"I will arrange for someone to arrange you and Bai Yi in the same field, you are the peak of the Cave Market Realm, he is only a foundation building realm at most, when the time comes, you will kill him with your own hands."

"Then I will let the disciples in the sect lose to you one by one, and as for the leader of the final thousand-year competition, I will also let you get it, and then there will be no objection to accepting you as a family inheritance within the sect."

Gong Tianming's eyes were full of haze, and he slowly said the arrangement he had planned a long time ago.

"Dad, we said that the good white game will be left to me..." Gong Lingyun wanted to argue.

Gong Tianming's eyes changed, and he scolded: "Do as I say!"

On the side, Jinmata Bridge glanced at Gong Lingyun with a gloomy face.

If she hadn't insisted, how could he go to Bai Yi now.

And how can it be repaired to waste.

Now I actually think about leaving my life in vain....

Kanamata Bridge couldn't wait to go up and punch her head open to see what was inside.

However, now that his cultivation has been exhausted, he will have to rely on Gong Tianming's father and daughter in the sect in the future, so he has to suppress his inner dissatisfaction.

Looking at Gong Tianming, he reminded: "Sect Master, that Supreme Realm cultivator beside him appeared out of thin air, I am afraid that when the time comes, he will repeat his old skills..." Hearing this, Gong

Tianming was stunned.

After a little thought, he said: "It should be that your cultivation is insufficient and you did not notice the appearance of that person, but the Supreme Realm that suddenly appeared is indeed a little strange. "

He has been cultivating for so many years, and he has never heard of anyone who can drive the Supreme Realm with the Innate Realm.

Even those evil cultivators who specialized in puppets could not cross so many realms to control a Supreme Realm cultivator.

However, there was actually a Supreme Realm cultivator beside Bai Yi.

This was something that Gong Tianming never expected.

The Supreme Realm cultivators are enough to open a mountain and establish a sect, and everywhere they go, they are all guests of the major sects, how can they stay by Bai Yi's side as such a congenital realm waste?

Gong Tianming was puzzled.

If this Supreme Realm cultivator had appeared earlier, he could have changed his attitude towards Bai Yi.

Give him some resources and guidance.

But now, there is no room left.

Thinking of this, Gong Tianming sneered:

"It's just a Supreme Realm Duo Heaven, thinking that with his support, he can be arrogant in front of me, hehe, little family."

Breaking through the peak of the Supreme Realm, he is now a Seventh Heaven cultivator.

Even if Bai Yi has the support of the Supreme Realm, it won't take too much effort to crush to death together.

"From beginning to end, you are just a pawn, I gave you the status of a personal disciple, let you shine in the sect for so many years, now, if I want you to die, then you must die."

This is the end of Bai Yi's discussion.

Gong Tianming instead discussed with Kanamata Bridge the specific details of his daughter's becoming a personal disciple.

For Gong Tianming.

Bai Yi is just a small episode, never important.

The cultivation of the peak of the daughter's Cave Void Realm can kill him a hundred times with a raised hand.


"Senior sister, you honestly tell me what position you are in the Qiongyu Demon Sect."

After eating.

Bai Yi pulled He Yiyi to sit down at the round table and asked seriously.

Yu Xian's attitude towards Senior Sister's obedience, the Qiong Yu Demon Sect Master Token, and the calm and domineering words standing in front of Gong Tianming.

All this made Bai Yi feel deeply.

Senior sister is wrong!

"I didn't say it, I stole that token." He Yi rolled his eyes, and wanted to pretend to be stupid.

She didn't want the little junior brother to feel that she was powerful.

Everyone says that boys don't like their women to be too smart.

She wants to maintain a silly and super deceptive image in front of Bai Yi.

In that way, no matter how many fox spirits she killed, Bai Yi would not suspect her, but would feel that Senior Sister was so stupid, it must have nothing to do with her.

