"Does Brother Bai also want to participate in the Millennium Competition?"

The discussion ended after Gong Tianming 'helplessly' decided to participate in the Baiyi Millennium Competition.

During the entire discussion, from the beginning to the end, no one asked Bai Yi's attitude.

It was as if he was in the temple and was a completely dispensable existence.

After leaving the Moon Hall, Yu Xian asked a nonsense worriedly.

"Master and the elders have all decided, and I can't help it if I don't participate." Bai Yi said with a smile.

When he discussed with his senior sister before, he was already mentally prepared.

Now it's time to go through the motions.

"Can you take the liberty of asking, Senior Brother Bai's cultivation?"

Yu Xian looked nervous, rubbing his hands from time to time.

"In the early days of foundation building, Brother Yu asked what this is for?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Yu Xian smiled, and said in his heart that you are building the foundation realm, I am relieved.

After thinking about it, his smile suddenly froze.

Wait a minute.

What realm is Bai Yi, it seems that it has no effect!

If Yanyue arranges Bai Yi to pair up with He Yi.

No matter what kind of cultivation Bai Yi is, He Yiyi will not do anything to him...

That is to say, as long as Yanyue operates in the dark, arrange Bai Yi and He Yiyi to compete together.

Our Qiong Yu's thousand-year-old position is definitely gone!

However, before leaving, Senior Brother said that if I couldn't protect He Yiyi from winning the thousand-year-old competition, I would choke my second brother!

Come to think of it.

Yu Xian swallowed his saliva and lowered his head into deep thought.

The shameless Yanyue wants to use this means to win the thousand-year competition, and... Take down my second brother....

All the way without words.

Back at the residence of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect on the mountainside, He Yi trotted over.

"Little Junior Brother, did Gong Tianming ask you to go because he asked you to participate in the Millennium Competition?"

Bai Yi nodded: "It's basically the same as what Senior Sister said before."

"It seems that he has an iron heart and is about to do it." He Yiyi wrinkled his nose fiercely.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I'm prepared." Bai Yi said with relief.

"Na Yiyi believes in the little junior brother, squash them, hehe."

He Yiyi waved his small fist blandly.

Bai Yi laughed and snorted.

The two chatted for a long time, and Bai Yi said goodbye and left because he wanted to continue to practice fusing combat power with Jiaomujiao.

"Listening to the meaning of your chat, Gong Tianming arranged for Senior Brother Bai to participate in the big competition in order to kill him?"

Looking at Bai Yi's back as he left, Yu Xian asked curiously.

"Hmm." He Yi glanced at him and nodded slightly.

Other words.

It will not happen that He Yiyi deliberately waterproofed Bai Yi.

My second brother... Bah, the position of the leader is saved!

Yu Xian was overjoyed in his heart, and his happy smile had not yet reached the corners of his mouth.

Then he heard He Yiyi say again: "You prepare, if the little junior brother is in danger at that time, we will smash the enchantment and rob him out." "

Smash, smash open the enchantment?!" Yu Xian cried with a sad face: "Isn't this a clear violation of the rules?" If Yanyue is caught, we are likely to be disqualified." "

No matter what kind of secret realm, spirit stone vein, compared with the little junior disciple, it is dispensable."

He Yiyi said these words calmly but firmly.

Yes yes yes.

You are high, you are amazing.

Let me be a eunuch for your little man safety.

Yu Xian was full of resentment in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it.

I can only lower my head and be sad.

He loved to see stitches the most in his life, and now, the needle is gone....

The message jade plate around the waist vibrates gently.

He Yi walked into the new room with a pair of long legs, closed the door, and entered a wisp of aura.

"Number zero one three." It's still a familiar voice.


"Shao Xiong has already obtained the key confession, and in two more days at most, he will be able to perfect all the evidence." Zero One Three analyzed.

"Two days ... That is, the day of the Millennium Contest..." He

Yiyi ended the summons.

Playing with the narrow knife, he thought quietly for a long time.

After completing the plan in her heart, she finally hooked the corners of her mouth.

"Little junior brother, we will be together soon."


The clock is ticking.

The day of the millennium competition has finally arrived in a turbulent cloud.

"Little Junior Brother, who is your opponent coming out?"

Inside the huge Yanwu Square.

He Yiyi stood next to Bai Yi and asked curiously.

"In the morning, various ceremonies will begin, and the competition will not officially start until the afternoon, which is not yet known."

Bai Yi actually knew who his opponent was.

But he cannot reveal the source of the news for the time being.

So there was no choice to tell He Yiyi the truth.

"Oh, isn't it just a fight, how nice it would be if everyone went up together and crackled quickly, now it's so troublesome." He Yiyi pouted dissatisfied.

"It's really troublesome." Bai Yi echoed seriously.

Throughout the morning, the complicated processes were simply drowsy.

However, with the senior sister chatting on the side, Bai Yi did not feel bored.

After a brief break at noon, a disciple came to Bai Yi.

"Senior Brother Bai, it's time for you to catch the lot."


Bai Yi promised and got up calmly.

"Senior sister, let's go."

He Yiyi snorted, and also stood up and accompanied Bai Yi to the center of the square.

"Senior Brother Bai, just choose a jade card and open it."

In the center of the square, a male disciple holds a wooden tray lined with red velvet.

There are many white jade tablets of the same size on it.

Bai Yi knew that no matter which piece he chosen, the final result would definitely be the same name, so he casually opened a piece.

"Gong Lingyun."

The male disciple first picked up the jade card and showed it to Bai Yi.

By borrowing, it faces a high platform.

Lang Sheng called names: "The ninth scene of Jiazi, Bai Yi, Gong Lingyun."

On the high platform, Gong Tianming, who was sitting with the sect masters of many other factions, smiled and nodded.

"This is Sect Master Gong's personal disciple, right? Sure enough, the demeanor is good, and the hope is remarkable. Sect Master Xuantian asked with a smile.

Gong Tianming smiled and nodded, without speaking.

He set his sights on Bai Yi and He Yiyi in the center of the square.

The eyes are as deep as an ancient well.

Today is auspicious, it is appropriate to receive disciples, it is advisable to die....

On the side, the female emperor of the Phoenix Empire lazily glanced towards the center of the square.

Suddenly, I couldn't take my eyes off again.

This boy

Handsome flowed a leg.

At the other end of the high platform, Kanamata Bridge was also staring at Bai Yi in the center of the square.

He held a confession in his hand, his eyes grim.

His whole body exudes a relaxed feeling that the big picture has been decided.

"Bai Yi, today you will surely die."


"Senior Brother Bai, trouble you to go to the Jiazi Nine area."

"Senior sister, let's go."

"Uh-huh, let's go."

He Yi nodded and followed Bai Yi towards the martial arts arena.

When passing in front of the high platform, she intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Shao Xiong and Kanamata Bridge in the corner.

There is anticipation in the eyes.

Come on.

Iichi is optimistic about you guys....



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