
What is she going to do!

Look at Wu Qianxi's movements.

Bai Yi subconsciously remembered the picture when he was almost raped by that maid in the Moon Hall.

Are you kidding.

Is it so dangerous for boys to go out now?

Although the situation at this time is a little similar to the last time, there are some differences.

For example, Wu Qianxi is just an ordinary person!

"Brush ~"

Bai Yi's eyes were fast, and at the moment when Wu Qianxi had not lifted her skirt.

Stretch out your right hand and hold it.

The two looked at each other.

Wu Qianxi: "??? "

What does he mean by that?

Do you want to help me yourself?


Without waiting for her to speak, Bai Yi closed his eyes and quickly let go of his hand.

Turned and pushed open the door and flashed in.

Slammed the door shut.

He leaned against the back of the door and let out a long sigh of relief.

Good hanging.

If I hadn't moved fast, I would have been taken advantage of by her.

Bai Yi's reaction was done in one go, and the action was too fast.

Wu Qianxi looked confused.

There was no reaction for a long time.

He reached out.

He pressed my skirt and

he closed his eyes.

He ran ....

...... So, do I still want to lift it?

The other end.

He Yiyi, who was secretly observing through the crack in the door, did not have time to return to the bed and lie down.

She hurriedly ran to the bed and sat down, pretending to have just gotten up and ready to get out of bed.

Then he raised his gaze and looked at Bai Yi, who had an expression like a great enemy at the door, and rubbed his eyes in ignorance:

"Little junior brother? What happened to you? "

Senior sister, you may not believe it, I just experienced a rape..." Bai Yi organized the language and said seriously with a scared face.

"Huh?" He Yiyi made a puzzled expression.

Of course she knew what had just happened.

But she couldn't let the little junior brother know that she knew...

Because if she told her little junior brother that she had seen everything.

After Wu Qianxi 'mysteriously disappeared' later, the little junior brother would definitely guess that it was Yi Yi's hand.

Therefore, Iichi not only had to pretend that he didn't know anything, but also had to explain for that vixen.

In this way, after the damned fox spirit disappears, the little junior brother will not suspect Yiyi in the slightest...

He Yi thought in his heart, his eyes dark.

But his expression was wide open, and he looked like 'Yiyi didn't understand'.

"Just now, after I went out..." Bai

Yi recounted what had just happened.

He's not a half-hearted scumbag.

When encountering this kind of thing, it is natural to tell Senior Sister.

After listening to Bai Yi's words, He Yiyi snorted with satisfaction in his heart.

Count you as if you dare to lie to Yiyi.

Hmph, cut you!

But satisfied to satisfied, the play still has to be performed.

She wrinkled her little nose, bit her finger and thought for a long time, and said hesitantly:

"No, Yiyi thinks that Xiaoxi is not that kind of person."

"Could it be that Xiaoxi planned to tidy up her skirt, and then the little junior brother misunderstood?"

Bai Yi was stunned and frowned: "I don't think so, I remember the eyes of that maid in the Moon Hall last time, exactly the same as her." "

They all carry a sense of danger that they want to exhaust themselves ...

He Yiyi was unimpressed, picked up his arm, and said with a smile: "Hey, it must have left a shadow on the little junior brother last time, so it's easy to think more."

Look at Senior Sister's determined expression.

Bai Yi is a little uncertain.

The one who knows women best is definitely a woman.

Could it really be my cup of snake shadow?

No, it's not right.

Bai Yi thought about Wu Qianxi's actions, and he was sure that it was not tidying up the skirt.

But look at the girl in front of her with pure eyes and an innocent expression.

He finally chose to swallow the words that came to his lips.

Sighed silently.

Alas, Senior Sister is also too kind.

"I guess I overthought it." Bai Yi said with a smile.

He Yiyi nodded his little head vigorously: "Yiyi feels that Xiaoxi is a very good girl, she will definitely not do this."

Saying that, she pushed Bai Yi's back and walked out: "Little junior brother, go and take a look, Xiaoxi may still be waiting outside."

Bai Yi had no choice but to reopen the door and walk out with her.

In the courtyard outside the door, Wu Qianxi had already left.

"Oh, the creek is gone."

He Yiyi pouted in annoyance, and glared at Bai Yi breathlessly:

"It's all to blame the little junior brother, the girl is very sensitive, Xiaoxi will definitely die of sadness at this time."

Bai Yi smiled and touched her silky hair, blocking the wind with his body.

Go back to the room with her.

"Senior sister, can you not be so understanding, maybe one day you will be deceived by others and help others count money."

"No, Yiyi is very smart, and the little junior brother is the big fool."

"Good, good, I'm an idiot."

"Hmph, that's not it, by the way, the little junior brother remembers oh, I have to say sorry to Xiaoxi tomorrow."

Bai Yi's voice froze, and he replied helplessly: "Okay, listen to Senior Sister, apologize to her." "

Not sure why.

Bai Yi suddenly remembered Liu Ziru, the sick lady.

Compared with her, who is about to abolish her cultivation and break her legs at every turn.

Senior sister is a little kind, just a little.

At least she is gentle and sticky, empathetic, lively and cute.

The most important thing is that Senior Sister is not that scary sick petite!

That's nice.


The next day at noon.

"Why do you have to leave today, stay for a few more days."

Wu Gang was surprised to learn that Bai Yi was preparing to leave.

On the one hand, for Bai Yi, they lived for less than three days and gave themselves such a valuable piece of jade pendant, and they felt ashamed of it.

On the other hand, I worry about whether my daughter has annoyed others.

"I've been bothering Uncle Wu for a long time, just because her injury has improved a lot, we should also leave."

Bai Yi draped a piece of clothing over He Yiyi's shoulder and explained with a smile.

"Bai Gongzi, you and your wife are both big people, I don't dare to force you to stay, the next time you pass here, you must remember to come back and take a look, and then I will roast venison for you."

Wu Gang didn't hold back any longer, turned around and went into the room and took out a cloth pocket.

"Here are some deer antler velvet, good for blood, should help Madame's injury, as well as a few hares and dry food, you can eat on the road."

"Then thank you Uncle Wu."

Bai Yi thought about it and took it.

"Xiaoxi, this stick is given to you, yesterday he was worried about my injury, so he snubbed you, don't be angry."

He Yi held a jade in his hand and gave it to Wu Qianxi, who was standing on the side without saying a word.

The expression is innocent, and there is a sincere soft smile on his face.

Anyway, white stuff.

Don't take for nothing, don't take it.

Wu Qianxi accepted the jade unceremoniously.

He glanced at Bai Yi with deep disappointment in his eyes.

If she had succeeded last night, why would she have rare this broken rod.

Thinking like this, she looked at He Yiyi with resentment in her eyes.

If I hadn't had this disease, I would have succeeded.

"Xiaoxi, we're leaving, goodbye."

As if he hadn't noticed her eyes, He Yiyi waved his hand with a faint smile.

She doesn't count a dead man's faux pas...


"Master, find their traces."

Ten miles away, on a hillside.

The maid pinched a leaf with coagulated blood stains and pointed in the direction where Wu Gang's wooden house was located.

"They went in this direction."

On the side, Liu Ziru, who had mysteriously disappeared from the Moon Hall, was standing at the top of the hillside, quietly looking into the distance.

With scarlet eyes, she licked her lips and said to herself:

"Xiaobaiyi, Shi Niang is coming to punish you..."


(I have seen this, there is no five-star praise, hum, scumbag T^T)

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