After the woman leaves the house.

Glancing back at the rear.

There was a mocking arc on his pretty face.

He said to himself:

"Even the hat was brought to Gong Tianming, and I have to make a gesture of affection here, hehe."

"If I let you take Bai Yi away, what else would I bother to do."

The woman's body floated with aura fluctuations and slowly disappeared in place.

Bai Yi he wants, He Yi dies, in the same way, you Liu Ziru can't run.

Sell you to Gong Tianming, I believe there will be a good price.

Kun Xu Temple.

"Little Junior Brother, since Junior Sister has already caught up, are we going to sneak away quietly as soon as possible?"

He Yiyi slumped his small face, lying sullenly on the table, and asked with two crooked brows gently frowning together.

"Don't use it for now, I want to see if Gong Tianming will come."

Bai Yi faintly felt that only Liu Ziru might catch up this time.

Because if Gong Tianming was also in Kyoto, he would definitely kill him without hesitation the moment he found out.

After all, he had the powerful cultivation of the Seventh Heaven of the Supreme Realm, so there was no need to bother to lay an ambush to lure himself.

Kill it directly, and you don't have any resistance at present.


He Yi nodded and thought for a while:

"It just so happened that Master said that he would send some people to the Phoenix Empire, and it should be here today."

"Doesn't it mean that Qiong Yu and Yanyue are about to start a big war? Why are you still transferring people now? Bai Yi asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, Yiyi is a holy girl, Master will definitely send someone to protect me."

He Yiyi snorted and said with a smug look.

"Yes, too." Bai Yi nodded thoughtfully.

The two sects are about to start a war, if something happens to Senior Sister at this time, it will make the Qiong Yu Demon Sect very passive.

However, from this point of view, Senior Sister's status in the Qiong Yu Demon Sect should be very low.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Qiong Yu to draw combat power to protect her at such a critical juncture.

Thinking about it like this, Bai Yi inexplicably felt that Senior Sister was a little unfathomable.

In just two short years since she left Yanyue, she has grown to such a point.

It's just demonish.

I still know too little about Senior Sister.

Bai Yi sighed in his heart and raised his gaze to look at He Yiyi.

At this moment, the girl held her fair and delicate little face with both hands, and a pair of smart eyes stared at Bai Yi without turning.

The eyes were joyful, and there was a clear small satisfaction in the expression.

It seems that just looking at the little junior brother like this is also a great thing that makes her happy.


What did I just say Senior Sister?

Bai Yi reached out and rubbed her silky hair, and the girl suddenly narrowed her eyes into a crescent.

Shrugging the tip of his nose, the kitten snorted like a kitten.


Unfathomable fart!

Looking at the cute appearance of his senior sister, Bai Yi directly left the doubts in his heart behind.

Senior sister likes me, I like senior sister.

That's enough.


"Your Majesty, Yanyue's people have arrived." The female official Wan'er knocked lightly on the door.

"Take him to the side hall and wait, I'll come later."

Nangong Xiyue was in a very good mood today, sitting in front of the mirror and replying.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and the corners of her mouth gently hooked.

"Shu, worthy of the four words of the country and the city."

Because the Phoenix Empire is located at the junction of two super powers, in order to prevent inadvertent trouble, she rarely uses 'Xuan' to refer to herself.

Today is an exception.

If all goes well, Phoenix is likely to get out of the difficult situation of surviving in the cracks in one fell swoop.

At the same time, he befriended the two super forces of the Yanyue Holy Land and the Qiongyu Demon Sect.

Moreover, the handsome boy with a leg will also lie obediently on the bed and wait for her to be pampered soon.

As for whether he will want to.

For Nangong Xiyue, it was not something worth thinking about.

She, the female emperor of a country!

Hold the supreme authority and have the face of a city.

How dare he not obey, and how can he not love?

Although I have to admit that He Yiyi is indeed extremely beautiful, Nangong Xiyue 'thinks' that she is not inferior to others.

Moreover, she will soon be killed by others, and even her soul after death will be reduced to a bargaining chip for herself to trade with others.

What's more, she still has many things that He Yiyi does not have.

For example, the skills of 'tolerating' people that have been trained through thousands of battles.

One tight and one loose, hot and cold.

As long as Bai Yi experiences it once, keep him and let him know the taste, and he can't wait to grow up with her from now on...

Thinking of this, a hint of arrogant smile appeared on Nangong Xiyue's face.

She has already begun to look forward to the scene where Bai Yi begs for 'tolerance' like a dog wagging his tail and begs for pity.

She got up and walked out of the room.

Beautiful eyes are full of confident brilliance.

Time comes, heaven and earth come together.

Phoenix bright future, handsome flowing one leg of white game.

She Nangong Xiyue, she has to do it!

Coming to the side hall, an elder of the Yanyue Holy Land was sitting inside waiting.

"Elder Chang, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Nangong Xiyue smiled and nodded, pulled up the hem of her skirt and sat down on the ebony chair.

"Nangong Female Emperor, Yanyue will immediately conquest the Qiongyu Demon Sect, now there are many things in the sect, we might as well get straight to the point."

Chang Shou Chong held a cup of tea, leaned back in his chair, and spoke in a very casual manner.

The Phoenix Empire has always been the little brother behind Yanyue's ass, and it is already very face-saving for him to come this time.

"The Phoenix Empire is a dark son of the Qiongyu Demon Sect." Nangong Xiyue smiled and said nothing.

"What do you say!"

Chang Shou frowned, and immediately looked around alertly.

It won't be an ambush, Lao Tzu will not run.

"I know Liu Ziru's whereabouts, in addition..." Nangong

Xiyue paused, and looked at Chang Shouchong with a smile:

"Bai Yi and He Yiyi are also in my hands."

Chang Shou Chong was stunned when she heard this, she is going to do both sides of the wall?

Leave him alone, just don't take Lao Tzu's head to sacrifice the flag.

He readjusted his posture and sat down, and asked with a smile: "Tell me about your conditions..."

He Yiyi felt the transmission jade plate vibrate gently.

A bloodthirsty morbid smile flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Shi Niang, Yiyi is coming to play with you.

She held Bai Yi's arm, blinked her big shining eyes and said blandly: "Little junior brother, the people sent by the master have arrived, Yiyi has to go and meet them..."


(Leave: There is a high probability that there is no second chapter tonight, the teacher suddenly said that he will do the pre-exam test, he has to start at half past nine, apologize to everyone, if the second chapter is not finished, let the carp owe one chapter, owe one and pay two, apologize again, don't be angry with Qiuqiu, woo~)

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