"Jiazi No. 9 Field, Yanyue Holy Land Baiyi, Yanyue Holy Land Gong Lingyun."

As the disciples standing next to the martial arts arena rolled their names, Bai Yi and Gong Lingyun walked into the huge semicircular field at the same time.

"Little junior brother, come on."

He Yiyi stood under the stands not far from the martial arts arena, puffing out his cheeks and seriously waving his small fists to cheer up.

In the stands, many disciples of the Yanyue Holy Land, as well as disciples of the outer sect, were talking about it.

"Yanyue's own people beat his own people? Interesting haha.

The male disciple of Xuantian Sect smiled and said

, "I heard that although this Bai Yi is a personal disciple of the Yanyue Sect Master, he is only a ridiculous innate realm until now."

"But no, the inner disciples of our Rakshasa Gate are basically innate realms, if he is in our Rakshasa Gate, well, at most, he will be an inner disciple."

The Rakshasa disciples echoed the yin and yang strange qi next to them.

Several disciples of the Yanyue Holy Land had ugly faces, but they did not speak.

The slow progress of Bai Yi's cultivation has long been a laughing stock known inside and outside the Holy Land.

"Which peak is this Gong Lingyun a disciple? How I usually haven't heard of it. A male disciple of the Yanyue Holy Land glanced at Bai Yi in disgust: "I hope she can teach this humiliating thing a hard lesson."

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it, I don't know how to cultivate." His companion said: "Look, if you can participate in the Millennium Competition, it will not be lower than the Baiyi realm, and there should be no problem in beating him." "

Inside the martial arts arena.

Gong Lingyun set her sights on Bai Yi.

Proud said: "I wanted to give you a chance to live, but you don't cherish it yourself, standing in the martial arts arena today, I won't leave a hand on you." "


Bai Yi looked at the expression on her face that 'you didn't seize the opportunity, don't try to beg me', hesitated for a long time, and tentatively asked: "Then... I thank you? Gong

Lingyun's face froze, and she had the feeling of punching with all her strength but fluttering lightly on the cotton.

She took a deep breath and took out the superb magic weapon Xia Lightsaber that Gong Tianming had specially given her last night from the storage space.

His gaze was resolute: "If you had been sensible a few days ago and obediently became my slave, you would not have been at this step." Saying

that, she urged the aura and poured into the Xia Light Saber.

An extremely serious puzzlement appeared on his face:

"Obviously, my father took you as an apprentice, gave you the status of a personal disciple, and raised you for so many years, don't you have the slightest sense of gratitude?"

Bai Yi stood quietly in place, remembering his parents who died fighting for Yanyue.

Very mocking.

He did not argue with Gong Lingyun about the so-called gratitude, looked at her calmly, and said to himself:

"I like the word Gou because I am just an ordinary person, and I want to live."

"However, the gou, not the dog of the lackey."

In the stands, only the movements in the martial arts arena can be seen, and no sound can be heard.

The male disciple of Xuan Tianzong shouted impatiently: "You want to fight quickly, what are you doing grinding?"

"This woman should be in the Cave Ruins Realm, right? Is this kind of cultivation a white game? How is it still talking. The Rakshasa disciple echoed.

"When will a new Cave Ruins Realm peak emerge from the Holy Land?" The Yanyue disciple was puzzled.

"I don't know, looking at the age of no more than thirty years old, the thirty-year-old Cave Market Realm is considered a top genius in terms of the major super forces, but I really haven't heard of a person like Gong Lingyun in the Holy Land."

A female disciple looked at the two people in the martial arts arena, and her eyes were regretful:

"When you meet this kind of top genius, Senior Brother Bai Yi can't win."

"Hey, if you can't fight, it's dark if you don't fight." The male disciple of Xuan Tianzong shouted at the martial arts arena again.

Under the stands, He Yiyi frowned slightly, turned his head to Yu Xian and said, "Fan off his mouth full of teeth." The

next moment, Yu Xian appeared next to the male disciple of Xuantian Sect, and pinched the back of his neck with a sinister smile.

