"Okay, then senior sister, you go now, go back quickly, I'll wait for you."

Bai Yi rubbed Senior Sister's little head, looked into her eyes and instructed:

"Pay attention to safety, Senior Sister is hiding in the secret, it is very likely to do something to you, come back early after seeing someone, if you feel something is wrong, remember to send me a message as soon as possible."

Now he has established a couple relationship with his senior sister.

According to the coquettish psychology of the senior sister, she must hate the senior sister to the bone, and maybe she will have to attack the senior sister.

Although Senior Sister has excellent cultivation qualifications and is now a Great Cultivator of the Slashing Dao Realm, there is still a huge gap compared to the Senior Sister of the Supreme Realm cultivation.

If Shi Niang finds an opportunity to make a violent move, she is likely to fall into danger.

"Yi Yi knows, the little junior brother doesn't have to worry, Yi Yi will not let the senior sister find an opportunity, as long as he finds something wrong, he must slip away as soon as possible, and then send a message to the little junior brother, hee~"

He Yiyi rubbed Bai Yi's big hand with his head, and narrowed his big eyes into a crescent moon with satisfaction.

Senior Lady, it is clear that Yiyi has already decided on the title of a Daoist with the little junior brother.

We are already a future Taoist, why do you still have to die and chase the little junior brother and not leave?

If you hadn't come, Iichi might have been a little disappointed, but he would have tolerated you living longer.

But you have to find your own death....

Then you go and die.

The girl's heart was full of anger, and the surging wave of killing intent seemed to stir in her heart, and her eyes flashed with a ghostly light of paranoia to the extreme.

There was no change on his face, still with a sweet smile, enjoying the touch of the little junior brother.

"That's good."

Bai Yi nodded with a smile and reached out to help her pin a strand of hair between her forehead behind her ear.

"Senior sister, go get busy, otherwise it's going to get dark."

"Yiyi will go now, the little junior brother will obediently wait at home for Yiyi to come back."

He Yiyi shook his little head up and down seriously, and walked towards the door with a pair of long legs.

After taking a few steps, she seemed to remember something again.

Turn around and run back.


The girl stood on tiptoe and pecked him in the face.

The pinna of his ears was slightly red, and the mosquito buzzed like a super whisper:

"Soon Yiyi will be able to eat the little junior brother..."

After speaking, he turned around and walked away with a cigarette.


Bai Yi coughed, and couldn't help but blush.

After reading through "The Admonition of the Master and Lady" three times, he is not the same person he was now.

It's all to blame for that evil book!

Watching He Yiyi's figure disappear from view, Bai Yi put away his smile.

Summoned the golden dragon.

He looked at the cold man in front of him and said calmly: "Follow Senior Sister, secretly protect her, if there is any accident..." "

I believe you don't want to experience the feeling before again."

The twenty-eight stars have different personalities, and the horned wood is straight, and there are not so many hearts.

Kang Jinlong was silent and cold, not saying much, but the city was extremely deep.

When he was first summoned, the first thing he did was to shoot at Bai Yi!

The end result was also obvious, he was suppressed.

Bai Yi used the power of the Divine Book to create one wonderful journey after another for him.

For example, there is only one man in the world, Kang Jinlong, but he is Yang Wei....

For example, he was transformed into a woman, and his identity was a female bodhisattva who gave alms in the flesh....

Well, that's six pregnancies.

Also gave birth ....

In the various worlds compiled by Bai Yi, I don't know how long I have been repeatedly reincarnated.

He was resummoned and arranged beside Gong Lingyun.

Now it's obedient.

Hearing this, Kang Jinlong subconsciously covered his stomach.

It has been filled countless times....

"Yes, I'll go."

He didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation, and immediately agreed, turning into a streamer to catch up with He Yiyi.

The golden dragon is long and scaly, good at flying and walking, and has the same form and temperament as the dragon.

After leaving the room, he transformed into a dragon and shrunk himself to the size of a hair.

I want to cling to He Yiyi's hair.


The narrow knife at the waist trembled slightly.

"Yiyi Yiyi, a guy caught up, Xiaoxue has seen him, he is Bai Yi's subordinate." A little girl's voice sounded in the heart lake.

"Got it, drive him away."

He Yi looked as usual and replied.

The next moment, several sharp blades surged in the girl's blue hair, flying around, murderous.

"I have no malice."

Kang Jinlong was afraid of hurting He Yiyi, so he had to explain.

"Fine snow, chop again!"


Hundreds of sharp blades gushed out, sweeping towards the small golden dragon.

"..." The

golden dragon did not dare to resist, so he had to control the dragon body to toss and turn in the rain of swords, constantly dodging.

He Yi's spiritual energy rippled under his feet, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"No, wait for me."

The Golden Dragon was full of spiritual energy, broke through the swords that surrounded him and chased after him.

He doesn't want to have more children!



In a courtyard on Anning Street.

"Liu Ziru didn't leave, did he?"

He Yi's face was calm, and his eyes were as deep as a pool of stagnant water.

"I stared, and I didn't come out of the house." Yu Xian had a dog-legged smile on his face.

"Get ready to do it."

He Yiyi glanced at the end of the street through the window and said lightly.

"Don't wait for anyone else?" Yu Xian hesitated for a moment and said, "Liu Ziru's cultivation has improved a lot, I can't kill her in the first place, you are very likely to face two Dao Slashing Realm cultivators at the same time." "

When I was assassinated before, the maid Qingge had already died in the hands of He Yiyi.

Now there are still two maids left beside Liu Ziru.

Of course, Bai Yi didn't know this, so he would mistakenly think that there were three Dao Realm maids beside Liu Ziru.

He Yi glanced at Yu Xian and laughed playfully:

"If everyone else arrives, will she still choose to do it?"



"Your Majesty."

The female official Wan'er came to Nangong Xiyue, who was talking, and whispered in her ear:

"He Yi has arrived in the west of the city."

A smile appeared on Nangong Xiyueqiao's face.

She thought for a while, looked at Chang Shouchong on the side and said, "Elder Chang, we are about to close the net, if you don't decide, it's too late?"

Chang Shou Chong frowned slightly and stared at Nangong Xiyue for a long time.

He said in a tone that could not be refused: "Bai Yi and Liu Ziru I will take away, in addition, when I kill He Yiyi, I will be on the scene."


Nangong Xiyue knew that Chang Shouchong was afraid that he would repeat it again, and nodded and agreed.

She stood up and made a gesture of invitation:

"Then invite Elder Chang to go with you and witness the death of Qiong Yu Demon Reserve."

"Wan'er, order the inspectors to go to the west of the city immediately to help our ally Yanyue catch the rebel."

With a confident smile on her face, Nangong Xiyue walked towards the outside of the hall first.

When passing by the female official Wan'er.

She added quietly: "

You take someone alone to the Kun Xu Hall to find Bai Yi, tell him to give him a chance to live, and give him the name Du Li to fill the harem to congratulate me on the independence of Phoenix."

"If you dare not obey, die..."


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