Anning Street.

A gentle breeze blew through, and withering yellow leaves fell from the branches and flew through the empty streets in rolls.

In the houses on both sides, many royal sergeants waited quietly under the guidance of the inspector.

Everyone's eyes were focused on a few people at the end of the street.

The air seems to freeze at this moment, and the mountain rain is coming.

"Before killing you, Shi Niang was reluctant to die."

Liu Ziru's scarlet eyes were calm and deep.

"When you die, Shi Niang will also take Xiao Baiyi away and live happily with him."

He Yiyi sneered, "Junior Lady thinks so well, I just don't know if the little junior brother will be willing to go with you." "

“...... The world is so big, there is naturally a way to make Xiao Baiyi change his mind. Liu

Ziru's beautiful eyes became more and more scarlet, and the hand holding the Aoki sword was even a little white.

Bai Yi doesn't like herself, and this is her biggest pain.

If everything can be satisfactory, who is willing to fall into the devil.

She stared at the girl in front of her for a long time, and said calmly:

"Whether Xiao Baiyi will be willing or not, this is something I should worry about, so I won't worry about it."

"Just die here."

The voice fell.

A powerful tide of spiritual energy was set off around Liu Ziru's body, and the scattered qi machines gathered dust and swirled around.

Her wrist flipped, and strands of pure black aura climbed up her arm.

Injected into the longsword in his hand.

A purple demon long dress, surrounded by black qi, shrouded half a street.

In the dimness, those scarlet eyes are clearly visible!

"Who is it to scare! The Supreme Realm is not embarrassed to make a move against the Slashing Dao Realm, and rushes to Lao Tzu! "


Yu Xian did not hesitate to block in front of He Yiyi.

The clothes were windless, and the blood-colored aura gushed out wildly.

Behind him, a huge blood-red demon knife gathered, and the ghosts lingered on it, and the wailing sound was endless.

Liu Ziru's eyes were indifferent, and after glancing at He Yiyi, he stretched out his left hand and silently pinched out a magic technique.

The black qi that permeated her body immediately retracted at an extremely fast speed and rolled into the Aoki sword in her right hand.

In an instant, the wind howled.

The Aoki sword, which had turned pure black, swelled and grew visibly with the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a huge black longsword with a fictitious aura appeared.

Liu Ziru did not drag mud and water in the slightest.

Raise your hand and slash out with a sword.

The pure black qi formed a matchless sword radiance, which quickly attacked towards Yu Xian.

"Yiyi, protect yourself!"

Yu Xian snorted angrily.

Rising from the ground, the blood-colored demon knife phantom behind him turned into reality in an instant and appeared in his hand.

Yu Xian held the huge blood-colored demon knife in both hands.

Stretch your waist and back like a full bow.

The huge demon knife brought up the blood shadow in the sky and slashed down.

It was at this very moment.

The wooden bird and the sword willow hidden in the courtyard blatantly shot out and killed He Yi directly.

See them show up.

The girl in the black dress stood quietly in place and slowly pulled out the narrow knife at her waist.

The aura fluctuated, and the girl disappeared in place.


At first glance.

You can vaguely see that the corners of her mouth gently evoke an extremely sick smile.


The other side.

Bai Yi was about to arrive at Anning Street.

He was stopped by the Phoenix Inspector with many Royal Forest Sergeants.

"Martial law ahead, no one is allowed to enter."

A man dressed in black and with a strong breath looked at the person and dragon in front of him vigilantly and said.

"Get out of my way!"

Bai Yi stood on the huge dragon's head, his face gloomy.

There was already a fight in Anning Street, and Senior Sister was just cutting the Dao Realm, and there might be danger at any time.

He wasn't in the mood and didn't have time to delay here.

Inside the loft next to it.

Nangong Xiyue, who was watching the battle from a distance with Chang Shou Chong, frowned deeply when she heard Bai Yi's voice.

It's a white game!

Why is he here?

Didn't Wan'er stop him.

