"Ziru, why are you here."

A gentle smile appeared on Gong Tianming's face, and he turned to look outside the courtyard and whispered.

"I was going to call Xiao Baiyi to eat together, but I just caught up." Liu Ziru's tone was light.

She came to Bai Yi, touched his head, and said softly: "Xiao Baiyi, Shi Niang didn't hear everything just now, can you say it again." "

Senior Lady, pay attention to the impact!

Master is still here.

Bai Yi's body froze.

Secretly glanced at Gong Tianming's face.

Gong Lingyun and Jinmata Bridge can handle it themselves.

After all, if Gong Tianming wanted to replace his own disciple, he couldn't positively admit that Gong Lingyun was his daughter.

At most, he wears small shoes for himself on his back.

But Shi Niang is different!

This involves the question of hats, the dignity of men!

If Gong Tianming saw the clue, Bai Yi felt that he was likely to be cremated on the spot.

"Elder Jin took this woman to pry open the door of my house, wanting to steal the secrets of the Holy Land..."

Bai Yi silently moved to the side and recounted.

"Oh? She said she was my daughter? Liu Ziru's expression was indifferent, and she turned her gaze to Gong Lingyun.

Bai Yi was slightly startled, and immediately understood what she meant.

Hurriedly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, she pretends to be Master, Master, and your daughter, and wants to scare me." "

Shi Niang is powerful, and a word completely blocked Gong Lingyun's retreat.

If you want to save her now, unless Gong Tianming admits in public that it is his illegitimate daughter.

Liu Ziru took a step forward and walked in front of Gong Lingyun.

Pinched her chin for a long time, and shook her head: "Child, you are not like me at all, how can you say that you are my daughter?"

Gong Lingyun struggled and stared at Liu Ziru angrily: "I didn't say that I was your daughter!" I'm my dad..."

Gong Tianming's gloomy face interrupted Gong Lingyun's words.

Liu Ziru turned her head to look at him and turned her head expressionlessly.

Raise your hand and slap it out.


Gong Lingyun flew out several meters and fell heavily to the ground.

"Where is the wild child, no father and no mother can not be recognized indiscriminately, what if my husband suspects that my red apricot is out of the wall, bad my reputation."

Liu Ziru took out a handkerchief, carefully wiped her palm, and said lightly.


Tianming was silent for a long time, and said to Liu Ziru:

"Let's go back and say."

"Say what?" Liu Ziru looked at him in surprise and wondered, "Isn't this very clear?" Kanamata Bridge colluded with outsiders to seize Xiao Baiyi and torture the secrets of the Holy Land, just deal with it according to the rules.

"Yes, they are trying to catch me and torture the secrets of the Holy Land from my mouth." Bai Yi immediately followed the mending knife.

With a haze in his eyes, Gong Tianming glanced at Bai Yi.

"What the specific situation has to be investigated, after all, Kanamata Bridge is an elder of the Holy Land, and he cannot be disposed of at will."

"Oh, Master means that there is no punishment or anything, people have to take away, right?"

Bai Yi didn't seem to see Gong Tianming's eyes, and asked stunned.

"I said, the specific situation needs to be investigated."

Gong Tianming's face was ugly, and there was a faint killing intent dancing under his eyes.

"What if the apprentice doesn't want to?"

Bai Yi looked at him, his eyes were calm, and his tone was calm.

"You're going to fight against the teacher?" Gong Tianming stared at Bai Yi and said with a smile: "Dear disciple Bai Yi has no master, arrogant and arrogant, and is punished and confined for one month.

"Master said I was arrogant, and that apprentice must be arrogant."

Bai Yi lowered his head and took a few steps back, his voice was not loud, but he was very firm:

"Arrogance is arrogance, and what the master punished is that the apprentice remembers that there is a rule in the law of Yanyue, and breaking into a residence without the consent of the master is regarded as a robbery... When, abolish the cultivation, go to jail! As

soon as the words fell, he pulled out a dagger.

Suddenly stabbed towards the abdomen of Kanamata Bridge beside him!

Activate the Horned Wood Jiao mission rewards: Shadow Dagger, Tatsumiya Golden Dragon.

Shadow Dagger (Pseudo-Artifact): Strikes when the enemy is defenseless, the blade comes with a 100% armor-breaking effect, ignoring all forms of defense!

"You dare!" Gong Tianming said angrily. When the right hand is raised, the spiritual energy is about to be blocked when it surges.

"It's just a slave, if it's wasted, it's wasted, what's the matter."

Liu Ziru did not hesitate to take a step forward and blocked Gong Tianming's way.


The dark purple demon dagger plunged into the belly of the stunned Kanamata Bridge.

"Horned wood jiao!"

Bai Yi stirred the blade expressionlessly, and Yin red blood flowed out.

Then he quickly retreated.

Without hesitation, Kakumujiao stepped forward to hold the dagger, urging the spiritual energy to pour into Kanamata Bridge's body along the dagger, blowing up his spiritual sea.


Only then did the confused Kanamata Bridge let out a belated scream.


Aren't the sect masters all here!


Aren't you guys discussing it there!

How to come up and give Lao Tzu a knife!!

How did the body protection aura not work at all!!

"Apprentice arrogant, please punish the master."

Bai Yi walked back to Gong Tianming, still lowering his head.

With an honest and harmless smile on his face.

The blood-covered red palms were together, respectfully confessing their mistakes.

Looking at the Jinmata Bridge, which was lying on the ground and had already been reduced to waste, Gong Tianming's face was gloomy to the extreme.

He stared at Bai Yi deadly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Good, good, good."

"Good apprentice."

Bai Yi's face was calm: "Don't you dare."

"Don't you dare, hehe, I don't see you don't dare in the slightest."

Gong Tianming's body was surging with spiritual energy, and the terrifying majesty of the Seventh Heaven of the Supreme Realm was shrouded.

A round of nascent full moon shadows gradually appeared behind him.

The terrifying aura frantically pressed down on Bai Yi.

"Kanamata Bridge trespassed into the house, it should be handed over to the Holy Land, handed over to me to deal with, you privately broke the rules of the Holy Land, and the elders of the Holy Land were abolished before the specific situation was clear, and you were punished for also abolishing cultivation."

"You can try!"

Not far away, the crisp voice of the girl sounded.

"Senior sister?"

Bai Yi frowned and looked in the direction where the voice sounded.

He Yiyi held the casserole and came to Bai Yi: "Nuo, little junior brother, Yi Yi personally made you a dish."

Saying that, she turned to look at Gong Tianming.

Pulled out a solid black token and threw it on the ground.

With a slight pale face that had not healed from his injuries, he calmly said: "

Qiong Yu Demon Sect Master Token, I have full authority to represent my master, and you move a finger of your little junior brother."

"The two cases are not dead."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.



(Ask for flowers and generate electricity for love, recently there is a gift tipping list, the top five hundred books can be displayed, we are now one thousand four, Rush duck~)

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