thieves?" Bai Yi asked with a smile.

"I think it might be a misunderstanding." Gong Tianming stared at Bai Yi and said without question.

Don't go too far.

"No, no, no, I don't think it's a misunderstanding, Master, look, the photo stone records the evidence."

Bai Yi kept smiling, took out a photo stone and handed it over.

I don't understand.

"I said, I think it was a misunderstanding."

Gong Tianming didn't even look at the lingering stone, his eyes stared at Bai Yi, and he repeated in an aggravated tone.

"I also think it's not a misunderstanding."

Liu Ziru's gentle voice suddenly came.



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