"Dog things, old brother Bai and Laozi have to be provided, you grinned your old lady."


With just one slap, half of the face of the male disciple of Xuantian Sect collapsed.

Blood beads flowed along with a mouth full of teeth.

"Today Lao Tzu will teach you that you can eat milk indiscriminately, and you can't talk nonsense."

Yu Xian didn't care about the terrified gazes of the disciples around him, and raised his big foot to kick the Xuantian Sect disciples who had passed out on the ground.

There was a crisp sound of bones shattering in the stands.

After kicking for a long time, he left the Xuantian Sect disciple who was almost inhuman.

Turned his head to look at the Rakshasa disciple who had just spoken while hiding in the crowd.

Grinned, walked over.


Inside the martial arts arena.

"So many people want to be my dog, and the Great Cultivator of the Pathway Realm of Kanamata Bridge is complacent as my father's lackey, why can't you, the Holy Land has raised you for twenty years."

Gong Lingyun held the Xia Light Sword and said as a matter of course.

The peak of the Cave Ruins Realm was scattered, and the strong aura fluctuations made the enchantment of the martial arts arena tremble slightly.

She was angry and ignorant of the times.

If he obeys, she can have a top minion.

But now, she had to kill him with her own hands.

Bai Yi stood in place, without any movement, just a slight movement of his lips.

Seeing this, Gong Lingyun's eyes shone, and he rushed over with a sword in his body.

In any case, he is just a slave, and he dies.

In an instant, she came to Bai Yi.

The strong qi of the Xia Light Sword brought up a strong wind, and the clothes of the white game were blowing.

"It's over."

Gong Lingyun thought in her heart.

Such a close distance, but just a matter of moment.

The Foundation Building Realm cultivation is completely devoid of the slightest resistance.

But it was at this moment.

She heard what Bai Yi was saying.

"Hunting on behalf of Tianxing, grazing the stars..."

"Horned wood jiao, listen to the Nether!"

"Take the spirit as the guide, and the blood as the medium."

"Nether ghosts, summon!"

What is it?

It was as if time had slowed down countless times.

Gong Lingyun thought suspiciously.

The next moment.

In front of him, Bai Yi gently raised his right hand and grabbed her throat.

She was still thinking, "What did he just say?" Bai

Yi's whole body was clinging to his body by the strong wind, and his hair flew back with the wind.

But he was still standing there.

And Gong Lingyun, like a fish that was caught too fast or even had not reacted, pinched in his palm.


The Xia lightsaber fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Bai Yi began to slowly tighten his palms, and the creepy bones were brittle one after another.

Look at this scene.

Little stars appeared in the eyes of countless girls around.

A young girl from the Phoenix Empire frantically shook her senior sister's arm.

"Ah! Senior sister, he is so handsome, so handsome!!

"Wait, wait." Senior Sister said.

"Senior sister, don't look at it, your face is red and not presentable."

"Did you bring a scarf?"

Junior sister didn't understand: "Huh?

"I'm out."


Listening to the screams of countless girls around him, He Yiyi's surprise that had just surged was immediately replaced by a thick vigilance.

She looked warily at the girls who were staring at her little junior brother.

I can't wait to pounce and cover their eyes with my hand.

Don't look, that's Yiyi's little junior brother!

Kill you."

In the center of the high platform, the beautiful eyes of the female emperor of the Phoenix Yu are full of color.

Gong Tianming was dumbfounded: "Cross the Tribulation Realm!" "

How is this possible.

In the corner, Shao Xiong looked at the martial arts arena sluggishly, and poked the Jinmata Bridge with his elbow: "Master, have you seen what happened?"

Kanamata Bridge's face was gloomy, and he was a big mouth when he went up.

"Lao Tzu's cultivation is all wasted, what do I think! How do I look!!

A moment later, the silent master and apprentice looked at each other and looked at the confession together.

"If you can't kill him today, it's the two of us who will die."



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