"Little junior brother."

"Little white game."

"What's in your mind?"

Hearing this, Bai Yi was stunned.

Do you still need to think about it?

As the deputy sect master, the dishes she prepared must be delicacies of the mountains and the sea.

Eating it is definitely good for practice.

Maybe even a dish can last days of hard work.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi smacked his lips.

No wonder everyone likes rich women.

Willing to spend money and sensible, as well as experience, pat your ass and know to change ....


Bai Yi cleared the unorthodox reverie in his head, and made a choice without hesitation:

"Since Senior Sister has already prepared to send it over, I won't bother Senior Sister."


Liu Ziru was already ready to extinguish.

He is not stupid, if he is stupid to follow to the Moon Hall, it will definitely be a sheep into the mouth of the tiger.

The chicken babies who have been raised for many years have to be handed over, and the heavy ones are difficult to save their lives.

Besides, Gong Tianming is already out of customs, if he sees that it is wrong.

Bai Yi believed that with the blessing of the hat buff, Gong Tianming would definitely not care about Senior Sister's Sect Master Token again.

Definitely tore himself apart in minutes.

Although he also has a little arrangement.

But who knows if Gong Tianming will wear a hat, no one loves it, and he doesn't care about anything.

To be on the safe side, it's best not to go!


Liu Ziru's eyes narrowed slightly, and her tone became cold.

"Xiao Baiyi has figured it out?"

Bai Yi always felt that her eyes were murderous and she smiled awkwardly.

Raised the casserole in his arms and showed it to her, and said: "Senior sister has already sent it, it can't be wasted, another day, another day I will go to the senior lady to make amends." "

Hear this.

Liu Ziru glanced at He Yiyi on the side and nodded lightly.

"Then I'll go back first."

She turned and walked towards the Moon Hall.

The expression is not sad or happy, and there is no emotion to be seen, but the palms are tightly clenched together.

The pale nails even pierced a trace of red blood from the palm.

Xiao Baiyi, you disappointed Shi Niang.

As punishment, when we are together, Shi Niang will cut off He Yiyi's head in front of you.

When you watched Shi Niang's long sword cut through her throat, fine blood bubbles flowed out along with a muffled sound of gurgling.

You will definitely change your mind, you will definitely be obedient....

"Senior sister, let's go to the old house first."

After Liu Ziru left, Bai Yi looked at Xiaozhu, which was completely in ruins, and said helplessly.

This small building was given to Bai Yi by Gong Tianming after Bai Yi's parents died in battle, and he had been living on the mountainside with many Holy Land elders before.

Speaking of which, it is not a bad thing that the small building is destroyed now.

At least stay away from the Moon Hall, there is no need to stay under the noses of Liu Ziru and Gong Tianming, and it is more convenient to find Senior Sister.


He Yiyi nodded obediently.

After glancing at the back of Liu Ziru leaving, he followed Bai Yi down the mountain together.

The little junior brother really didn't disappoint Yiyi.

Not bad, not bad, you can feel a little more at ease with him when you meet other girls in the future.

Well, the nails cover so little, no more, no more is safe.

The little junior brother is so good-looking, there are too many fox spirits who like him, and Yiyi is easy to take care of, so it is still necessary to strengthen supervision.

Thinking of this, He Yiyi suddenly raised his eyes to look at Bai Yi's handsome face.

If the little junior brother is not so good-looking.

Iichi won't be so tired.

There is no need to worry every day that he will be snatched away by others.

However, the little junior brother was really self-conscious, and Yiyi was reluctant to do anything to him.

For a while, the girl was a little distressed.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still temporarily shelved his plan to disfigure Bai Yi.

"Yiyi should hurry up and strive to settle a name with the little junior brother at the end of the big competition! Come on, come on, come on! "

If you don't have the right opportunity, create it!"

The little junior brother is Yiyi's, no one is allowed to move, hum!

A moment later.

The two came to the old house where Bai Yi lived with his parents when he was a child.

The horned wood jiao did not come together.

Instead, he found a remote place and returned to the Divine Register.

Bai Yi's current realm is not enough to support the existence of two stars together for a long time...


Bai Yi opened the door and walked in.

He often came to clean up the old house, and it was very clean, but it saved him the trouble of cleaning again.

He Yiyi followed behind his ass, holding a casserole that kept the temperature with his aura.

Meizi sat down at the round table:

"Little junior brother, doesn't that friend of yours eat together?"

"He still has important things to do, leave him alone." Bai Yi casually confused.

Walked to the window and opened it, this house has not been inhabited for too long, a bit musty.

"Ao, Yiyi feels that his cultivation is very strong, where did the little junior brother know such a powerful friend." He Yiyi said curiously.

"It's my father's old friend, and I've known each other for a long time."

Bai Yi returned to the round table and sat down, diverting the topic:

"What did Senior Sister make delicious?"

"Hehe, Yiyi stewed spirit chicken for the little junior brother, what to eat and supplement, drinking spirit chicken soup is very helpful for cultivation."

He Yiyi immediately dropped his curiosity about the diagonal wood jiao, and lifted the lid of the casserole like a treasure.

Anyway, it is a man, and it will definitely not be a threat to Yiyi.

The rest doesn't have to be digged into at the bottom of it.

Iichi is very virtuous!

The little junior brother must also have a little secret, well, as long as it is not related to the fox spirit.

"It's not bad, it's quite fragrant."

Bai Yi took a sip of the soup, and his eyes lit up. Give a thumbs up.

"That's not it, Iichi has been preparing for the morning." He Yiyi smiled happily.

"Why didn't I find it when I came in the morning?"

"Because Iichi wants to surprise you."

"Well, it's very fragrant, senior sister's craftsmanship is very good haha."

"Yes, Yiyi is an all-round good girl who can carry a knife to protect the little junior brother and can cook and stew chicken!"

He Yimei crossed his waist, and the smelly fart raised his delicate and smooth chin.

Bai Yi rolled his eyes.

But the heart is very warm.


Moon Temple.

"Sect Master, this matter must not end like this, you want to avenge me, I went to find Bai Yi completely obeyed the orders of the young master, and really did not steal secrets."

Jinmata Qiao's face was pale, he had just taken the healing pill, and Gong Tianming helped him breathe again, which could be regarded as hanging, but his cultivation had been completely destroyed.

"I know, I know if there are any secrets in Bai Yi, but people took the Liuying Stone to record the evidence, and you really broke in without permission..."

Gong Tianming frowned and paused, and continued:

"There are still many elders in the sect who do not support me, and I must stand up to what I do, otherwise it will cause criticism."

"Then wouldn't I have been abolished in vain, Sect Master, I have been serving you diligently for so long, you can't leave me alone." Kanamata Bridge said with a sad face.

"No, I already have a way."

Gong Tianming's eyes had undisguised cruelty.

Pointing to Gong Lingyun on the side, he said in a rare stern tone:

"Xiao Yun is ready to participate in the Millennium Competition, and I will arrange it at that time..."


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