"I thought Senior Sister wouldn't agree to me going." Bai Yi was a little surprised, how it was a little different from what he expected.

"The little junior brother studied the method of the imperial ghost cultivator, although Yi Yi did not understand what to cultivate the heroic spirit, but as long as it is related to cultivation, it is a big thing."

He Yi was so happy in his heart that he forgot to remind the little junior brother not to mess with flowers and grass outside.

Well alas! He will be able to break the leg of the little junior brother immediately.

Immediately, Yiyi no longer had to worry that the little junior brother would be snatched away by other fox spirits.

It's really good~

"Not bad, classmate He Yiyi is exceptionally virtuous today."

Bai Yi naturally didn't know that Senior Sister was planning to break her leg, and sighed happily.

"That's not it, Iichi is virtuous now."

The girl's autumn water-like eyes bent into a crescent moon, and she didn't eat any more.

Snapped into Bai Yi's arms and rubbed his little head.

It seems to be clingy, but it is actually hiding his weakness.

In order for us to live happily together forever, it is necessary to break the legs of the little junior brother.

If you don't break your leg now, you will be seduced by a vixen in the future to commit a wrong thing.

Yiyi's punishment will be terrible, I believe that you must not want to experience it little junior brother...

"Uh-huh, Senior Sister is indeed very virtuous."

Bai Yi nodded heartily.

Speaking of which, I am really lucky to have a girlfriend like Senior Sister.

He has a face that captivates the country and a kind heart.

At the same time, it is both virtuous and cute, and it can also hurt people.

This is probably the perfect girlfriend.

"Hey, haw~"

He Yiyi slightly red ear pinna, woodpecker-like kissed many times.

Only then did he walk out of the room satisfied, and arrange Bai Yi's itinerary.

Because it is necessary to guard against the spies of Yanyue and the Liu family, lest they know that Bai Yi left Kyoto and distort their minds.

Therefore, it is necessary to arrange for a person similar to his body to live in the secret room of the Kun Xu Hall.

Picking and choosing, he finally chose a stand-in who was similar in body shape to Bai Yi.

In addition, in order to make the little junior brother have a full sense of security.

He Yiyi specially arranged for someone to clean up this substitute codenamed Lonely Goose....

It is said that the lone goose is quite happy.

After arranging the bits and pieces roughly.

He Yiyi found Yu Xian.

"Has Master arranged anything for Third Senior Uncle to do recently?" He Yiyi asked.

"No, I have a lot of time, how, is there a chance?"

Yu Xian shook his head.

He has been soaking in the Qinhuai River painting for treatment recently.

Sui Yi knew his virtues and was not happy to care about him.

"Hmm." He Yi nodded with a smile on his face: "Little Junior Brother is going to the Phoenix Sea, you quietly follow him, and find an opportunity to start on the way."

"Good, guaranteed to complete the mission!"

These days, it's not just about an inch or two of things.

For the task of interrupting Bai Yi's legs, he made a plan very seriously.

Sneak attacks, traps, ambushes... There are all kinds of options.

Just wait for a good opportunity and show your skills.

He Yiyi thought for a while and continued: "In addition, I will dispatch some people to secretly follow the little junior brother and monitor at any time. "

This group of people has a different division of labor.

Yu Xian has the task of breaking the leg of the little junior disciple, and everything he does will focus on this purpose.

It's easy to neglect the monitoring of junior brothers.

Therefore, a group of people must be arranged separately to comprehensively monitor the every move of the little junior disciple.

If there is a little wind, you can report it to her immediately.

Otherwise, this journey of thousands of miles, what if the little junior brother meets some fox spirit and is hooked by others.

It must be fully monitored.

Even if you encounter a demon beast on the road, you have to find out whether he is a male or a female, hum!

"It's easy."

Yu Xian was in charge of spy assassination in Qiong Yu, and immediately patted his chest and boldly agreed.

"How much do you want? Report the number, I'll go and transfer some spies from the sect. "

Three hundred... No, five hundred... No, no, let me think again. "

He Yiyi is a little tangled, everything that involves the fox spirit is a big thing! But sloppy is not to be sloppy.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally reluctantly said: "Just a thousand, a thousand people can make up for it."

Yu Xian was silent for a long time, and asked with a headache: "Do you know how many plates we used to annex Phoenix?"

"Eight hundred, the number I set." He Yiyi looked at Yu Xian a little strangely and asked what this was doing.

"You still know, Aunt!"

Yu Xian almost jumped up, and said in a collapsed manner:

"Annexing Phoenix Yu has mobilized eight hundred spies, and when Old Brother Bai goes out, you have to arrange a thousand spies for him to follow!"

"Is this going to drain the Phoenix Sea!!?"

"You yell one more, I'll kill your three sons." He Yi said lightly with an expressionless expression.

Yu Xian: "..."

Vicious! Vicious woman!

Can you kill my son without moving?

You have the ability to take me....

Cough, forget it, let's kill my son.

"It really doesn't take that much, besides, Phoenix Yu's side has transferred a total of eight hundred spies, and there are still more than seven hundred left after the loss, so you can't transfer it from within the sect now."

Yu Xian's voice was helpless.

He has lived for so many years, and he has never heard of a man who travels far away, and his wife arranges a thousand professional spies to closely monitor the whole process.

What's more, for cultivators, a thousand miles is not far away.

A matter of a few days, is it necessary!

"Can you adjust it?" He Yiyi hesitated.

What is it called can be tuned!

You really want to tease!!

Yu Xian took a breath and passed out.

Take a deep breath, adjust your mentality, and persuade bitterly:

"Yiyi, you listen to me, it really doesn't need so much, these spies are all absolute elites cultivated in the sect for many years, not to mention a thousand, even ten are enough to arrange Old Brother Bai clearly."

"Besides, isn't Brother Bai about to leave soon? Now it takes at least several days to transfer from within the sect, and it is too late in time.

After listening to Yu Xian's words, He Yiyi seriously considered it for a long time.

Although I still feel that there are still a thousand people in my heart, it is really too late.

Only then did he agree rather disappointedly: "Then give me six hundred people." "

She didn't want everything, after all, there were still some spies to deal with Phoenix-related matters.

“...... Can we discuss it again. Yu

Xian was about to cry, he now had a total of more than seven hundred people under his hands, and he had drawn six hundred at once and directly became a light pole commander.

It's not that there are not enough more than a hundred left.

It's just that there are a lot less people, he has to deal with it himself, and there is no way to be lazy.

He Yi glanced at Yu Xian: "Third Senior Uncle needs Yi Yi to help you arrange the rest of the people, how to divide the labor?" If it's not enough, I'll give it to you, and if it's more, I'll give it to me.

"No, no, no." Yu Xian immediately laughed and stopped talking.

If this ancestor arranges, she can use half of the people to do all the work, and she will do it beautifully.

But again, don't be lazy at all!

He Yiyi didn't think about him, and began to say his requirements:

"These six hundred people are equipped with jade cards, find a secret room, and hang the corresponding wooden cards on the wall in turn, so that they can be identified when reporting."

"On this trip

, they have to do it, count how many women the little junior brother has met on the road, how many words they have said with each one, how long they have said each time, whether there is a problem with the little junior brother's eyes, whether there is a problem with the woman's eyes..." "Rotate around the clock, twelve hours can not break a breath, the little junior brother is on the road to meet a female demon beast, and you have to check for Yiyi whether she can take shape, whether she has spiritual intelligence, and whether she will eat the body of the little junior disciple..."

"In short, give Yiyi a dead eye, you can't let go of any fox spirit! ~( TロT)σ"



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