"Girl He, Vice Sect Master Liu has a request."

After leaving Bai Yi's house, He Yiyi returned to the residence of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect with brisk steps.

Before he entered the door, he was stopped by the maid waiting here.

Hearing the maid's words, He Yi was first stunned, and then showed an interesting smile.

She reached out and touched the narrow knife on her waist, her eyes playful: "Grandma Liu looking for me?" Is there something going on?

The maid shook her head and said, "The slave doesn't know, the master just said to let the slave come to invite Miss He, she said, you will definitely go." The

smile on He Yiyi's face became more and more interesting, "Oh, then you tell her that Yiyi is not going and is angry with her old demon."

After that, he turned his head and walked into the small courtyard.

The maid froze in place.

For a long time, He Yiyi's faint voice came from the courtyard: "The old demon woman wants to see me, let her come by herself, Yiyi has no time to play with her." The

maid had no choice but to turn and leave.

"She doesn't want to come to see me?"

After listening to the maid's relay, Liu Ziru frowned.

She thought that Yiyi would definitely come to see her.

I didn't expect to be rejected.

"Miss He said, I want to..." The maid hesitated, "Let the master go to see her yourself."

Liu Ziru's expression gradually became cold, "No need, since you don't want to meet, then prepare to start." "

The Qinghe Liu family is not afraid of your Qiongyu Demon Sect!

"Get ready, I'm going to see Bai Yi in the evening."

If you have the opportunity, take Xiao Baiyi with you tonight!

Liu Ziru wiped the sword Aoki brightly, and a trace of cruel determination flashed in her beautiful eyes.

You don't understand things, and the master doesn't blame you, but the punishment that should be there can't be less....

"No, it still hurts faintly."

Bai Yi let the horned wood jiao come out of his body for the twentieth time, and continued to open the ghost trick to check.

"Yuanjun, with your strength, it is completely enough to deal with any threat, right? Why study this? Jiaomujiao was not lightly tossed, and said sluggishly.

Bai Yi glanced up at him, thought for a while, and said:

"Of course, with my strength, I am enough to deal with most threats, there is no doubt about it, but Jiaomujiao, you remember, this world is not simple!"

Speaking of this, he put on a serious expression and continued: "The existence that is really enough to determine the situation has always been the last to appear, do you know why? "

yes, why?

Kakumujiao shook his head repeatedly, "I don't know." The

expression on Bai Yi's face was very inscrutable, he sighed, and said faintly: "Because the latter can control people!"

"The world is not as simple as you seem, and there are many unknown dangers hidden in the twilight, grinding our claws and teeth waiting for us to show their flaws."

Hearing this, Kakumujiao's expression gradually became serious.

He took the initiative to rush to answer: "So Yuanjun wants to make those guys who are secretly watching mistakenly think that you are using the power of the horned wood jiao to paralyze them!" "

All learned to answer questions.

Bai Yi cast an appreciative look with satisfaction: "Not bad."

With his hands on his back, he paced to the window, looking into the distance, only revealing a side face to Kakumujiao.

He said seriously: "Jiaomujiao, you remember, the great destruction is slowly planned, and the success has been achieved for a long time." "

Kakuki Jiao realized.

His eyes revealed that despite the difficulties ahead, I will endure the humiliation and bear the burden and live up to my original sense of mission.

His face was filled with a sense of responsibility for forging the glory of the Heavenly Court.

After a long while, he nodded emphatically, and said sonorously: "Yuanjun, the horned wood jiao remembered!"

Bai Chengxue Master Yi patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "My way is not alone!" The

two continued to study fusion combat power.

Time passed imperceptibly, and in the blink of an eye, it was getting late.

It took a whole day, and the pain during the fusion process was still not resolved.

However, the realm after the fusion of Bai Yi and Horned Wood Jiao gradually climbed to the peak of the Slashing Dao Realm from the beginning of the early stage of the Tribulation Realm.

There are still three days left before the Millennium Competition, and there should be no problem in raising the fused combat power to the Supreme Realm One Heavy Heaven.

Perhaps because the gap between the realm of Bai Yi and Jiaomujiao was too large, Bai Yi's aura was only enough to support the fusion of the two for an hour.

This has not improved due to the increase in the number of fusions.

After all, Bai Yi's cultivation is there, and if the cultivation is not improved, the amount of spiritual energy that the spirit sea can hold is limited after all.

"One hour, that's enough."

Bai Yi ate a simple dinner and set his sights on the top of the mountain.

No matter how much Gong Tianming had his hands and eyes in the sky, he couldn't find a Supreme Realm cultivator to participate in the competition.

As far as Bai Yi knew, the most evil genius of the young generation in the world at present was just the peak of the Tribulation Realm!

And he, by borrowing the heroic spirit into the body, can achieve the Supreme Realm One Heaven, which is completely enough.

What's more, an hour is not very short, I heard that some cultivators can only last three seconds with full output...

Gee, it's short.

The horned wood jiao lost its body in the god and demon war, and now it exists in the form of a heroic spirit, so naturally it does not need to eat.

So he was sent back to the Divine Book by Bai Yi long ago.

After eating, Bai Yi walked out of the small courtyard.

At sunset, brilliant fire clouds hang in the sky, the leisurely evening breeze blows gently, and several unknown birds perched on the branches and sorting each other's feathers.

Bai Yi thinks it's perfect for walking.

Descending the neat bluestone paved road is the Yanwu Square located on the mountainside.

Whenever dusk, the setting sun shines into the square, there will be a romantic atmosphere that makes the female disciples feel beautiful and the male disciples feel ready to move.

It's the taste of hormones.

At this time, the bustling crowd in the square gathered, and a male disciple who was about to move was taking advantage of this romantic atmosphere to confess to his favorite female disciple for a long time:

"Swallow, I have liked you for a long time, every look in your eyes, every joy and sorrow, all of them always affect my heart, I wake up is also you, dreams are also you, without you, there is no stability for a moment."

The beautiful female disciple Yanzi stood in place shyly and timidly, listening to him tell his heart.

A kind of lively disciple next to him was booing, which made Yanzi feel more and more shy.

"Ancestor Master said that cultivators of my generation should be dedicated to seeking the Great Avenue of Eternal Life, but I feel that if there is no you, it is to give me an immortal life, and I still don't think about it!"

The male disciple licked his work, and his tone was affectionate.

"Swallow, are you willing to join me in seeking eternal life?"

The girl Yanzi looked at the disciple in front of him, he looked good, and his cultivation qualifications were not bad, he could be said to be a good candidate for the Daoist.

Hesitated for a long time, and was about to nod his head reservedly in agreement.

Yu Guang saw a young man slowly walking on the bluestone road on the side.

He is dressed in white clothes like snow, with a simple green jade bun on his head, soothing steps, slender physique, and every move reveals a dusty temperament.

The face is like a crown of jade, handsome and extraordinary.

The brilliant sunset was right in front of him, and the orange-gold sunset was attached to his shoulders.

It's really like an immortal falling into the mortal world.

It's Bai Yi, Bai Qin Chuan.

Yanzi looked at the male disciple in front of him, and then at the beautiful boy not far away.

Without hesitation: "We are not suitable!"

After speaking, he turned around and trotted towards Bai Yi.

Only the soulless whisper of the male disciple behind him:



(It will soon be a big plot, Rong carp paving the way, manual comparison, seeking flowers~)

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