Nangong Xiyue still remembered the ripples that the startling glimpse set off in her heart.

It was a damp, warm, silk-pulling feeling....

When she was still in Yanyue, she sent someone to investigate, and later returned to the Phoenix Empire, and asked the Inspection Department to look for his traces at all costs.

But nothing came of it.

Unexpectedly, looking back, Bai Yi appeared in front of him like this.

"Is there anything else going on with His Majesty Nangong?"

Hearing Nangong Xiyue's words, He Yiyi asked.

"It's nothing, but I suddenly remembered that there is a side hall in the palace that is vacant, Wan'er, you can directly take the distinguished guests to Kunxu Hall to stay." Nangong Xiyue suddenly changed her mind.

Saying that, she raised her gaze to look at He Yiyi and said with a smile: "I haven't asked the name of the distinguished guest yet."

"He Yiyi."


Nangong Xiyue's eyes jumped a few times.

Not long after she ordered the investigation of Bai Yi's whereabouts, the investigation results presented by the Inspection Department mentioned that Bai Yi and He Yiyi did not leave the Yanyue Holy Land with everyone in the Qiongyu Demon Sect, but disappeared alone in the vast forest sea under the jurisdiction of the Yanyue Holy Land.

Since Bai Yi is here, then this girl is naturally He Yiyi.

Nangong Xiyue bowed her head slightly, and her demeanor was dignified: "I still have some affairs to deal with, so I won't leave two distinguished guests, Wan'er, take the distinguished guests down."


The female official saluted respectfully, and looked at Bai Yi and He Yiyi with a smile:

"Two, please follow me."

He Yiyi glanced back at the woman on the dragon chair.

Leave with Bai Yi with the female official.

After watching He Yiyi and Bai Yi leave.

Nangong Xiyue put away her smile and fell into deep thought with an expressionless face.

Two teenagers walked out of the apse and were chased away by her before they could reach them.

It wasn't until the female official Wan'er settled Bai Yi and He Yiyi and returned to the main hall that she finally came to her senses.

"Your Majesty, they have settled in Kunxu Hall."


Nangong Xiyue replied gently, and after thinking for a long time, said

: "Secretly summon the Yanyue Holy Land, let them send someone to Kyoto to discuss the day they left Yanyue, Sect Master Gong's proposal, in addition, order the military headquarters to mobilize the Yulin Army and increase the troops on the border with the Qiongyu Demon Sect..."

She paused, Bai Yi's handsome face

floated in her mind, and continued: "Let Xinning receive Bai Yi and He Yiyi, Be sure to manage the relationship with Bai Yi well, I am useful at critical moments..."

"Senior sister, how do I feel that this Phoenix Female Emperor's attitude is a little cold." Bai Yi closed the door and came to sit next to He Yiyi.

If it is according to what Senior Sister said, the Phoenix Empire is a dark chess piece laid out by the Qiong Yu Demon Sect.

Then Nangong Xiyue shouldn't have this attitude.

Smiled politely the whole time, and didn't even bother to move his butt.

This is not the consciousness that a leading party should have.

"Little junior brother, don't worry, I will summon the third senior uncle later, there should be no problem."

He Yiyi's tone of voice was very determined.

But in my heart, there was a sound of alarm bells.

Nangong Xiyue, something is wrong!

Of course, what she said was wrong was not a matter of attitude, nor of whether she had two faces.

These are just minor issues.

The old woman's eyes looking at the little junior brother were wrong!

That's the big problem!

Oh, I thought I was good at covering up, Yi Yi saw through you in the morning.

Although Nangong Xiyue only glanced at Bai Yi, she quickly moved her gaze away.


The alert girl keenly captured.

The moment he saw the little junior brother, Nangong Xiyue had a subconscious action of grinding his legs...

Bah, wave hooves.

If you want to mess with the little junior brother, Iichi will call you this huge Kyoto city.

Chicken dogs don't stay!

However, the current priority is to kill Shi Niang first.

She is the biggest threat to Iichi!

"Well, it should be fine."

Bai Yi smiled and nodded, he didn't think it was a trivial matter.

Only by seeing the small things can we seek the advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

Nangong Xiyue must be problematic.

Either she played a spy and sold the Qiong Yu Demon Sect backhand to Yanyue.

Or, she hasn't made a decision yet and is waiting for a price.

If judged comprehensively, it is likely to be the latter.

With his mind spinning, Bai Yi touched Senior Sister's little head.

He had some ideas for that artifact 'shiny panties', which could be used just right....

"By the way, does the little junior brother think she looks good?"

He Yiyi suddenly remembered that she was staring at the old woman, without observing the reaction of the little junior brother.

This is not okay, the outside must first be settled inside.

Otherwise, Yiyi is fighting hard for the little junior brother outside, what if he steals at home.

Maybe Yi Yizheng fought with Junior Lady to death, and the little Junior Brother was deceived by Nangong Xiyue!

I thought of the scene of the little junior brother and Nangong Xiyue riding prominently and the silver bottle water slurry.

The girl's eyes gradually climbed a touch of coldness.

She stared at Bai Yi's eyes deadly, observing every change in his eyes.

'Hey, why did it suddenly get cold. Bai

Yi touched his arm strangely, and always felt goosebumps coming out.

Seeing that Senior Sister was looking at herself.

He recalled for a moment, scratching his head a little embarrassed: "I just looked at the superb spirit stone inlaid in the dome of the hall, and I didn't notice what she looked like. "

Extremely high-grade spirit stones, one can be worth a hundred ordinary spirit stones.

What kind of female emperor, compared with tens of thousands of spirit stones, it is nothing.

Wife, it's enough for me to have a senior sister.

Spirit stones, the more the merrier!


He Yiyi's eyes were pure, his smile was sweet, and he continued to test:

"I think her legs are very good-looking, Yiyi is super envious."


Bai Yi looked down at the beautiful legs under his senior sister's black long skirt, which were smooth and white, well-proportioned and slender, like white onions.

Muttered suspiciously:

"Can you have better legs than Senior Sister?"

He shook his head resolutely: "I don't believe it." "

The cold feeling in the room gradually dissipated.

He Yi's big shining eyes curved into a crescent.

Standing on tiptoe slightly, she kissed him on the face.

The beauty of the heart is bubbling.

At this time, a girl's resentful thought came from outside:

"What, why should I go to receive a man, the emperor's aunt is deliberately bullying me."

"County Lord, this is His Majesty's edict, don't complain, if you are listened to by someone with a heart, it will be a great sin."

"I don't care, I hate men, there is no one in the whole world who is good..."

As he spoke, the door opened from the inside.

"Squeak~" A

handsome boy with a flowing leg walked out.

The girl looked at him and froze for several seconds.

And then.

She blinked her eyes and said seriously:

"There is still a good thing..."


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