"Your Majesty be careful!"

The black-clothed worshipper was the first to notice the golden figure that suddenly appeared, shouting a reminder at Nangong Xiyue.


Nangong Xiyue was stunned, and just about to speak, she sensed the crisis behind her.

But it was already too late.

She only looked sideways when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt the spirit sea.

Nangong Xiyue endured the severe pain and did not hesitate to pull a distance back.

It's a pity that Kang Jinlong didn't give him a chance at all, appeared in human form, rushed up, and choked her throat.

Nangong Xiyue tried to mobilize Spiritual Qi to resist, but was slammed in the abdomen by his fierce punch, completely losing the power to resist.

It all happened so fast that the crowd didn't even react.

Only the black-clothed worshipper was the closest, and he noticed the abnormality, and immediately rushed up after giving a reminder.

"Lao Tzu!"

The horned wood jiao shouted angrily, the huge dragon's tail swung, and the cannonball smashed over.

The black-clothed worship lost the opportunity, and had no choice but to temporarily retreat.

"Kang Jinlong, let's go."

Bai Yi and Jiaomujiao rushed towards Anning Street together, turned their heads and shouted at the golden dragon.


Kang Jinlong did not pity Xiang Xiyu in the slightest, clutched Nangong Xiyue's throat deadly, and glanced at everyone in Phoenix with vigilance.

Turned around and followed them in vain.

A group of phoenix worshippers, soldiers, looked at each other.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty seems to have been robbed by someone."

"Where did that man come from? How did I not find out at all.

"This is not nonsense, the worship master has not found it, we can find it is strange."

"Stop arguing, keep up with them!"

The black-clothed worshipper's face was ugly, and he shouted at everyone, urging the aura to chase after him first.

"Damn, out of nowhere, such a person came out."

In the attic, Chang Shou Chong smacked his lips at this scene.

A wave of fear welled up in my heart.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu did not go up, otherwise I would have been the one who was pinched by the neck.

He bumped Guo Zhe next to him with his elbow, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Old Guo, let's take our time, Bai Yi this kid is very devilish, maybe the boat capsized in the gutter, let's be a little steady."

"Nangong Xiyue was arrested, our subsequent actions will be restrained, how can we sacrifice ourselves if we do great things."

Guo Zhe's expression had a hint of contempt, no wonder you have always been a supreme realm and a heavy heaven.

After he said this, he followed everyone in Phoenix and chased after him.

"Just you're high."

Chang Shou Chong's face was gloomy, and he hesitated for a long time and followed.

What kind of thing, it's the sect master who wears the hat, and it's not you Guo Zhe.

Look at your doglegs.

Anning Street is only more than a thousand meters away from the end of the street, and Bai Yi and Jiaomujiao rushed to the end of the street in the blink of an eye.

The powerful qi machine was discharged, and the sonorous sound of swords and swords coming from each other was endless.

The houses were destroyed and the ground was riddled with holes.

It's like a post-apocalyptic scene.

"Senior sister!"

Bai Yi searched for a while and found He Yiyi's figure.

"Take the spirit as the guide, and the blood as the medium."

Bai Yi did not hesitate to jump from the top of Jiaomujiao's head and pinch out the magic decision in midair.

"Tatsumiya Kakumujiao, summon!"

The huge dragon body of the horned wood jiao turned into a stream of light and poured into his body at an extremely fast speed.

A pair of deep eyes were replaced by turquoise vertical pupils, majestic and enchanting.

Bai Yi twisted his neck slightly, two beast ears drilled out, and a pair of huge aura wings stretched out behind him.

His falling trend suddenly stalled.

A graceful arc slipped out in mid-air and rushed towards He Yi.

"Oops! The little junior brother is here. "

He Yiyi is grappling with the wooden bird sword willow, and although he is one against two, he still has the upper hand.

Hearing Bai Yi's voice, she immediately adjusted her state.

Put away the sick smile and suppress the strong killing intent in your heart.

I didn't fight anymore, so I turned around and looked back.

"Little junior brother, Yiyi is here."

"Good opportunity!" Jian Liu found that He Yi showed a flaw, and his eyes flashed.

Immediately dodged up, and without hesitation, he stabbed a sword at her back.

"Senior sister be careful."

Bai Yi had a black face, stepped forward and grabbed He Yiyi and hugged him, avoiding Jian Liu's fierce blow.

He hovered in midair.

One hand wrapped around Senior Sister's tender waist, and the other hand was facing Jian Willow, gently spreading.


In a flash.

Several blue water jets appeared out of thin air around Jian Willow, entwining her in it.

Bai Yi raised his blue pupils and looked at her indifferently.

Slowly tighten your palms.

At the same time, spit out a sentence: "Ice." The

voice fell.

The water column wrapped around the sword willow turned into solid ice and plunged into her body in the shape of tentacles.

Yin Hong's blood flowed out, and it was quickly frozen again.

Jian Willow moved his eyes with difficulty, and looked at the shocking wounds on his body in disbelief.

His eyes darkened.

I, I also went....

In the sky, Liu Ziru cut out a sword, and Yu Guang glanced at the dead sword Willow.

The expression did not fluctuate in the slightest.

She set her gaze on the vertical pupil beast ear, and the white game with blue aura wings on her back.

Weird licked his lips and chuckled.

"Xiao Baiyi, Senior Lady has been waiting for you for a long time."

"He Yiyi, are you stupid!"

After Bai Yi killed Jian Willow, he ignored the wooden bird who was retreating backwards.

One grabbed the girl's pink ears, and reprimanded angrily:

"You almost died just now, you know!"

"Hey, this isn't there a little junior brother, Yiyi knew that the little junior brother would come to save me."

He Yi's eyebrows curved, and he was very well-behaved.

There is still the slightest bit of morbid paranoia from not long ago.

It is to let the maid stab a sword He Yiyi is not afraid, anyway, she can't stab the point.

It just happened to make the little junior brother think that Yiyi was too stupid.

He Yiyi will not forget that the little junior brother said that he liked soft and sticky girls.

She's working in that direction now!

"Bai Yi, let go of my majesty!"

"Yanyue rebelled against Bai Yi, Elder Ben ordered you to immediately tie up your hands and wait for it to fall!"

Not far away, everyone from the Phoenix Empire, as well as the Yanyue Venerable Realm Triple Heaven Elder Guo Zhe and the reluctant Chang Shou Chong arrived.

Bai Yi glanced at them, then at Liu Ziru, frowning.

It's a bit of a lot of people.

Guo Zhe stood in front of everyone and reprimanded with a serious face: "You are dead today, don't be delusional anymore, I can still keep you decent now." In

the crowd, the two Phoenix Empire Supreme Realm worshippers slowly advanced together with Chang Shou Chong, and their momentum was terrifying.

Bai Yi blocked in front of He Yi and whispered, "Senior sister, pay attention, I said let's slip." "

So many Supreme Realms Slashing Dao Realm, there is Liu Ziru next to them.

Who loves hard and rigid who is hard and just goes, anyway, I will temporarily retreat with my senior sister.


He Yi nodded his head, and Yu Guang glanced somewhere next to him.

Hesitating, he whispered weakly:

"Actually, Iichi thinks we don't have to slip away..."


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