According to the original plan, Bai Yi would fake his death in the palace, and then propose a death row prisoner similar to his size and realm from the heavenly prison.

Smash the head, and after processing the breath, hand it over to the Yanyue Holy Land.

But now, he appeared here, ruining Nangong Xiyue's original arrangement.

Chang Shou Chong was watching from the side, how she stole the sky in front of a Supreme Realm Great Cultivator.

Useless things, even a foundation building realm can't be stopped!

Nangong Xiyue's face was ugly.

Bai couldn't understand why Wan'er couldn't stop Bai Yi, and let him rush under his nose.

Rubbish! It's all waste!

Scolding in her heart, Nangong Xiyue turned her head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

First of all, there is a hornless cyan dragon like a snake, with a strong breath and vertical pupils.

And on the mighty and majestic dragon head.

The handsome boy with one leg stood facing the wind, his posture was outstanding.

After leaving the palace, Bai Yi took off the concealment mask.

Anyway, once the fight starts, others will easily judge the identity based on his previous shot in Yanyue.

Even if you change your face, it's useless.

It is better to remove the concealment mask and keep it as a back hand.

"Supreme Realm Dragon?!"

Nangong Xiyue's pupils shrank sharply.

How could there be a Supreme Realm Dragon beside Bai Yi!

Isn't he just a Foundation Building Realm cultivator whose parents have died?

How come!

How can it be!

"Oh, Bai Yi is here."

Chang Shou Chong glanced at Nangong Xiyue obliquely and said with a chuckle.

"But a Supreme Realm Dragon, it seems that it is only a Supreme Realm Heavy Heaven, and it can't affect anything."

Nangong Xiyue converged her emotions, and Yun said lightly: "

Elder Chang wait a bit, I'll deal with it."


Chang Shou said with a smile.

Nangong Xiyue bowed her head slightly, and left the attic in a flash.

She came to Bai Yi, suspended in midair, and looked at him with a smile:

"What is Bai Gongzi going to do?"

"My senior sister is in front, I want to go over." Bai Yi said coldly.

"Did Bai Gongzi mean He Yiyi?"

Nangong Xiyue asked with a puzzled expression.

"The female emperor should know it, there is no need to pretend to be stupid."

Bai Yi glanced at a certain place behind Nangong Xiyue's right without showing a trace, and said lightly.

"I do know He Yiyi's whereabouts."

Nangong Xiyue nodded, turned sideways and pointed to the depths of Anning Street:

"She is inside now."

Speaking of this, she paused, turned around and continued to look at Bai Yi, and said:

"But I'm sorry, I can't let Bai Gongzi in."

"Oh?" Bai Yi squinted slightly and stared at her.

Nangong Xiyue had a fake perfunctory look on her face:

"He Yiyi is involved in attacking an important guest of the Phoenix Empire, we must take her back to investigate, Bai Gongzi rest assured, when the matter comes out, we will naturally let her leave."

"That means I can't go in and find her right now, can I?"

Bai Yi's eyes were deep, and his expression looked hesitant.

Sure enough, he was still afraid.

Looking at Bai Yi's expression, Nangong Xiyue felt a shiver in her heart.

He said in a condescending tone:

"It's about the distinguished guests of the Phoenix Empire, if you don't handle it well, maybe you will start a war, for the sake of the thousands of people of the Phoenix Empire, I can't let you in."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Bai Yi and said meaningfully:

"I believe that Bai Gongzi is an understanding person and will not be unreasonable, after this matter is over, Xiyue will have another compensation..."

Hearing this, Bai Yi laughed.


he repeated.

Raising his head with a smile, he looked directly into Nangong Xiyue's eyes, and slowly spit out a sentence:

"I'm here to support my wife, tell your mother's truth?"

"Kang Jinlong, if you don't want to have another child, do it!"

"The Golden Dragon is in !!"

A cold voice answered loudly from behind Nangong Xiyue.

The tiny golden figure that had been hidden for a long time suddenly burst out...



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