"Senior sister, what did you go to do?"

Bai Yi sniffed the faint smell of blood in the air.

Turned around and looked at He Yiyi suspiciously.

The girl was stared at by him, her heart tightened, she spat out her little tongue, and said without changing her face: "Yiyi went to the door of the inn to wait for the little junior brother."

"Then why didn't I see you when I just walked in the door."

Bai Yi circled around her and determined that the smell of blood was coming from Senior Sister.

"Yi Yi wait, wait, wait, the little junior brother just won't come, and then Yi Yi found a few butterflies in front of the inn and went to play with them."

He Yi's two small hands twisted in front of him, and his mouth was deflated.


Bai Yi took her wrist and walked into the room and closed the door.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, and his face was serious: "Why does Senior Sister smell of blood?" Hearing

this, He Yi's pupils contracted sharply.

In order to hurry up, I left too hurriedly, and actually forgot to deal with the smell on my body.

What to do, the little junior brother will not notice anything.

If he knew the truth, would he not want Yiyi...

Thinking about it, the girl's gaze gradually moved towards Bai Yi's legs.

At the same time, a pair of small hands slowly approached the hilt of the narrow knife.

Yiyi can lose everything, but he can't do without a little junior disciple...

The atmosphere in the room gradually froze, and there was a faint depression in the air.

Bai Yi was silent for a long time, and suddenly sighed helplessly.

He pulled the girl to sit down on the edge of the bed, and said breathlessly:

"The wound in the back has collapsed, right?"

"I know that I have injuries on my body, and I have to chase butterflies, He Yiyi, how old are you, how can you still be the same as a three-year-old girl."

"It's hard to heal the injury, do you know that repeatedly breaking apart like this will aggravate the injury..." Listening to

Bai Yi's nagging, the girl with an unknown color jumping under her eyes was obviously startled.

She also thought that the little junior brother sensed that something was wrong.

It turned out that I thought that I was chasing butterflies and accidentally broke open the wound.

With his mind spinning, He Yiyi gently removed the small hand clinging to the narrow knife.

Weakly, he stuck out his tongue.

Iichi almost confiscated the knife...

"How much has it broken up, is it serious?"

Bai Yi looked at her with concern, and took out the pill bottle that Elder Zheng threw to him from the storage space.

Poured one out of the palm of her hand and brought it to her mouth.

"First take a healing pill, then meditate and pranayama, and stop the bleeding first."

"Oh, little junior brother, don't worry, the wound has only broken open a little."

He Yi opened his pink mouth and swallowed the pill.

Without heart and lungs, he smiled:

"This bit of blood is nothing, Yiyi has to shed blood every month."

“...... Can that be the same!

Bai Yi had a black face, and he was embarrassed to discuss this kind of topic with his senior sister.

He stretched out his arm and picked her up, took off his shoes, and gently placed her on the bed.

With a serious face, he said: "Run the exercises and breathe, I am guarding by the side." "

Good, good, little junior brother is murderous."

He Yiyi pouted, closed his eyes, and pretended to run the exercises.

Yiyi is not injured, how to heal it.

She hugged a pair of slender beautiful legs.

Put your tiny feet under your buttocks and start 'healing'.

Within a minute, she secretly opened a gap in her eyes.

Before he started peeping, he was discovered by Bai Yi.

"Heal your wounds!"

Bai Yi rolled her eyes and reached out to flick her smooth and white forehead.


The peeping girl covered her forehead.

Snapped and fell on the bed.

Roll around.

"Yiyi was seriously injured by the little junior brother."

"It takes one, no, three relatives to recover."

"He Yiyi! Don't break the wound again.

Bai Yi had a black face, holding He Yiyi's tender and soft little hand and pulling her up.

"Yi Yi doesn't care, Yi Yi is injured and will die soon~"

He Yiyi took advantage of the situation to throw himself into his arms, raised his little head, and looked at him pitifully with big dark eyes.

Two feet in plain white stockings dangled behind their backs.

Bai Yi couldn't help her, so he had to kiss her on the tender white cheek.

Soft, bouncy and warm to the touch.

The moment you get closer, there is a faint fragrance unique to a girl.

Bai Yi can't tell what this feeling is.

I just somehow feel a little thirsty.

Unconsciously bowed his waist slightly.

There is some melancholy under the crotch....


The corners of He Yiyi's mouth turned up in satisfaction, and he also pecked him on the face, and Meizhi sat up.

"Yiyi is full of blood and resurrected."

Although she didn't kiss three times, the girl was still very happy.

This was the first time she and her little junior brother had kissed.

"When you are resurrected with full blood, hurry up and heal your wounds."

Bai Yi got up awkwardly, poured a glass of water and drank it, and said with a straight face.

"Iichi has healed his injuries." He Yiyi snorted.

Bai Yi's face darkened: "You just closed your eyes and opened them, thinking I didn't find out, right?"

He Yiyi raised his chin and hummed proudly: "The little junior brother's kiss just now has healed Yiyi's wound." "

“...... He Yiyi, do you think I'm stupid? Bai Yi took a deep breath, he would be hell if he believed such words.

"Whether the little junior brother is stupid or not, anyway, Yiyi's wound has healed, hmph."

"He Yiyi! I'll give you three breaths.

"Woo-hoo, little junior brother, you don't love me anymore, you murder me!"

"Three, two..."

"Iichi is ready to heal his wounds!" Trouble the little junior brother don't bother me.

He Yiyi crossed his legs without hesitation and closed his eyes.


The restaurant is directly in front of the inn.

Three lightly veiled women stood on the second floor and looked at the inn opposite.

"Master, they are inside."

The maid wooden bird made a judgment based on the reaction of the aura bird in the palm.

"Shall we do it directly?" The maid Jianliu asked.

"Follow them first, don't do it for the time being, he has a special method that can briefly improve his cultivation to the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven, which is not easy to handle."

Liu Ziru thought for a moment and shook her head.

When everyone in the Qiong Yu Demon Sect fought with Gong Tianming that day, she had been lurking in the secret.

Originally, he planned to take advantage of the chaotic situation to find an opportunity to abolish Bai Yi's cultivation and quietly leave Yanyue with him.

But he didn't expect to witness the terrifying scene of Bai Yi's aura skyrocketing and his combat power reaching the three heavens of the Supreme Realm.

Of course, she also saw and heard with her own eyes and ears that Bai Yi and He Yiyi, the little slut, set their names....

Her little white game.

Xiao Baiyi, who can only belong to her alone, has set a reputation with other women.

Little slut must die!

As for the white game....

Liu Ziru stared at a certain room of the inn, her eyes cold.

"Shi Niang will imprison you, abolish your cultivation, break your limbs, and flog and torture you day by day until you admit that the only person you like is Shi Niang..."


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