
He, he broke my knife with his leg!"

"What?" Sui Yi was a little unresponsive.

Broke his knife with his leg?

Did you say the opposite?

"I spent a lot of money on a broad-slashed knife made of thousand-year-old Xuan Iron, and cut it on Bai Yi's leg, he didn't have anything, I sword... It's broken..." Yu

Xian cried and explained again.

Although I also know that sounds outrageous.

But he did break my knife with his leg.

No, and my arm!

Also broken....

"Make excuses for your mistakes again!"

Sui Yihu grimaced, hating that iron is not steel, and scolded.

What broke the knife with a leg.

The Supreme Realm cultivator used the aura countershock to break a thousand-year-old Xuan Iron, although it was not easy, it was not too difficult.

Sui Yi felt that it was very likely that Yu Xian had inadvertently leaked his breath, which caused Bai Yi to be vigilant, so he prepared in advance, and quietly raised his cultivation to the Supreme Realm before Yu Xian started, and Yu Xian was still unaware.

Mental calculation and unintentional calculation created this scene of breaking the knife with the leg.

Speaking of which, it is still idle and careless.

If he changes his own shot, the white boy will definitely have no room to fight back....

"The little junior brother is usually very careful, maybe the third junior uncle accidentally showed his horse's feet."

He Yiyi made the same judgment after listening to Yu Xian's story.

Come to think of it, it's only possible.

If the little junior brother hadn't made preparations in advance, how could he possibly break the third junior uncle's knife?

Could it be that the little junior brother's legs are harder than the thousand-year-old Xuantie.

Impossible boo.

The little junior brother does have a very hard place, but it is not a leg...

"Useless stuff."

Sui Yi made up his mind and said angrily:

"Come back early, wait for me to finish dealing with the affairs here, and personally go tomorrow, there are more than enough successes and failures, when can you reassure me!"

"I, I, I..."

Yu Xian opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

I could only nod sadly and angrily, and ended the summons.

"There is definitely something wrong with Bai Yi."

Yu Xian muttered unconvinced.

But he couldn't say what was wrong.

Forget it, it's better to leave it to Senior Brother.

Senior Brother's cultivation is so high, he will definitely be able to find the reason.

In fact, Yu Xian now even hopes that Senior Brother will not be able to succeed in the end...

Who told him to scold me.

Brother Bai, fight a little.

The arm of the senior brother is also broken, I see what he still says!


"Give me a chance to like you?"

Bai Yi was stunned for a long time, and looked Ma Rong up and down.

With a black line on his face, he said,

"I thank you!"

"You don't have to thank me too much, if you behave well, I can consider marrying you, and then become a family, too much is not good."

Ma Rong looked at Bai Yi's plain face, and inexplicably felt that he was not very ugly.

It still looks pretty pleasing to the eye.

Of course, there is still some gap between what makes her like.

But how many men in the world can really match her?

Life sometimes requires barely making ends meet.


Yi grinded his teeth, he couldn't help it, he couldn't bear it.

Anyway, I will leave this caravan soon.

Guan Ma Rong has any background to the sky, first beat the girl.

She must be put in the pit!

I like you?

This is the most ruthless thing Bai Yi has heard to scold himself after living for twenty years!

"Brother Zhao, is there a village near this wild boar forest?"

"There's a village in front, about a mile away, what's wrong?" Zhao Hu pointed to the north, somewhere hidden by the woods and said.


Bai Yi nodded and cast a malicious look towards Ma Rong.

"I might have to trouble you one thing later."

"What's going on? Brother Bai just said it. Zhao Hu asked suspiciously.

"When passing by the village in front, come to the largest pit in the village to look for her."

Bai Yi put his left fist to his right palm, crackled the bone joint, and said to Ma Rong Nunu's mouth.

"Huh? Oooh, good.

Zhao Hu didn't understand what Bai Yi meant, but he agreed without hesitation.

It's just that I can't help but worry a little about what Bai Yi is going to do.

If you just beat this Ma Rong, it's nothing.

But if he was angry and pressed Ma Rong next to the pit...

After going back, the demon reserve will definitely have to peel the skin of these people!

"Thank you, Brother Zhao has a chance to see you again."

Bai Yi grinned at Zhao Hu, revealing a row of neat teeth.

Spiritual energy gushed out from the dantian and climbed up along the arm.

Converged in front of him to form a large mace.

Without waiting for Ma Rong to react, he raised his mace and hammered it.

While hammering and grunting angrily:

"Like you."




"Bang bang!"

In the blink of an eye, Ma Rong was smashed to the ground.

Bai Yi had a black face, stepped forward and grabbed her path, disappearing from everyone's sight.

"This Bai Gongzi is also a lover."

His subordinates came from the side, carrying crying bookboy buns.

"Head, what about this little girl?"

"Leave her alone and follow along."

Zhao Hu looked at the back of Bai Yi leaving, and said with a slight hesitation.

"Ah, what are you chasing him for? Aren't there many groups of ethylene propylene in the back? "The men are puzzled.


" Zhao Hu gave him a big forced pocket, and anxiously chased after him:

"You are stupid, if Bai Gongzi didn't want to open it for a while, and pressed Ma Rong in the Mao pit, we people will have to loosen the chrysanthemum when we go back..."

Imagine that picture.

I couldn't help but feel a cold back and a hot butt.

Hurriedly caught up with it.

"What are you worried about, I want to be a rabbit master, keep up!"


Boar Forest Village.

A farmer's backyard.

Ma Rong, who woke up, was struggling violently:

"Let go of me, what are you going to do?" I warn you, I'm just giving you a chance to like me, and you don't think about it.

"Like you uncle!"

Bai Yi scolded with a black face.

Put some broken silver on the well next to it.

Lifting his foot and kicking open the lid of the farmer's manure pond.

Suddenly, a strange 'fragrance' came to the surface.

He held his breath and grabbed the back of Ma Rong's neck.

Without saying a word, it is an inverted green onion.

Put her head down, legs up, and plant it.


"Goo~" "

Take a good look in the mirror inside, you!"

Bai Yi felt a lot better and hummed a song and left.

A moment later.

Zhao Hu and others arrived.

Looking at Ma Rong, who was almost drowning, he pouted in disgust.

"Quickly pull her out, ask Bai Gongzi which direction to go, otherwise the brother who faces him will have to work hard to find it." Zhao Hu pinched his nose and ordered his subordinates.

“...... Good. The subordinates looked at her in disgust for a long time, wrapped their palms with aura, grabbed Ma Rong's legs and pulled her out.


Ma Rong's face was full of black unknown substances, and there was a stench all over her body.

Severe cough after half a day.

Screamed madly:


"What about the others, catch him for me! I'm going to kill him!!!

Zhao Hu and the others looked at her coldly and did not speak.

"I'll give money, give you a lot of money, give me to catch him!"

Ma Rong looked hideous, took out one spirit stone after another from the storage ring, and threw it to everyone with a hand stained with rice fields.


His subordinates pouted in disgust and dodged.

Zhao Hu pinched his nose and looked around.

After making sure that Bai Yi had gone far, he did not hide it.

With a fierce and rough face, he wrapped his arms around him and smiled wickedly at everyone and said,

"Bai Gongzi is far away."

"Here, tell this silly bird what we do..."


(I'm really sorry, the condition is repeated, the carp is already going to be stupid, today I am having a fever, how can I not write anything, first send this chapter and a half T^T

owe more carp are remembered, will not forget, today I am sorry for everyone, do not ask for flowers, do not ask for anything, really embarrassed woo woo ~)

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