"Little junior brother, Yiyi is well."

He Yi opened his eyes and looked at Bai Yi sitting on the side with a grievance and said.


Bai Yi stood up, picked up the sugar gourd on the table and handed it to her: "Nuo, your sugar gourd."

"Hey, little junior brother is so good."

He Yiyi took the red sugar gourd and licked it.

Suddenly narrowed his eyes and said happily:

"The sugar gourd bought by the little junior brother is sweet."

"Whoever buys sugar gourds is sweet." Bai Yi rolled his eyes.

"Na Yiyi doesn't care, anyway, the little junior brother bought the sweetest."

He Yi shook the sugar gourd in his hand and said proudly.

Bai Yi shook his head, after being together, the senior sister became more and more stupid.

He stood by the side, thinking of waiting for He Yi to wash up with the sugar gourd as soon as he finished eating.

But after waiting for a long time, the sugar gourd in her hand was actually intact.

"Senior sister, is the sugar gourd so delicious? It's been a quarter of an hour and I haven't finished eating. Bai Yi said helplessly.

"Well, little junior brother, you don't understand, Yiyi is practicing."

He Yiyi said while licking the sugar gourd with his powdered little tongue.

It was something she learned in some kind of book that couldn't say names.

To capture a man's heart, you must not only go through hardships with him.

There are also some tricks to learn.

For example, calling your mother, and then practicing eating sugar gourds without touching your teeth.

After a long time, He Yiyi finally completed the exercise.

Secretly glanced at Bai Yi, and said in his heart that it was not difficult.

I just don't know when I'll be able to use it.

Hum! Anyway, after the big marriage, Yiyi is a reserved girl.

"Okay, let's go wash up."

"Senior sister, I watched you eat sugar gourds for half an hour."

"Hehe, Yiyi is wrong."

"Is sugar gourd that delicious?" Bai Yi said curiously.

He didn't like sweets very much, so he only bought one for He Yiyi when he bought it.

Now I watched her eat with relish for a long time.

On the contrary, it is a little gluttonous.

"It's okay, it's just too sweet, Iichi doesn't particularly like it." He Yiyi thought about it.

"Then you still eat for so long."

"That and that..." The

reserved girl's face turned red, and she said in shame:

"This is a secret!"

After that, Dada ran to wash.

A moment later, the two returned to the room.

He Yi looked at the only bed in the room, and a small entanglement flashed on his face.

Only one bed, alas! Does Yiyi want to sleep with his little junior brother?

But we're not married yet.

Can't that and that....

"Senior sister? What to do stunned? Continue to heal. Bai Yi looked at He Yiyi, who had a small entangled face, and said in confusion.

"Huh? Don't sleep?

"Your injuries are not good, you must hurry up and meditate."

"Oh, yes, I'm not well from my injuries."

He Yiyi then remembered that he almost died before, and quickly took off his shoes and socks and sat down on the bed.

Thinking of the picture in her head just now, the embarrassed girl couldn't wait for a gap to appear on the ground for herself to get into.

It's going to die! Ho Yiyi, what are you thinking about?

"Senior sister, I'm sitting next to me to cultivate, if you have something to call me." Bai Yi naturally didn't know what she thought, and instructed with a smile.

As the cultivation realm gradually improves, the cultivators' energy will gradually increase.

Generally speaking, Foundation Building Realm cultivators would only feel tired if they didn't sleep for half a month.

"Okay, little junior brother, let's cultivate quickly, Yiyi will also start healing."

"Senior sister remember to tell me where you feel uncomfortable."


He Yiyi nodded his little head vigorously.

Bai Yi took off his shoes and socks and sat down next to her.

Close your eyes, mobilize your aura to run along the route of the exercises, and gradually settle down.

"Little Junior Brother?"

He Yiyi waved his small hand at Bai Yi.

After making sure that he had started his practice, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It scared me to death, and I thought that the little junior brother would turn into a vicious wolf and eat Yiyi.

He Yiyi moved his butt and turned himself to Bai Yi.

Holding his chin in both hands, he looked at him like this for a long time.

She glanced at Bai Yi's big feet and moved next to him again.

It wasn't until his right foot and his left foot touched lightly that he stopped.

The girl's feet are white and tender.

The lustrous nails are rounded and have a nice crescent white.

The belly beads are round and jade, with a slight cute pink.

Watch your feet and the little junior brother's feet touch together.

He Yiyi nodded in satisfaction, closed his eyes and urged the exercise to run.

It's time to heal.

If Yi Yi guessed correctly, Junior Lady should come to me and Junior Brother.

It is even quite possible that she is now spying nearby....

Thinking of this, He Yi had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shi Niang.

Trouble you must die at the hands of Yi Yi...

"System, I remember that there was a mission reward that I haven't claimed yet."

Bai Yi summoned the system while urging the aura to run in the body for Xiao Zhoutian.

[Yes. Previously

, when Liu Ziru wanted to coax Bai Yi to go to Taiyou Lake, the system activated a task.

Under the circumstances, he didn't have time to check the rewards.

Later, the millennium competition was held, and various things followed.

On the one hand, he wants to practice combat power fusion with Jiaomujiao, and on the other hand, he wants to receive the news from the golden dragon hidden on Gong Lingyun's body.

Bai Yi completely forgot about this matter.

I didn't think about it until now.

[May I ask if the host is receiving an unknown artifact now?] "

Get it." Bai Yi Dao.


What will it be?

Swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks and forks? Or maybe armor?

Bai Yi still remembers the previous pseudo-artifact 'Shadow Dagger'.

The one who built the foundation realm took it and abolished the Great Cultivator Kanamata Bridge of the Dao Realm.

And that's just a pseudo-artifact!

Isn't the artifact more powerful?

[Artifact: The golden panties have been distributed to the storage space. The system's

prompt sounds.

Bai Yi was stunned....

Yanyue Peak.

The Qiong Yu Demon Sect and the Yanyue Holy Land turned their faces, and the thousand-year competition was hopeless.

The major sects that came to participate in the big competition left one after another.

"Let's go."

The female emperor of the Phoenix Empire walked out of the Moon Hall and said to the guards waiting outside the door.

She came to the phoenix pulled by three blue birds, and entered the carriage down the magnificent steps and sat down.

The three blue birds flashed their wings in unison, accompanied by the fierce wind, straight into the sky.

The female emperor sat in the phoenix, beckoned the female official on the side, and asked lightly:

"Did the young man of that day find it?"

The female official lowered her head respectfully and replied, "His name is Bai Yi, he is a cultivator of the Foundation Building Realm, and he is a closed disciple of Yanyue Sect Master Gong Tianming, who betrayed Yanyue a few days ago, and is now being hunted down. "

Chasing and killing..."

the female emperor pondered for a moment.

Thinking of that handsome and matchless young face, a trace of longing flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Such a man must enter my harem.

Anyway, Yanyue is ready to fight with Qiong Yu, and both sides must rely on my Phoenix Empire.

Accepting a defected disciple into the harem does not tear his face.

With this thought, she made a decision.

The momentum is majestic, the tone is lofty and unquestionable.

"Send someone to find this Bai Yi and tell him that the Phoenix Female Emperor has taken a fancy to him, and if she wants to live, she will consciously enter the palace to see him, otherwise, she will die..."


(Ask for a change, the street carp wants to experience the feeling of 200 urging, just once, I haven't seen it for a long time, woo~)

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