"Iichi won't be able to do it later."

He Yiyi pouted, hugged Bai Yi's neck tightly with both hands, and pressed his little face to his warm chest.


Bai Yi sighed and picked her up by the waist.

"Go back first, Senior Sister, your injuries still need to be carefully handled."

He stood up and walked towards the front hall.

When passing by Nangong Xiyue's corpse, because there was a lot of blood on the ground, Bai Yi circled to the right.

And Nangong Xiyue's body happened to face the right.

When Bai Yi walked by, Yu Guang glanced casually.

It was found that she only had a wound on her lower abdomen.

Well? Didn't Senior Sister stab indiscriminately?

How can there be only one wound.

Bai Yi didn't think much about it, and asked casually: "Senior sister, how many times did you stab Nangong Xiyue?" How does it look like there is only one wound. "

A wound?

He Yi glanced at Nangong Xiyue's wound and was slightly startled.

Worst! It was just dealt with too hastily, leaving an omission.

The girl's two slightly faint good-looking eyebrows furrowed.

Raised his little head, looked at Bai Yi with big shining eyes, and muttered:

"Yiyi doesn't know, then Yiyi felt that he was about to faint, so he stabbed her with fine snow, I don't know how many times he stabbed her."

People are indeed prone to hesitation under tension.

Bai Yi stopped looking at Nangong Xiyue's body and turned around and left the dim apse.

"Senior sister is fine, next time if you still disobey, see if I still don't care about you."

"I know, Iichi promises there won't be a next time."

He Yi leaned his small face against Bai Yi's chest and said aggrievedly.

This time was really dangerous, and it was almost discovered by the little junior brother.

If only he had not spoken at the gate of the temple, but had come in directly.

Yiyi must have had no time to react.

At that time, the little junior brother saw the scene in the hall...

He Yiyi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Inexplicably, she suddenly felt a little tired like this.

People have missed hands, horses have lost hooves, this kind of thing happens more, and one day it will be discovered by the little junior brother.

At that time, what should Iichi do?

He Yiyi held his little head high and looked at Bai Yi's face intently.

How good it would be if the little junior brother wasn't so good-looking.

Sometimes Yi Yi really wants to scratch the face of the little junior brother, so that no one will definitely snatch it with Yi Yi.

No, that's still not enough insurance.

Unless the face of the little junior brother is completely cut off, it will be difficult to see where it is, no matter how ugly it is.

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly remembered what the master said that day: "Break the limbs, abolish the cultivation and raise them in captivity..."

Yes, if Yi Yi breaks the leg of the little junior brother, he can only stay at home obediently, he will not be seen by the fox spirits, and no one will want to rob him with Yiyi...

As for abolishing repairs, it must not be done.

Yiyi still has to live with the little junior brother for a long time, and the little junior brother can't do without cultivation.

But if you keep the cultivation of the little junior brother, even if you break his leg, it won't be long before the little junior brother can rely on the aura to heal back?

The girl's distressed mouth deflated, what can be done about this is good.

"What does Senior Sister think? The eyebrows are almost wrinkled. Bai Yi looked down and saw the girl's expression and asked curiously.

"Nothing, nothing."

He Yiyi shook his little head into a rattle, and lowered his head a little cautiously and did not dare to look at him.

If there is nothing strange about your expression, Bai Yi was amused, and urged: "Tell me, what are you worried about, I'll help you come up with ideas."

He Yiyi hesitated, and said Hanhan: "Yiyi is thinking about the sword forger."

She secretly glanced at Bai Yi and asked seriously:

"Little junior brother, you said that if there is a sword that is a little crooked to be corrected, it is easy to break it if the force is too large, but if the force is too small, it will not take long for it to change back to its original state, what can I do?"

"I thought Senior Sister had encountered some important problem."

Bai Yi was not surprised by Senior Sister's sudden idea of forging a sword.

She has been like this since she was a child, eccentric and whimsical.

One second he was still sleeping at home, and the next second he suddenly got up and dragged himself to the town at the foot of the mountain to buy flowers.

Perhaps the reason was simply that she inadvertently saw a butterfly through the window.

Butterflies like flowers, Iichi doesn't like flowers much, but Iichi likes the flowers that my little junior brother gave me, it's as simple as that....

He gradually got used to the strangeness of his senior sister, and he had already unconsciously liked her cute love.

"Little Junior Brother has a way?" The girl asked in surprise.

Although it seems a little embarrassing to discuss with the little junior brother how to deal with himself.

But compared to the fox spirits looking at outside, this embarrassment is nothing.

"Yes, but don't tell Senior Sister."


" "I'm not this

..." "Junior

sister I'm really..."

"Haw, haw, haw~

" "Now can the little junior brother tell Yiyi?" He Yiyi licked his pink lips, if the little junior brother didn't say Yiyi, he would continue to kiss.

"Okay, okay."

Bai Yi's old face turned red.

After all, it's still outside, so it's not good to let people see.

He is nothing, the senior sister is a girl, if someone gossips something, he may feel uncomfortable.

"That little junior brother quickly say, he~" He Yiyi rubbed the tip of his nose on Bai Yi's neck, coquettish.

"If the strength is small, it is not enough to forge a few more times, why do you have to set it all at once?"

Bai Yi said helplessly. He always felt that Senior Sister seemed to have become stupid, and he couldn't understand such a simple truth.

He Yi's eyes lit up: "Yes." "

First find an opportunity to break the little junior brother's leg once, and then when he is about to heal his injury, find an opportunity to break it again and repeat the process....

The girl frowned: "Well, is it a little cruel with spiciness..." No matter,

it's better than the little junior brother and brother snatching it away by the endless fox spirits.

Manpower is sometimes poor, and fox spirits are endless.

Yi Yi has to hurry, it's best to break the little junior brother's leg tomorrow...


Tianhui Sect.

After several rounds, the wooden bird finally found Elder Wu who had led Lan Minghuang to Yanyue to participate in the Millennium Competition.

The two sat down in a mountain pavilion, and after a few pleasantries, the wooden bird asked straight to the point:

"Elder Wu, do you remember how Lan Minghuang met He Yiyi in the first place?" That night, I went to Taiyou Lake..." The

wooden bird paused, his eyes fixed on Elder Wu's eyes:

"And there is - Lan Minghuang, did she like Bai Yi at that time!"



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