Bai Yi pushed open the door of the room and found that the owner of the voice just now was standing outside the door, looking at himself with interest.

She was dressed in a robe, with her hair tied and crowned.

If you don't look at the slightly green little bulge, you look like a handsome teenager.

"You are?" Bai Yi wondered.

"My name is Tang Xinning, I am the princess of the Phoenix Empire, and everyone calls me Little Fox."

Tang Xinning said generously.

Looking at Bai Yi, he raised his hand and made a decent fist holding motion.

Bai Yi felt that the way she looked at herself was a little different from the others.

Like before in the Yanyue Holy Land, those junior sisters and junior sisters saw him with irrepressible love and longing in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait to swallow him on the spot.

But Tang Xinning was different, her eyes were more similar to appreciation.

But for Bai Yi, it doesn't matter whether her eyes appreciate or like.

Anyway, he already has a senior sister.

"Oh, hello." Bai Yi nodded back.

"Little Junior Brother, who is outside?"

Hearing that Bai Yi was talking to a girl, He Yiyi in the house immediately couldn't sit still.

Dada ran out, declared sovereignty, and stood in front of Bai Yi.

"I am the county lord of the Phoenix Empire, and now Your Majesty is my aunt, and my sister can call me Little Fox!"

Without waiting for Bai Yi to speak, Tang Xinning stepped forward and held He Yiyi's hand.

Her eyes were shining, and there was a hint of liking in her eyes.

Good-looking sister, I'm going to play Mr. Horn with her....

"Uh, little fox, okay, Iichi remembered."

He Yiyi was still the first time he met the same sex who stared at him with hot eyes.

A little overwhelmed, he pulled out his hand and said humbly.

At the same time, he muttered in his heart, how Yiyi felt that her eyes were much hotter when she looked at me than at the little junior brother.

Could it be....

No, no, no.

How can there be girls who like girls.

He Yiyi dispelled that slightly absurd speculation, anyway, as long as he didn't want to grab the little junior brother with Yiyi.

Girls who don't rob the little junior brother, and girls who want to rob the little junior brother but have died, are all good girls.

"Sister, can I go in and sit?"

Tang Xinning stared directly at He Yiyi, without looking at Bai Yi next to him.

Compared with the good-looking young lady, the stinky man is nothing!

My aunt said to let me have a good relationship with Bai Yi.

And He Yiyi and Bai Yi are together.

So a good relationship with Sister Yiyi is also equivalent to a good relationship with Bai Yi, right?

As for playing Kaku-san with Iichi's sister in his spare time, that's another matter....

"That... You come in.

He Yiyi thought about it, since he didn't rob the little junior brother, it would be okay to let her stay for a while, so he gave way to the door.

"Hehe, thank you sister~"

Tang Xinning laughed happily and stepped forward to hold He Yiyi's arm.

The chirping bird:

"Sister Yiyi, why are you so good-looking."

"Sister Yiyi, do you have a Daoist couple?"

"Sister Yiyi, your room is so fragrant."

Heard her ask herself about Taoism.

He Yi was immediately happy.

She stretched her small face, so as not to appear very ostentatious.

She nodded reservedly.

Pulling out his arm and walking with light steps, he walked to Bai Yi's side, took his arm and said,

"Yiyi is the future lady of the little junior brother."

Although the girl didn't say much about her past with Bai Yi, the corners of her upturned mouth that couldn't suppress had clearly shown her happiness.

"You're a Taoist."

The loss on Tang Xinning's face flashed away.

In my heart, I comforted myself and said:

It's just the future lady, it's not a big deal.

Sister Yiyi hasn't married a stinky man yet, and I still have a chance!

Looking at Tang Xinning's lost expression, Bai Yi touched his chin.

How does it feel that she wants to rob her wife with me....

"Uh-huh, Taoist." He Yiyi emphasized proudly.

"Sister Yiyi, there is a poetry meeting in the evening, shall we go to it together?"

Tang Xinning didn't want to talk about this topic, her eyes rolled and she had an idea.

There are so many young talents in the poetry meeting, maybe one of them can crush the white game.

At that time, Sister Yiyi will be disappointed when she sees his embarrassed appearance.

In the following time, repeat this a few times, and they will definitely have a conflict.

And then I'll take advantage of it....

Suck ~ suck ~

look at the girl's beautiful cheeks and slender legs, Tang Xinning's saliva is about to flow down.

"If you don't go, Yiyi still has business."

He Yiyi refused mercilessly, how could Shihui stay comfortable with the little junior brother.

There are so many people, she can't kiss her little junior brother at any time.

"Oh, go ahead."

Tang Xinning disappeared at all.

She can stick with countless young ladies in the palace, and the biggest secret is two.

One point is cute, with a little baby fat flesh toot cheeks are beautiful and pleasant.

Another point is that you are not afraid of life.

Anyway, as long as they play Mr. Horn together, they will definitely get acquainted quickly after 'getting to know each other'.

So since you will eventually get acquainted, what else is out of sight?

"Not going."

"Sister, you think, you look so good-looking, and everyone doesn't know that you have a Taoist couple, there will definitely be many men who like you, and when the time comes, you will come to the gate of the temple every day to entangle you, annoying people."

Tang Xinning glanced at He Yiyi's arms held together with He Yiyi and said

, "Even if my sister is not annoyed, won't Brother Bai be annoyed?" Besides, doesn't my sister want to share the things that she and Brother Bai are with? Anyway, if I have such a perfect Taoist couple, I will definitely take it out every day to show off and swear sovereignty, so as not to let any fox move his mind. "

Hear the oath of sovereignty, lest the fox move his mind.

He Yiyi immediately changed his mind, pulled up the white game and walked out.

Quibbling as he walked:

"Little junior brother, Yiyi likes poetry clubs, let's go play together."


Senior sister wanted to go, and Bai Yi naturally spoiled her.

He turned his head and glanced at Tang Xinning, who was snickering behind him for the success of his plan, and frowned slightly.

Let's see what she plans to do first.

After leaving the Kunxu Hall, Tang Xinning found an excuse and asked Bai Yi to wait for them.

Quietly ran to an alley, and told the maid next to him:

"Go and find the men in the capital who can compose poetry, lyrics, and composers."

"Also, let my good sisters who 'know the roots' also come over, remember to tell them to dress up carefully, the skirt should be short, the clothes should be transparent, when the time comes, sit in a row, slightly flirtatling the skirt, a water of white tender long legs..."

Speaking of this, Tang Xinning snorted.

The little fox who stole the chicken laughed proudly....



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