Dark clouds of black pressure filled the sky, and there was no moonlight.

Several swallows hovered high in the air, making an anxious cry from time to time.

The shadows of the trees sway under the howling wind, heralding the coming storm.

The air was filled with the oppressive atmosphere before the rainstorm.

Liu Ziru came to the reception residence of the outer sect on the mountainside.

The number of people who came to Yanyue from the Qiong Yu Demon Sect on this trip was fifteen, divided into five courtyards to live in.

At first glance, the personnel of the five courtyards are completely arbitrarily arranged, but if you look at it from above, you will find that the small courtyard where He Yiyi is located is faintly guarded by the other four small courtyards.

Since Liu Ziru was determined to do it, he had naturally done a perfect investigation.

She took two Dao Slashing Realm maids, and under the cover of darkness, slowly approached the small courtyard where He Yiyi was.

"There is only one person left idle in the Supreme Realm exposed on the surface, but whether Qiong Yu has arranged another Supreme Realm to hide in us does not know, I will lay down a formation to shield the qi machine and buy us a quarter of an hour."

Liu Ziru, dressed in black, stood on the head of an ancient tree with five people hugging the thick sycamore, and said to the two maids.

"After a quarter of an hour, the formation will dissipate, and at the same time, the people in the Holy Land will also detect the abnormality, and we must leave at that time."

The two maids had resolute expressions, and the voice replied: "Yes."

"Then do it."

Liu Ziru looked at the small courtyard at her feet, raised her hand and threw out a hexagonal ancient array plate.

A faint fluorescence lit up on the ancient array disk, and various mysterious and complicated runes lit up in turn.

By the time it landed, it had become hundreds of times larger, enveloping the entire courtyard.

"It's raining."

Liu Ziru stretched out her palm and watched as the subtle rain hit it, splashed, and then was dried by the spiritual qi.

She turned her head and glanced in the direction of Bai Yi's old house.

The figure gradually disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared at the head of the small courtyard wall.

In the east room, the earth-shaking snoring suddenly stopped, and Yu Xiang, who was lying on the bed on all fours, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and opened his eyes sharply.

The next moment.

A powerful blood-colored skull fist mark penetrated the roof and smashed straight towards Liu Ziru.

Liu Ziru's eyes sank, and the spiritual energy circulated in the body along the route of the exercise.

The cyan aura light under his feet flashed, and he instantly moved several meters to the left.

The aura of his arm fluctuated, and he raised his hand without hesitation to cut out a sword.

The light cyan sword radiance quickly slashed in the direction where the skeleton fist print rushed out.

The dispersing breath crushed the hard bluestone tiles of the roof, and in an instant dust and smoke filled the air.

"Yiyi, here's someone, pay attention to yourself, Zhang Laoer, protect Yiyi!" If she is injured, Lao Tzu will kill your whole family. Yu

Xian's body exuded a powerful coercion, and he rushed out from the roof before the sword light arrived.

The fierce essence flashed in his eyes, and he shouted as he rushed towards Liu Ziru.

Hearing this, a tough middle-aged man rushed out of the west room.

Without looking at Liu Ziru and Yu Xian, he rushed straight towards the main house where He Yiyi was.

At this time, the two maids hidden in the secret moved.

One maid walked down the corner of the wall towards the main house, while the other maid clenched the long sword in her hand and stopped in front of Zhang Laoer.

"Get out of here!"

Zhang Lao Er held a heavy chopping knife and drank violently.

Jumping high and slashing at the maid.

The maid did not dodge or dodge, flipped her wrist and pulled out a sword flower.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

The two took a step back at the same time.

At this time, another maid had already arrived in front of the main house.

I don't know if He Yiyi heard Yu Xian's shout, and there was no movement in the main room at this moment.

Quiet as if no one exists.

The maid who fought with Zhang Laoer was named Mu Bird, and the maid who came to the front of the main house was named Qingge.

Qingge stared at the dead and silent main house frowning slightly, she did not rush in recklessly.

Before they came, they had already learned about He Yiyi's terrifying results in the Qiongyu Demon Sect, and they were cautious in their hearts.

This kind of demon level genius can definitely cross the level to kill!

But her green song is also not philistine.

Jiazi crossed the robbery, a hundred years old, and the qualification even crushed part of the main vein of the Liu family!

If this were not the case, he would not have been personally named by the old master to marry Liu Ziru.

"I know you're inside."

Qingge said expressionlessly.

At the same time, she poured aura into her ears, catching every slight sound in the house.

It's still deathly silence.

"Not coming out?"

Qing Ge sneered, and the behemoth aura of the Slashing Dao Realm gushed out and gathered on the long sword in his hand.

Three steps back, the horizontal sword cut out.


The sturdy house was like tender tofu in front of the strong sword, and it was split in two in an instant.

It collapsed with a bang, and dust and smoke rose everywhere.

Qingge stared warily at the ruins in front of him.

But what stunned her was that there was still no He Yiyi.

She frowned slightly, feeling a little irritable in her heart.

There was only a quarter of an hour for her to hesitate.

I had to clench my long sword and slowly walk towards the ruins.

Obviously, he didn't make a move, and he didn't even see He Yiyi's face.

Qingge's forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

"Click~" A

soft sound suddenly came from the collapsed rubble pile on the left.

Qing Ge did not hesitate in the slightest, and raised his hand to slash out with a fierce sword.

But it was at the moment she struck.

The ruins on the right exploded, and wood chips flew at any time.

The sword is shining!

Qingge suddenly sweated upside down!

In a hurry, he suddenly turned around and blocked the long sword in front of his chest.

The girl pursed her lips and her eyes were calm, covered in gravel and dust, but she didn't care.

Just holding the narrow knife upside down, his breath was restrained, and he came to Qingge in the blink of an eye.

The narrow knife shook in midair, and the angle trickily bypassed the long sword that Qing Gege blocked in front of her, and slashed straight at her neck.

Qingge was horrified in his heart, and urged his body to slide back at the moment of a thousand shots.

Dodged the fatal stab.

On the white neck, a shallow blood-colored trace emerged.

A few drops of blood fell into the dust on the ground.

Qingge urged the aura to be frantically instilled into the long sword, and only when He Yi rushed forward, he could rely on his powerful cultivation to fight back.

However, the girl with the knife disappeared again.

This time, Qingge did not dare to raise it again.

Standing still, the whole body perception was urged to the maximum, looking for the trace of He Yiyi.

There was a crisp sound in front of the left.

Qing Ge immediately held his sword and looked to the right rear.

There was no movement.

There was a stalemate for a long time, so long that Qingge seemed to return to the night of the first time in her life.

It's also such tension, such sweat like rain....


came a sound from the left rear.

Qingge pretended to turn around.

Immediately in front of the right, there was a sound of breaking the air.

"Got you!"

Qing Ge turned around in an instant, his eyes flashing with essence.

After accumulating for a long time, the long sword, which had already been hungry and thirsty, did not hesitate to cut out.



(I, me, I, am not very good at writing fights, this chapter is written very slowly, so it's late, don't be angry, hehe~)

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