"Okay, Uncle Wu, you go back, you don't need to send it."

Stand at the gate of the small courtyard.

Bai Yi smiled at Wu Gang and waved his hand, and turned to leave with He Yiyi.

"He doesn't even look at me."

Wu Qianxi's face was ugly.

I had the intention to throw that jade rod out, but I couldn't bear it.

Finally, he glared viciously at He Yiyi's back.

He carefully placed the jade together with the piece of jade in his arms.


Wu Gang sighed, shook his head, took up his bow and arrows and said,

"I went hunting."

"There are all this jade pei and jade, and hunting..." Wu

Qianxi pouted, touched the baby in her arms and entered the house.

The flowers bloom in two, one on each side.

After leaving the small courtyard.

He Yiyi recognized the direction and set off to the north with Bai Yi.

Quiet afternoon, walking through the green woods.

The sunlight leaves dappled light and shadows through the shade of the trees, and the crisp chirping of birds is occasionally heard in the ears.

"Is Senior Sister tired? Or I'll carry you on my back."

Bai Yi put the things given by Wu Gang into the storage space, looked at He Yiyi with concern and asked.

"Iichi is not tired."

He Yi looked at him with his head on one side, his eyes shining:

"However, Yi Yi wants to let the little junior brother carry it."

"Climb up."

Bai Yi stopped and bent down to signal her to climb up.


The corners of He Yi's mouth turned up happily.

It jumped on his back.

I put my little fair face on my broad back.

"Let's go."

With a smile on his face, Bai Yi walked forward steadily.

At this moment, the gentle sun shines on their shoulders, warm and beautiful.

The Phoenix Empire is located in the north of the Yanyue Holy Land, bordering the forest sea outside Yanyue.

If they want to go to the Phoenix Empire, they only need to follow this forest to the north.

One hour later.

The two lay side by side resting on a grassy field.

He Yiyi stood up, his ear pinna slightly red and said: "Little junior brother, you wait for Yi Yi here, Yi Yi... Going to the toilet.

"Okay, Senior Sister, let's go quickly."

Bai Yi basked in the sun and replied lazily.

"Well, I'll be right back."

He Yiyi walked a long way and looked in the direction of Bai Yi.

After confirming that he didn't look at himself, he took out a transmission jade card and entered a wisp of aura.

Softly and lightly, he said, "Third Senior Uncle."

"It's me, I'm rushing in your direction, you can just rush normally." Yu Xian's voice came from inside the jade card.

"No, you don't have to rush to catch up with us, I have something else for you to do."

He Yiyi's tone was calm, rubbing the narrow knife on his waist, and said with a smile:

"On this road to the Phoenix Empire, there is an eagle's beak stream, about three miles to the east, there is a hunter, and there are father and daughter living in it, bring that daughter over."

"Did they mess with you?" Yu Xian asked curiously.

He Yiyi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is the third senior uncle very curious?"

Yu Xian immediately sweated, secretly cursed his own mouth, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I'll go later, what about her father, do you want to deal with it?" "

Little Junior Brother definitely intends to take revenge next.

Maybe when you will return to Yanyue Annex, you will pass by here.

He Yi thought for a moment and said:

"No, if her father is not there, just bring it directly, if it is, I want to think... Just disguise yourself as a chaser sent by Gong Tianming.

"Good." Yu Xian agreed and ended the arraignment.

He Yiyi stood in place and drew his narrow knife.

With the tip of the knife glowing with a faint cold light, he wrote the three words 'Wu Qianxi' on the ground one by one.

She pressed a narrow knife against the word 'Wu', with a weird smile in her eyes.

Raised his gaze and looked in the direction of the Wu family's wooden house.

"Iichi is looking forward to seeing me again, can you still look at me with the same eyes."

The words fell, and the knife shook.

The three words of Wu Qianxi on the ground were immediately 'divided into corpses' by the dense cold knife marks....

After thinking quietly for a while, He Yiyi was not in a hurry to return.

He took out a jade tablet again and entered the aura.

Soon, the woman's voice sounded: "Number zero one three." "

My current position is the junction of Yanyue and the Phoenix Empire, and tomorrow you will tell Gong Tianming the news."

"Yes." Zero one three.

"In addition, those who were promoted during my father's reign can use resources to contact them secretly, and I will be useful later."

He Yi paused and asked with a smile, "Did Gong Tianming make a move on Liu Ziru?"

"No, Liu Ziru didn't know where to get the news and left Yanyue early."


He Yi's eyes flashed with waves.

That's nice.

Yi Yi had the opportunity to kill Shi Niang with his own hands....

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Bai Yi sat up and muttered.

Senior sister still has injuries on her body, don't have any accidents.

Just as he was thinking about it, He Yiyi trotted and appeared in the field of vision.

"Little Junior Brother, I'm back."

He Yi snapped into Bai Yi's arms and shouted with a smile.

"Like a child."

Bai Yi touched her head.

Since confirming the relationship with Senior Sister that day.

They became more and more intimate with each other.

It's natural and likeable.

"Hmph, Yiyi is going to be a child in front of the little junior brother."

He Yiyi rubbed his little head in his arms, raised his chin fiercely and muttered.

She still remembers it.

The little junior brother said that he liked the soft and sticky junior sister.

It's impossible to forget it in this life.

As long as it is a junior sister who likes the little junior brother, none of them can stay!

"Okay, Senior Sister can do anything." Bai Yi clings to her.

"That... Is it okay to be a mother?

He Yiyi didn't know what strange things came to mind, and his ears were slightly red.

She quietly observed Bai Yi's expression and added in a low voice:

"Yiyi is not greedy, as long as it is called at night, it is not needed during the day."


Bai Yi always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say specifically.

The only book he has read so far is the "The Admonition of the Master and the Lady".

There are no other categories of 'knowledge' that have been understood.

He flicked the girl's forehead and carried her back on his back.

"You still want to fool me into calling you mother-in-law and take advantage of me, right?"

"No, I read what the book says, saying that sometimes boys are happy to call it that."

"What book is so perverted?"

"Well, don't tell the little junior brother, hee~"

chatted all the way.

Late afternoon.

Bai Yi and the two rushed to a small town near the border and chose a relatively clean inn to live in.

Half an hour later.

Yu Xian carried a large burlap bag and hummed a ditty to the outskirts of the town.

He did not enter the town.

Instead, he stood at a mass grave outside the town and took out the transmission jade card to input a wisp of spiritual energy.

Without waiting for the communication, he withdrew his aura.

Then, wait quietly....



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