"Little Junior Brother, I'll go and talk to Third Junior Uncle about something."

He Yi suddenly changed his mind halfway through his sentence.

To break the legs of the little junior brother with successive successes is a huge project.

Three or two sentences must not be clear, and the transmission here is easy for the little junior brother to see the clue.

It's better to go out and talk to the third senior uncle directly.

"Well, Senior Sister go quickly, I just happened to be practicing for a while." Bai Yi smiled and nodded.

"Yiyi will be back soon, the little junior brother is waiting for me at home obediently."

He Yiyi gave Yu Xian a look and trotted out of the room.

The two walked a little farther away, and Yu Xian asked curiously, "Do you want to say anything very important?" "

What the hell is it, you actually have to avoid it for nothing.

He Yiyi looked to the left and to the right, although there was no one around and still uneasy.

He said directly: "Yiyi wants to ask the third senior uncle to do me a favor. "

Do me a favor?" Yu Xian scratched his head suspiciously and said, "If there is anything, you can just order it directly, and help you can use it."

He Yiyi stared at him for a while, and his words were amazing: "Yiyi wants you to find an opportunity to break the leg of the little junior brother." "

What, what?!!

Yu Xiao almost didn't jump up.

I'm looking for an opportunity to break Bai Yi's leg?

Then you must not skin me."

When I'm stupid no!

"You and Brother Bai... Quarreled? Yu Xian asked tentatively.

"No, Yiyi and the little junior brother have a good relationship, and they are already preparing to complete the marriage." He Yiyi's eyes were calm, and there was a trace of yearning for the future in his expression.

Yu Xian was a little confused, and asked suspiciously: "Then why do you want... Break Brother Bai's leg?

"Because Yiyi feels that the little junior brother is likely to be seduced by the fox spirit outside, and leave Yiyi behind."

He Yi's eyes flashed with paranoia, and a smile gradually appeared on his face:

"As long as he breaks his leg, Yiyi can let him stay at home all the time, and there will be no risk of being seduced by the fox spirit."


Xian sweated, really didn't know what to say.


That's outrageous.

What do you call I think there is a good chance that he will be seduced!!

Just for this, he actually had to break Bai Yi's leg???

Ediniang, it's such a blessing to have you....

Yu Xian silently felt sorry for Bai Yi for three seconds in his heart.

He Yi

glanced at him and said lightly: "After the matter is completed, your second son who was raised in Lihua Town will be arranged to enter Qiong Yu and worship under Elder Zheng, and he will still be my distant cousin."

"Say it! Which one do you want? Left leg or right leg? Yu

Xian was immediately full of energy, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed in now to unload Bai Yi's legs.


This is to make Bai Yi completely unable to move the knife, black! It's so dark!

Yu Xian secretly complained and asked, "When to start?"

He Yiyi frowned slightly and thought for a while: "Little Junior Brother has been with me these days, it's not very easy to do it, wait a little, wait for a good time." "

Understood." Yu Xian nodded, Bai Yi seemed to have a strange method that could raise his cultivation to the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven, which was not easy to deal with.

Thinking like this, he asked: "What about the method that can improve cultivation that can be improved by Senior Brother Bai, it is also the three heavens of the Supreme Realm, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold it if I move my hand." "

Yiyi only needs you to break the leg of the little junior brother, if he hurts other places, kill your whole family." He Yiyi said calmly.

Yu Xiang:


Three days passed.

Bai Yi woke up from his cultivation, and his eyes flashed with wisps of pure aura.

He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy around his body slowly converged into the spiritual sea.

"Divine Hidden Realm."

Bai Yi squeezed his fist, feeling the abundant aura in his body and muttering with a satisfied smile.

In fact, he had broken through the Divine Hidden Realm not long ago, but due to various delays, he had never had time to stabilize the realm.

Now that the situation in the Phoenix Empire has calmed down, the three legs around the Phoenix are jealous of each other.

He finally had time to start cultivating.

[Ding, it has been detected that the host has successfully broken through the Shenzang realm, and the Rizo mission has been activated. ] 【

Please ask the host to collect water attribute aura and activate the Northern Xuanwu Star.】


Haven't all the Azure Dragon Seven Lodges been activated yet?

Bai Yi asked suspiciously: "How come you have already arrived in Xuanwu, there are still five left in the old seven stars, don't care?" "

[The host only needs to activate the east, west, south and north stars, and the remaining stars will activate themselves.] "

Good thing."

The system has a rare conscience, and Bai Yi is quite happy.

The stars are like Chinese cabbage, and you can buy one get one free.

Not bad.

In this way, it should be that every breakthrough to a great realm can activate two stars.

That's right, otherwise my aura wouldn't be able to support so many of them.

Twenty-eight at a time, easy to be squeezed dry....

With an understanding in his heart, Bai Yi got up and walked towards the outside of the secret room.

If you want to collect a large amount of spiritual energy containing water attributes, Kyoto will definitely not be satisfied.

He had to prepare and find a place with a big lake or river.

It must be said that there is a sea is the best, but even the nearest East China Sea is millions of miles away from Phoenix, and it is too troublesome to rush over.

It is better to find a lake in the territory of Phoenix, and he can also walk around.

When you activate the Xuanwu Star, you can probably raise your cultivation to the appearance of the fifth or sixth heaven of the Supreme Realm.

At that time, it is time to go to Yanyue to find Gong Tianming to collect a little interest.

At lunch that day, Bai Yi hesitated to tell his senior sister his plans.

"Senior sister, I plan to go to the Phoenix Sea to practice for a while, and there is a heroic spirit that needs to be cultivated by the spiritual energy containing the water attribute."

Bai Yi studied the map of Phoenix, and there were three large lakes that met his requirements.

But the only ones that are really under Qiong Yu's control are the Phoenix Sea and Reishui Lake, the latter being slightly smaller and far from Kyoto.

So he finally chose Kyoto to go thousands of miles north to the Phoenix Sea.

Bai Yi originally thought that Senior Sister would definitely not agree.

I also thought in advance how to persuade her.

Unexpectedly, He Yiyi agreed without hesitation: "Okay, little junior brother, just go." An

unexpected joy surged in the girl's heart.

Meizi thought:

"Yi Yicai said to find an opportunity, isn't this opportunity coming..."


(The carp is basically good, the time will be adjusted in these two days, and it will be updated on time at eight o'clock in the future, everyone remember to chase more Oh, not to see or scatter, in addition, ask for flowers and small gifts ~)

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