"You still dare to come back?"

Gong Tianming stared at He Yiyi in front of him, and the fierce murderous intent in his eyes was extremely intimidating.

"Why don't I dare to come back?"

He Yiyi stood quietly.

The jade hairpin on her head lit up with a slight fluorescence, spontaneously forming a semi-circular enchantment, shrouding her in it without being affected by Gong Tianming's coercion.

"Stealing the Holy Land Supreme Treasure, turning around and defecting to the Qiongyu Demon Sect, and now still standing in front of me and speaking loudly, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Gong Tianming glanced at the black token on the ground, narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"Fine snow was a gift from my father, when did it become Yanyue's greatest treasure?" He Yiyi said lightly.

"In order to win the half-step artifact fine snow, do you know how much human resources Yanyue spent? It should belong to the Holy Land!

"For example? What did Yanyue pay specifically in the original secret realm battle? How do I remember that it was my father who was seriously injured and dying alone to grab the fine snow?

He Yiyi looked at Gong Tianming's eyes and said calmly:

"Shouldn't you be very clear about these things, if he hadn't left a hidden disease when he snatched the fine snow, how could there be the current Sect Master Gong?"

"Sharp teeth, nonsense."

Gong Tianming didn't want to continue this topic, but instead pointed at

Bai Yi and asked, "Bai Yi is my disciple, and I punish him as a master for his own family's affairs, how can you interfere?"

"Did I meddle? I just said my decision and the decision of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, which does not affect you to do it now."

He Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, moved his footsteps, and turned sideways to get out of the way.

"No, the little junior brother is there, you might as well try it?"


Tianming was silent.

The Millennium Contest was about to convene, and he didn't want to make a mistake at such a critical time.

The great competition once every thousand years determines the thousand-year ownership of a secret realm and multiple spirit stone veins, and the winner of the last great competition was the Qiongyu Demon Sect.

If the two sects started a big war now, then the Qiong Yu Demon Sect would definitely withdraw from the Millennium Competition, and at the same time refuse to hand over the ownership of the secret realm.

Then, this millennium competition, presided over by Gong Tianming during his reign, will be reduced to a complete joke.

At the same time, if you want to get back the secret realm, you have to wait another thousand years!

This was absolutely unacceptable to Gong Tianming and the Yanyue Holy Land.

The devil knows what kind of behemoth the Qiong Yu Demon Sect will develop into with the help of the secret realm and the spirit stone vein!

For a long time, Gong Tianming raised his gaze to look at Bai Yi, his brows furrowed and his eyes were hazy.

"Although Bai Yi, a disciple of this seat, made a big mistake, he was respectful and easy-going in the past, treated the teacher with sincerity and filial piety, and was exempted from the punishment of abolishing cultivation, and instead faced the wall for a month."

After that, he turned around and left with Jinmata Bridge and Gong Lingyun, who had been reduced to waste.

Liu Ziru on the side looked indifferent, still standing in place without moving.

After Gong Tianming left, Bai Yi stepped forward and picked up the black token on the ground and handed it to He Yiyi.

Confused, he asked, "Senior sister, can you Qiong Yu Demon Sect Holy Daughter make decisions instead of the sect master?" "

Don't blame him for wondering.

It's shocking.

Obviously he was still selling cute in the morning and fooled himself to play with her, but in a blink of an eye, he appeared again, scaring the master of a sect, forcing Gong Tianming to retreat.

Without blinking his eyelids, he domineeringly took out a piece of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect Master Order and threw it on the ground.

Ask Gong Tianming if he wants to die with the Qiong Yu Demon Sect.

This is He Yiyi?

Is this still my senior sister Hanbao?

"My fox fake tiger is a liar." He Yi stuck out his little tongue and said.

As soon as Gong Tianming left, she immediately returned to her appearance of having no heart and no lungs, and she didn't see the slightest bit of Fangcai's calm and domineering.

"How did the token come from?" Bai Yi does not believe.

"Yiyi took advantage of the master's lack of attention to steal it." He Yi blinked his big eyes, a serious book.

"Just pull it."

"Oh, little junior brother has to believe Yiyi."

He Yiyi glanced at Liu Ziru next to him with his afterlight, stepped forward and pulled Bai Yi's sleeve and said,

"There are outsiders around."

Bai Yi: "..."Your

voice is also too loud."

I'm afraid Liu Ziru won't hear

it"Yiyi joked, now that you have joined Qiong Yu, it stands to reason that Xiao Baiyi is not your junior brother."

With a soft smile on her face, Liu Ziru stepped forward to touch Bai Yi's head, and asked softly:

"You said yes, Xiao Baiyi, Yi Yi is a guest from afar, and you have to treat Yi Yi well instead of Shi Niang."

"In this way, Yiyi really can't follow Xiaobai Yi to call Shi Niang anymore, thank you Grandma Liu for reminding." He Yiyi smiled blandly, and greeted Liu Ziru politely.


Little vixen, you are looking for death.

Liu Ziru's eyes narrowed slightly.

Compared with He Yiyi, age is indeed her hard injury.

But this did not bother her, and her gaze obviously swept over He Yiyi's green chest.

She smiled gently, "Yiyi is still so thin. "

Stinky old woman!

He Yi looked at her trembling mountains, and then looked down at his indisputable little hill.

I couldn't help but grind my silver teeth in annoyance.

Shot back: "Thank you Grandma Liu for your concern, Yiyi heard that boys like thinner girls, now it's good, after all, fat is easy to sag." "

Liu Ziru was stunned, she said I drooped!

A hidden murderous intent flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She shook her head with a smile and said:

"Whether you can't sag is not fat and thin, it is mainly related to your physique, but I think Yiyi should not have this trouble, after all, it is too thin."

The word 'thin' bites are particularly heavy.

Standing between the two, Bai Yi looked confused.

How it seems that I can't understand a word!

What does fat and thin have to do with sagging?

Are they encrypting calls?

However, although he did not understand the content of Liu Ziru's conversation with He Yiyi, he felt the strong smell of gunpowder between the two.

Hurriedly said: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, let's go into the room, sit down and talk again..." Halfway

through the words, he suddenly reacted.

The old man's room is gone!

Where else to sit.

Gan, Duterai Kanamata Bridge!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Bai Yi walked to Jiaomujiao and grabbed his ears: "You are a, you can't build my house."

"Yuanjun, don't blame me for this, if that square-faced dog thing doesn't make a move, there will definitely be no problem with the house." Kakumujiao looked wronged.

Saying that, he smiled again and lowered his voice and asked, "I just seemed to feel the breath of that kid from the Golden Dragon, and Yuanjun also summoned him?"

"No, you felt it wrong."

Bai Yi denied it without hesitation, but his eyes subconsciously glanced at the place where Gong Lingyun had just stood.

"Since Xiaobaiyi's courtyard was destroyed, it was time to go to the Moon Hall with Shi Niang to eat first, but I may have to say sorry to Yiyi, I didn't expect you to be there, and I only prepared a meal for two."

Liu Ziru pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, glanced at He Yiyi and said.

"Grandma Liu still eats with Sect Master Gong, I won't bother you, I'm all cooked, the casserole that the little junior brother is holding is, the two of us are just right."

He Yiyi stepped forward without hesitation and pointed to the small casserole in Bai Yi's hand and said.

The two couldn't argue, so they turned to look at Bai Yi together and asked,

"Little junior brother."

"Little white game."

"What's in your mind?"



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