"No, it hurts, come out quickly, and study it again."


"Whoosh! Why does it hurt so much! "

Inside the house, strange exchanges continue.

He Yiyi's face became more and more ugly.

In a thousand calculations, she expected everything.

I just didn't expect Bai Yi to actually like men.

Listening to the 'filthy words' that kept coming out of the window, He Yiyi's heart gradually sank.

"Little Junior Brother, Yiyi was originally still happy for your understanding, but I didn't expect..."

She reached for the narrow knife at her waist, her eyes filled with loss and clearly visible sadness.

After thinking for a long time, He Yiyi finally took a deep breath.

No matter what, even a man can't grab a little junior brother with Yiyi.

It was too dangerous outside, and there were many uncertain factors, and Iichi didn't want to be so scared.

Little junior brother, Yiyi wants to hide you.


He Yiyi clenched the narrow knife, a sickly look danced on his small face, and stepped forward to push open the door.

"Little Junior Brother, go with Yiyi..."

She stood in the doorway and looked inside the house, and did not see the unbearable scene she imagined.

On the contrary, Bai Yi and Horned Wood Jiao were all neatly dressed, and there were many spirit stones piled up around them.

"Senior sister? What are you doing here? Bai Yi looked sideways at He Yiyi at the door, and he was almost startled.

Fortunately, he and the horned wood jiao are separated, if they are at the important juncture of fusion, they are frightened by the senior sister, what if they can't get stuck and can't get out!


He Yi had a big embarrassment written on his small face.

I can't wait to find a seam on the spot to drill into now.

Ah, what are you thinking in your head! Dead to death!!

Junior Brother is cultivating, you actually ... You actually think of that kind of thing.


The little red-faced girl rubbed the ground with the soles of her shoes, and released the handle of the thin snow knife like a hot hand.

Two small hands hooked behind his back, and muttered softly: "I'm coming, come to play with the little junior brother, I don't know if you are busy."

"It's okay, I didn't think it through, I should have gone to the secret room."

Bai Yi put away the imperial ghost decision on the table and poured a glass of water for He Yiyi.

Originally, he wanted to briefly test it with the horned wood jiao first to see if it was feasible.

I didn't go to the secret room.

Now that I think about it, it's a little less cautious.

"Little Junior Brother, is this learning the formation?" He Yiyi held the cup and glanced at the table on tiptoe.

What if the little junior disciple noticed that Yi Yi was coming and deliberately pretended to be practicing.

She has to be careful!

Looking left, right, the girl who came to catch the rape full of anger saw nothing.

However, it can be ruled out that the white game is temporarily arranged.

After all, the bed is very tidy, and those orderly spirit stones can not be done in a short time.

Boys can't be completely assured in the future!

Yiyi wants to put an end to all possibilities!

Thinking like this, He Yiyi's gaze swept around the three ways under Bai Yi.

She just wanted to kill the future forever and give the little junior brother a quack away.

Now it seems that it is not used for the time being, and it can be saved for giving birth to a baby in the future....

"It's not counted, I'm more curious about some things of the Imperial Ghost Cultivator, and it just so happens that Big Brother Jiao understands it, so I studied it together." Bai Yi said half-truthfully.

I don't know why, being looked at like this by the senior sister, he always felt that his lower body was a little cold.

It's as if, there is no wisp of the body, the sky is wild, and the cattle and sheep are in the windswept meadow...

"Oooh, Demon Friar." He Yiyi withdrew his gaze, chased away some pictures related to giving birth to a baby in his head, and puffed out his cheeks and thought about it.

"There seems to be a ghost cultivator on Qiong Yu's side, but Yi Yi didn't know much about it, so I'll go back next time to help the little junior brother ask."

"Okay, then thank you Senior Sister." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"This is?" He Yiyi looked at Jiaomujiao with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

She felt that this person's strength was very close to that of the third senior uncle, how could there be a great cultivator of this level around the little junior brother?

"His name is Kakumujiao, and he is an old friend of my father." Bai Yi lied.

"Oh oh, hello Big Brother Horn." He Yiyi smiled and saluted.

"Hello to you." Jiaomujiao hurriedly returned the salute, he knew that He Yiyi and Bai Yi had a good relationship, so he was a little nervous when he spoke.

In Jiaomujiao's opinion, the people who can befriend Yuanjun are all powerful through the heavens!

After a moment of pleasantries, He Yiyi remembered something serious.

"Little junior brother, the millennium competition is about to begin, have you thought of a countermeasure?"

Bai Yi knew that Senior Sister was talking about Gong Tianming's problem, and without much hesitation, he nodded with a smile: "After making some arrangements, it should be fine."

He Yiyi frowned his eyebrows slightly, and said worriedly: "He will definitely do tricks in the big competition, and the little junior brother will be very dangerous at that time." "

I know." Bai Yi nodded and smiled gently: "Isn't this studying off-market moves with Big Brother Jiao, senior sister rest assured, there will be no danger." "

That's not okay, there must be danger, otherwise Yi Yi will save Meili heroically!"

But the little junior brother really can't have problems in the big competition, otherwise it will be difficult to operate in front of everyone.

He Yiyi wrinkled his crystal nose, thought seriously for a long time, and did not come up with any good way.

After all, Gong Tianming has not yet made a move, and at present, he doesn't even know who the opponent they arranged for the little junior brother is.

You can only wait and see, step by step.

Looking at He Yiyi's sad face, Bai Yi smiled and gently bumped her with his elbow: "Senior sister, don't worry too much, believe me, I won't be careless about things related to Xiao Life."

These words made Ho Yi wake up.

You have to be careful about using Shao Xiong's help, you can't be seen by the little junior brother!

Otherwise, the filling will be all exposed.

Thinking of this, He Yi glanced at Bai Yi, and hummed in his heart.

Little Junior Brother, you will soon be Yiyi's man.

"Senior sister, senior sister? What do you think, the hara is flowing out.

Bai Yi pushed her aside.

"Ah, nothing, nothing."

He Yi wiped away the shiny saliva at the corner of his mouth and jerked back to his senses.

His face was slightly red, and the happy smile at the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed.

"Send it to the cave room, hee-hee."

"What?" Bai Yi didn't hear clearly, and asked confused.

"Nothing, nothing, Yiyi still has things, go back first, see you later."

The girl's face turned red with a brush, and she hurriedly took a pair of long legs and slipped away.

"Did Senior Sister do something bad behind my back?"

Bai Yi touched his chin and muttered as he looked at He Yiyi's back.

"Harm, what bad thoughts can Senior Sister have."

I must have thought too much about it.

Bai Yi shook his head and said to the horned wood jiao: "Come, let's continue." "

He already has a clue about fusing with Kakuki's combat power.

Three days later, in the thousand-year competition, what kind of reaction would Gong Tianming have when he saw himself in the Supreme Realm?

Bai Yi is looking forward to it.


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