"As far as I can cause, Gong Tianming's Sect Master Order has always been carried with him, and unless he is killed, it is impossible for anyone to get it." Bai Yi Dao.

"That and that, each sect is different." He Yi spat out his little tongue and said weakly.

Bai Yi glared: "I haven't been to the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, doesn't mean I'm stupid!" "

The little junior brother died murderously.


He Yi huffed and said, "Little junior brother, you are so smart that you can't easily marry your daughter-in-law." "

Don't say it." Bai Yi scare her with a face.

"Just say it."

He Yiyi snorted and whispered:

"Before Qiong Yu ran for the Holy Son and Holy Daughter, Yi Yiyang mistakenly won the leader, and then the master accepted Yi Yi as an apprentice, later."

"Wait a minute! So it was rumored before that the Qiong Yu Demon Sect appeared a demon who killed all competitors, and it was you? Bai

Yi thought of the news that went viral in the Holy Land some time ago, and the whole person was not good.

The demon head who killed nearly a hundred competitors is my senior sister?!

Are you kidding!!

"How is it possible, these guys, what kind of Yiyi has become."

He Yiyi observed Bai Yi's expression, and immediately denied it with a huff: "

They weren't killed by Yiyi, we were campaigning in a secret realm at that time, Yiyi defeated the most powerful guy among the girls, and then left, and then those monster beasts in the secret realm rioted..."

"So those people died at the hands of monster beasts, not you?"

After listening to He Yiyi's explanation, Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but still had some doubts.

After all, there were rumors outside that there were noses and eyes, and he had heard about them more than once.

"Why did the little junior brother suddenly become stupid, you think, there are so many people competing for the position of the Holy Son and Holy Daughter, even if Yiyi is powerful, it is impossible to kill them all, right?"

He Yiyi's eyes were clear, the tip of his nose was wrinkled, and he flickered Bai Yi with his fingers:

"First, the secret realm is so big, Yi Yi can't find all the people, second, they are not stupid, if Yi Yi is really so powerful, he will definitely join forces, can I still fight so many people alone."

"Moreover, Yiyi wants to compete with the saint girl, there is no reason to kill all people, when the monster tide rioted, Yiyi himself almost died, or did the master appear at a critical moment to save Yiyi."

"It's just a pity that those senior brothers and sisters, they are all very good people."

Speaking of this, He Yiyi secretly glanced at Bai Yi.

The eyes were slightly red, and tears of sadness fell from the crackle.

That's right!

Senior sister wants to campaign for the saint girl, why kill all people? If you want to kill, you only have to kill women.

There is absolutely no reason for this!

And which one of the people who can participate in the election of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter is not a genius who is one in a million, if they join hands, Senior Sister can kill them all?

That's not a bunch of fat pigs waiting to be slaughtered!

So the real situation should be that the demon beasts in the secret territory rioted and attacked the disciples participating in the campaign.

After the senior sister defeated the candidate of the Holy Daughter, she thought about leaving the secret realm, and was just the latest by the tide of demon beasts, so she was just saved by the belated Qiong Yu Demon Sect Master.

Compared to the outrageous rumors that Senior Sister killed everyone alone, this one is obviously more credible!

Moreover, Bai Yi remembered that there had also been many collective riots of demon beasts in the secret territory of the Yanyue Holy Land.

Every time, it caused many disciples to be killed and injured!

Sure enough, rumors are rumors, and they all spread my senior sister into something!

"Senior sister, don't be sad, I'll pour you a cup of hot water, blame those who spread the news blindly, and I won't believe the broken news in the future."

Looking at He Yiyi's tears, his sad eyes were red with tears.

Bai Yi scolded those dog things that spread rumors indiscriminately in his heart.

At the same time, he fiercely condemned himself for distrusting his senior sister.

Senior sister is such a kind girl, how can it be a devil!

Don't believe the rumors anymore!!



(The fool author is still coding two points, if I am a reader, I will have a five-star praise, and I will not hesitate for a second T^T)

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