
, pop~" Dripping raindrops fell.

The sky that had been dull for a long time finally couldn't hold back, and it was like a pillar.

In an instant, heavy rain poured.

The rain curtain is as dense as a bead curtain.

The matchless sword radiance slashed out from under the Qingge sword, and its powerful might even evaporated the heavy rain curtain into a large blank.

The corner of Qingge's mouth hooked a mocking smile.

Is she really a fool?

But soon, the smile on her face froze.


There was actually a third soft sound next to it!

How can it be!

With her cultivation, why can she do it so quickly!!

Almost at the moment of the sound, a sharp knife pierced through her lower abdomen.


The narrow knife penetrated through the body, and the surging aura poured in along the blade body, filling Qingge's lower abdomen.

Stirring destruction inside her.

Qingge looked at the girl who appeared in the right rear in disbelief.

She pursed her lips and stared at herself quietly with a pair of clear eyes.

"You... It's also the Dao Slashing Realm..." Qing

Ge felt the life flowing madly in her body, spit out a mouthful of blood, and whispered.

She looked down at her broken dantian.

Red blood was constantly flowing there.

There was a thick unwillingness in her eyes.

I actually went like this....


As soon as He Yi pulled out the narrow knife, Qingge fell to the ground, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

She looked expressionlessly at the black-clothed figure who was fighting with Yu Xian in the distance.

Gently beckoned: "Senior Lady, good evening..."

The next morning.

The white thief stood at the door for a long time and made sure that there was no one around before coming to the well with a wooden basin.

Twenty-year-olds, actually... Still dreaming like this....

If this is passed on, where will his old face fall?

Rubbing his little four-corner shorts in shame, Bai Yi muttered hatefully in his mouth: "Evil book, it hurts me not shallow!" "

From today onwards, he is no longer a virgin boy....

After washing the little shorts, I found a branch to hang up.

Bai Yi returned to the house and turned out the "Master's Lady's Admonition" from under the pillow, and walked to the small courtyard with a bitter face.

Staring at the book in his hand, he muttered

, "If it weren't for your tea poison, how could I, who has always been serious, have such a dream, you are not shallow!"

Saying that, he raised his hand and threw it into the garbage heap in the corner.

Only then did he turn around and go back inside.

"I can't look at these things anymore!"

"I'm going to be a serious boy!"

"I... Uncle Miki should not have finished reading it.

Without taking a few steps, Bai Yi glanced back at the book lying quietly in the corner.

Although I want to be a serious boy, this book was borrowed from Uncle Miki.

There is borrowing and returning, borrowing again......

Bah, it's impossible to borrow again.

I just take it back and I don't look at it again!

Bai Yi's psychology at this moment is like the group of young teenagers who fought with the history of the browser in his previous life.

The same sage time... The same hesitation... The same tangles.


The eyes were fixed on the pedestrians outside the courtyard.

Until no passers-by walked by outside the small courtyard, he copied the small yellow cover book.

Turn around and go back to the room.


Closed the door.

Back in the room, Bai Yi hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to seal this book of sin, the source of all evil, under his bedboard.

So as not to be picked up by an ignorant teenager who has lived two lives but is still a child.

If you want tea poison, you can poison him alone!


"Hey, who did you say that the Qiong Yu Demon Sect provoked, the Supreme Realm night shift assassination, this does not seem to be something that ordinary forces can do."

Outside the courtyard, two passing disciples were talking enthusiastically.

"Who knows, maybe it was the Huizong who deliberately retaliated that day, their holy daughter didn't die inexplicably before, I think it is very likely that they held a grudge and planned this assassination."

"The Tianhui Sect should be unlikely, but it is a Supreme Realm Great Cultivator, and the Tianhui Sect is also the Sect Master and Elder Taishang are the Supreme Realm, if they leave the sect at will, there will inevitably be a big mess."

"Who is that? No matter, anyway, the people of the Demon Sect were assassinated, and it has nothing to do with us. "

Haha, maybe it's Xuan Tianzong's back troublemaker, no matter who did it, Lai Xuan Tianzong is right."

"Haha, Du Terai Xuan Tianzong..." The

conversation of the two disciples gradually faded away.

Inside the house, Bai Yi frowned.

Qiong Yu Demon Sect was assassinated?

He changed his clothes and walked towards the Qiong Yu Demon Sect station.

A moment later, Bai Yi came to the gate of the small courtyard.

At a glance, the ground is in shambles, houses collapse, and rubble is everywhere.

In the small courtyard, there were hundreds of crisscrossing ravines cut out by sword qi alone.

Near the direction of the main house, there was a pool of extremely obvious blood on the ground.

Bai Yi's brows furrowed deeply.

"Little Junior Brother, why are you here."

In the crowd in the distance, He Yi saw Bai Yi one by one, and Dada ran over.

The moment he saw He Yiyi, Bai Yi was visibly relieved.

He stepped forward and took the girl's arm and looked it up and down.

"Little Junior Brother, is this worried about me?" He Yiyi blinked his big eyes and asked.

"No, just to see if there are missing arms and legs, so as not to be able to marry later."

Bai Yi looked at He Yiyi's delicate little face, remembering the dream last night, his old face turned red, and he immediately denied it with a weak heart.

He Yiyi pouted, Meizhi hugged Bai Yi's arm, and hummed: "The little junior brother is worried about Yiyi, Yiyi can see it, and he wants to deny it."

Saying that, she leaned over to Bai Yi's side again.

He took a breath carefully and puffed out his chest.

She wants to let the little junior brother know that Yiyi is also a girl with a ravine...

Even though the girl has inhaled very hard, the congenital conditions are limited....

After all, no matter how high the plain is, it can only be called a plateau, and it cannot become a peak.

So Bai Yi did not notice her efforts and asked about the beginning and end of the assassination incident:

"I heard the disciples on the road say, Senior sister, you were assassinated?" Did you find out the murderer?

He Yiyi was very frustrated, and said angrily: "I didn't find out, originally Yiyi killed an assassin, but the body was snatched by them."

Saying that, she pointed to the crowd in front of her: "Gong Tianming is also here, just in front." "

The person who assassinated was the old demon.

The little junior brother is so stupid.

However, this has to let the little junior brother find out by himself, Yi Yi can't take the initiative to say.

So as not to affect my silly image that I have struggled to maintain.

This is a human character, and it cannot be broken.

A moment later, Gong Tianming walked out from the crowd and spoke to Yu Xian beside him:

"Yu Daoyou rest assured, Yanyue will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, just as our elders discuss today, I will definitely let them thoroughly investigate!"

Speaking of this, he saw Bai Yi standing not far away.

A thought flashed in his eyes, and he pointed at

Bai Yi and said: "Bai Yi, you are participating in the meeting with me, and I just have something to inform you."



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