"I don't want to mention these things again."

Hearing Lan Minghuang's name, Elder Wu's face was not very good-looking,

his real name was Wu Jiecao.

After returning from Yanyue, he was removed from his post and now has no power.

To say that what he hated the most must be the evil thief who appeared out of nowhere to kill Lan Minghuang.

The second is leisure, the smell of smelly feet is still fresh in his memory.

In addition, there is also a great grudge in her heart for the dead Lan Minghuang Wu Jiecao, if she hadn't been wandering around at night, she wouldn't have died outside, so that it would affect herself.

These three people are taboo for him now, as long as he thinks about it, he can be angry for days and can't eat.


The wooden bird threw out a bag full of superb spirit stones on the table and looked at him calmly.

"It's not a matter of spirit stones, I don't lack these things, I just don't want to mention them again."


, pop, pop~" The wooden bird threw out three bags of superb spirit stones again.

"Let me break it down!"

With a warm smile on his face, Elder Wu quickly put away the four bags on the table into the storage ring.

Coughed twice and cleared his throat.

He began to narrate in a depressed tone:

"When I led the team to Yanyue, after I arrived, Lan Minghuang said that she wanted to go around to play, and I was busy settling in the residence and didn't care about her..." "

That night, when she returned to the residence, she sent someone to inquire about a teenager, and I also learned later that it was Bai Yi."

"Are you saying that Lan Minghuang saw Bai Yi on the first day he arrived in Yanyue, and sent someone to inquire about him that night?" The wooden bird found the point for the first time.

"Yes." Wu Jie Cao nodded crisply.

A light flashed in the wooden bird's eyes, "You continue.

"The next day, Lan Minghuang left the residence with some gifts and a few attendants, I knew that she must be going to find that young man, but she has good qualifications, and the master is the deputy sect master, I can't control it."

Wu Jiecao picked himself up very cleanly between words.

"After returning that day, she looked quite happy, and the one named He Yiyi from the Qiong Yu Demon Sect appeared later."

"I don't know how I met, but it seems that the relationship is very good, probably a few days later, one night they said they were going to go for a walk together, and they died outside."

The wooden bird thought for a while, looked at Wu Jiecao and asked, "You didn't suspect that it was her hand?"

"Why didn't you suspect!" Wu Jiecao looked very aggrieved and said angrily: "I went directly to the Qiong Yu Demon Sect to ask for explanations, but I was left with shoes by Yu Xian... Instead, he was beaten by Yu Xian. The

wooden bird nodded to show understanding, and while observing Wu Jiecao's expression, he asked, "Then do you think it is possible that He Yiyi moved their hand?"

"There may definitely be, but I don't think it's very big, after all, He Yiyi does seem to be injured a lot."

Wu Jiecao thought for a while, frowned and said

, "Besides, there is no need, the Tianhui Sect and the Qiong Yu Demon Sect have no grudges, and killing Lan Minghuang will not do them the slightest good."

"What if He Yiyi did it himself?" Wooden Bird asked calmly.

"He Yiyi? Why did she kill Lan Minghuang? Wu Jiecao was puzzled.

"Because Lan Minghuang is moved by Bai Yi, and He Yiyi also likes Bai Yi." The wooden bird said lightly.


Wu Jiecao's face was full of confused question marks.

What, what?

He Yiyi likes Bai Yi, and then Lan Minghuang has thoughts about Bai Yi, and He Yiyi kills her?


Seeing Wu Jiecao's face full of disbelief, the wooden bird was too lazy to explain.

She already has a rough judgment in her heart, and she can basically determine it when she goes to Eagle's Beak Stream to verify it.

He immediately stood up and took his leave, leaving the Tianhui Sect.

"Headless and brainless, what and what."

Looking at the wooden bird's distant back, Wu Jiecao muttered in confusion.

Took out a bag of superb spirit stones and opened it, and happily checked it.

As for what, He Yiyi killed Lan Minghuang because she wanted to swallow Bai Yi...

He didn't believe it, how could there be such a thing under the sky.


Kun Xu Temple.

"Nangong Xiyue is dead?!"

Yu Xian shouted in amazement, and unconsciously moved his gaze to He Yiyi on the side.

"Well, Senior Sister will go to her to discuss a comeback to continue to be the emperor, but Nangong Xiyue quietly broke free of part of the seal and kidnapped Senior Sister, and I just arrived in time to kill her with a sword in a hurry."

Bai Yi was afraid that Nangong Xiyue's death would affect He Yiyi's development in the Qiongyu Demon Sect, and took the initiative to take this matter on himself.

"You killed?"

Yu Xian looked at Bai Yi suspiciously, and suddenly a girl's murderous voice sounded in his ears:

"Does Third Senior Uncle talk a lot?"

He Yiyi stood behind Bai Yi and stared at Yu Xian with unkind eyes.

Little Junior Brother wants to spoil Yiyi can't see it, dare to stir up the situation and kill you!"

Yu Xian came down in a cold sweat at that time, and quickly changed his words: "You killed, killed well, killed well!" He

just arranged for Qiong Yu to have an illegitimate son.

There were six more outside, all pointing to He Yi to help.

No way, when I was young, I was good at needlework, fast and accurate....

Later, I found some good ventriloquists to pass the long night.

This did not allow the size of illegitimate children to continue to expand.

"Is there so much to be happy about?"

Bai Yi glanced at him strangely, and said the right thing:

"Now that Nangong Xiyue is dead, the Phoenix Empire is prone to accidents without a de jure emperor, and it is necessary to select a successor from the Nangong family as soon as possible to take the throne."

"Just let Yi pick one, you don't need to ask me about this." Yu Xian is very aware of current affairs and consciously treats himself as air.

"Yiyi doesn't know how to choose, or the little junior brother picks one."

He Yi hugged Bai Yi's arm in his arms and said sweetly.

How can she break the leg of the little junior brother in a reasonable way in her head now, how can she have time to think about this.

"This is an internal matter for Qiong Yu, and I am not involved."

Bai Yi smiled and waved his hand.

In the end, he did not join the Qiong Yu Demon Sect after all, and he will not join in the future.

This kind of thing involves internal resolutions, and he is not going to intervene.

Those who are good at giving advice, good has no good end, and evil is rewarded with evil.

It's best not to participate.

Seeing Bai Yi's firm refusal, He Yiyi wrinkled his little nose at him: "Little junior brother is lazy."

She thought for a while and looked at Yu Xian:

"Yiyi remembers that there is a county lord named Tang Xinning, just her, it was she who gave the news to the little junior brother to save Yiyi, and she should return the favor."

Yu Xian had no objection, nodded with a smile and agreed: "Okay, I'll go and let people organize her to ascend the throne." "

What is power? I, Qiong Yu Demon Reserve, will determine the imperial throne of a country in one word!

When he turned around to leave, Yu Xian suddenly heard a voice ringing in his ears again:

"Third Senior Uncle is looking for an opportunity in the past two days..."


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