"Sect Master! I found out the news of Bai Yi. "

Moon Temple.

Chang Shou Chong pushed open the door of the temple and walked in with an excited look.

Without waiting to walk in front of Gong Tianming, he said excitedly.

Gong Tianming sat on the seat in the center of the hall, and when he heard this, he cast his gaze on the gloomy.

His face was expressionless, but his right hand clasped the armrest of the seat, and his green tendons burst.

"Where are they now?"

Chang Shou Chong's face turned red with excitement, and he said with a sigh of relief: "According to the investigation of the disciples of the Void Trial Hall, they are currently on the border between the Holy Land and the Phoenix Empire!" Just left the vicinity of Eagle's Beak Stream. "

Eagle's Beak."

Gong Tianming's eyes were thoughtful.

Are they trying to leave the Phoenix Empire and return to the Qiongyu Demon Sect?

He thought for a moment and ordered:

"Spread the Phoenix Empire, let them block the border for strict investigation, and at the same time mobilize all the disciples of the Trial Hall to approach the border, in addition, you and Guo Zhe will go in person."

Speaking of this, Gong Tianming paused, stared at Chang Shouchong and said,

"I want to live."

Guo Zhe was also an elder of the Yanyue Holy Land, and a cultivator of the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven.

Qiong Yu Demon Sect left, without the secret realm and the spirit stone vein finale as a reward, the thousand-year competition was already unsustainable.

But at present, a large number of outer sect personnel are staying in Yanyue, and considering the internal security of Yanyue, Gong Tianming does not have much power to draw on his hands.

However, Guo Zhe of the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven and Chang Shou Chong of the Supreme Realm One Heavy Heaven are also enough to deal with Bai Yi and He Yiyi.

After all, even if Bai Yi could rely on that strange means to possess the cultivation of the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven.

But He Yiyi beside him was just a slashing realm.

Guo Zhe and Chang Shouchong join forces, he will definitely lose!

"Yes, subordinates will do it."

Chang Shou calculated for a moment.

Going with Guo Zhe is basically stable.

He grappled with Bai Yi, and I took He Yiyi first, and then turned back to strike on both sides.

Ren Baiyi has the means to reach the sky, and he can't do anything.

He walked out of the Moon Hall and looked at the great scenery of Yanyue Peak.

The future is already bright.

"You can still leave a trace when you run for your life, you are not an ordinary stupid person in vain."

Chang Shou Chong sighed with emotion, and said in his heart that this is God wants to make himself a meritorious achievement.

Turned around and left the Moon Hall full of joy.


"A doe, three robes and two pheasants, today's harvest is not bad."

Wu Gang was carrying two pheasants with a happy smile on his cheeky face.

Bai Gongzi is gone, and he no longer has to worry about his daughter causing trouble.

I was also in much better shape when hunting.

If he can have such a harvest every day, maybe he can save a good dowry for Xiaoxi without selling the jade pei given by Bai Gongzi.

Thinking about the triviality of life, he pushed open the courtyard door.

"Xiaoxi, dad is back, I hunted a lot of good things today, tomorrow Dad will take it to the town to sell, Bai Gongzi they are gone, you don't think about those things anymore, he and we are not the same people..."

Wu Gang hung the prey on the wall outside the house, nagging over and over while walking towards the house.

Entering the room, he was slightly stunned.

The room was empty, and there was no figure of Wu Qianxi.

"This girl, she won't chase Bai Gongzi and them!"

Wu Gang slapped his thigh, annoyed that he shouldn't have gone hunting today.

Hurriedly rushed out of the room and chased out.

After taking a few steps, footsteps sounded outside the courtyard.

"Master, it should be here, they definitely stayed here for a while."

The maid wooden bird spread out her palm, and on it stood a lifelike bird composed of aura.

At this moment, the bird was constantly crying at the small courtyard.

"Let's go, go inside and take a look."

Liu Ziru's gaze froze and she clenched the long sword in her hand.

Just as he was about to walk into the courtyard, Wu Gang pushed the door and walked out.

He looked at the three women with good temperament in front of him, and hesitantly asked, "Are you guys okay?"

Liu Ziru did not speak, quietly looking at the small courtyard.

Another maid, Jian Liu, spontaneously stepped forward and asked, "Have you ever seen two young people, a man and a woman?" The woman should be injured. "

They came to find Bai Gongzi.

Wu Gang glanced at the weapons in the hands of the three, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

Could they be Bai Gongzi's enemies?

Seeing this, Jian Liu's face turned cold, and he took out a small bag of spirit stones and threw it over: "Said, these are all yours."

Wu Gang looked down at the bag of spirit stones and understood that these people must not be good.

He shook his head and said with a cold face: "I haven't seen any young people, let's go." With

that, he closed the door.

"Master, he's lying." Jian Liu said resolutely.


Liu Ziru bowed her head gently, and her gentle face was calm and peaceful.

A pair of beautiful eyes glowed with faint blood.

A faint aura fluctuation floated in the air.

The next moment, she appeared in front of Wu Gang, and her white hand strangled his neck in the air.

She took a step and took Wu Gang towards the small courtyard.

Several people came to the door of the side house under the guidance of the Reiki bird.

The maid Wooden Bird stepped forward and pushed open the door.

Liu Ziru took a deep breath and an icy smile appeared on her face.

"Found you, little Baiyi." She said to herself.

Su Hand gently let go, and the invisible aura that strangled Wu Gang's throat withdrew.


Wu Gang fell to the ground and coughed violently:

"Cough, cough, what are you going to do..."

Liu Ziru stuck the Aoki sword next to him and squatted in front of Wu Gang.

She said calmly: "He left me with the little slut, I want to find him, can you help me?"

Wu Gang was stunned, he recalled Bai Yi and He Yiyi's every move, shook his head and said, "You are lying to me."

"So, you're not going to help me, are you?"

Liu Ziru stared at Wu Gang's eyes, her expression was like a little girl who had lost her most beloved toy, paranoid and crazy.

"Tell me, or die, you pick one."

Her tone was extremely calm.

Wu Gang felt his hair stand upside down, and the piercing killing intent almost made him speechless.

In less than three days of getting along, he did not have much communication with Bai Yi.

Say the direction in which Bai Yi left, or die, it seems easy to choose.

However, Xiaoxi is likely to go after Bai Gongzi and them....

"I haven't seen the person you said."

Under the pressure of the huge momentum, Wu Gang's body could not stop trembling, but he still shook his head firmly.

He is a father.

"Oh, good, good."

Liu Ziru burst out laughing.

She stepped forward and grabbed Wu Gang's head, and her five fingers gently pressed.

Yin Hong's blood flowed out, and Wu Gang screamed uncontrollably.

Listening to the screams that kept ringing in her ears, the smile on Liu Ziru's face became brighter.

Wisps of spiritual energy flowed into Wu Gang's brain along his fingers.

His eyes gradually dull, and his expression slowly became stiff.

A moment later.

Liu Ziru stood up, took out a handkerchief and carefully cleaned the blood from her fingers.

Wu Gang's blood fainted on the ground under her feet and spread around.

She didn't care, looking north with blood-colored eyes.

A touching smile appeared on her gentle cheeks.

The thrill of beauty.

"This is the direction..."



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