Hearing Zhao Hu's words, Ma Rong was stunned.

A bad premonition welled up in my heart.

"What are you talking about? I can give money, a lot of money, don't you people who run caravans like money? She shouted.

Zhao Hu looked at her coldly and did not speak.

The subordinates on the side walked out, looked at her with dead eyes, and slowly said:

"Ma Rong, the granddaughter of Ma Sihai, the lord of Falling Phoenix City, is four years old today, Chinese New Year's Eve and the cultivation of the Divine Hidden Realm is..."

In a few words, Ma Rong's identity resume was turned over.

He Yiyi's order was only to kill Ma Rong.

But Zhao Hu specially contacted to investigate Ma Rong's background and character relationships.

He not only wants to kill Ma Rong, but also kill everyone in Ma Rong's vein, and support the puppet to control the Luofeng Ma family.

Only in this way can unnecessary troubles be avoided to the Demon Reserve and Bai Yi.

Zhao Hu's ability to climb to his current position in the extremely competitive Qiongyu Demon Sect relied on this ruthlessness and meticulousness that he would rather kill mistakes and never let go.

"What the hell are you guys!!"

Ma Rong looked at everyone in front of her in horror, she didn't understand how a group of smelly running caravans could know so much about herself.

After getting into the carriage, she specially checked that the goods transported by these people were nothing more than some cheap medicinal herbs and cloth.

Logically speaking, it will never be some powerful caravan.

But now facing the faint momentum emanating from everyone.

She sensed very clearly that she was probably going soon...

"I remember you said before to give Bai Gongzi a chance to make him like you."

A mocking smile appeared on Zhao Hu's rough face full of beards:

"You, what are you?"

"There are twenty-five of us here, and there are five hundred and seventy-five colleagues in front, of which the lowest cultivation is the Yuan God Realm, the highest..."

"So many of us showed up here to serve him alone."

"Six hundred ... Supreme Realm..." Ma

Rong was completely stunned on the spot.

She suddenly raised her head in disbelief, looked at Zhao Hu and asked,

"Who are you?" Who is he?

"Impossible! That's impossible!

"You don't have to know."

Zhao Hu sneered, waved at the hem of his hand, and turned to leave.

"Ling Chi, cut a thousand knives."

After a while, the woman's mournful wail sounded...

The other end.

Bai Yi is communicating with Senior Sister.

"Little Junior Brother, have you been attacked? Are there any injuries? Who moved the hands ?! The

girl's shocked voice came from within the transmission jade.

There was unconcealed worry and concern in his tone.

She glanced at the wall in front of her when the jade card was hung with the message.

Some cautiously walked out of the secret room.

Yiyi always feels weak when he stands here....

"I'm not injured, senior sister don't worry, that person shouted Yanyue rebellion or something before he made a move, it is estimated that it is Gong Tianming's person."

Bai Yi leaned against the head of an ancient branch, frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully.

"Yanyue's people..." the

girl breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly, and said with a wave of her small fist:

"It's really abominable, the ghosts will make them pay the price sooner or later, hum!"

"It will." Bai Yi nodded.

Thinking about it now, the situation was really dangerous.

If the man did not cut his own leg.

It's the neck and something like that.

I guess it's cold now.

"Does that little junior brother still want to go to the Phoenix Sea? How about Yiyi go with you?

"Don't, senior sister, you will obediently wait for me at home."

Bai Yi refused without hesitation.

Perhaps feeling that his tone was a little too blunt, he added:

"It may be a little dangerous... But I can solve it, and when Senior Sister comes, it will bind me.

"What is the little junior brother going to do?" He Yiyi was keenly aware of his abnormality and asked suspiciously.

"No, no, I'm just a cultivator in the Divine Hidden Realm, what can I do, senior sister, you think too much."

Bai Yi's face froze, he was not good at lying to his senior sister.

But what comes next is too dangerous.

The senior sister will definitely not be at ease when she knows it, and she is clamoring to keep up.

And he didn't want to put Senior Sister in danger, so he could only choose to hide it for the time being...

"Hmph, how can there be a Divine Treasure cultivator who can kill the Supreme Realm."

He Yiyi pouted and snorted, and instructed uneasily:

"No matter what the little junior brother wants to do, you must tell Yiyi in advance, otherwise Yiyi will definitely be angry, and you won't play jiojio for the little junior brother!"

"Ahem." Bai Yi's old face turned red, and he said, "Senior sister, what are these words, when did I like feet."

The girl was also a little embarrassed, her little face was red and red, and she hummed in a low voice:

"The little junior brother is a big astringent demon, that night... Hum! "

Cough cough, senior sister don't talk about it first, I still have to find a place to spend the night, and we'll talk about it another day."

Bai Yi's heart is empty.

Afraid that Senior Sister would say something strange again, she hurriedly ended the summons.

Pink tender and soft little feet.

What man can not like ah....

Deyun Hall Secret Room.

After ending the summons, He Yiyi frowned and thought for a long time.

There was a slight skepticism in his expression.

She felt that the little junior brother was a little strange, and there must be something hiding from Yiyi.

No, we must grasp the current whereabouts of the little junior brother as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Iichi's heart can't settle down!

Thinking of this, she beckoned the night man standing next to her, and ordered in an urgent tone:

"Immediately order Group B and Group C, go all out to search for the whereabouts of the little junior brother, and be sure to find him as quickly as possible."

He Yi paused, a heavy desire for control flashed in his eyes, and continued:

"In addition, let the others scatter, keep an eye on all the green buildings and paintings along the way, and give me strict control wherever there is a possibility of seducing the fox spirit of the little junior brother."

"Once you find out which woman the little junior brother is wrong with..."



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