On the way to the Phoenix Sea, there is a must-pass place called Black Horse Pass.

The walls are high and the buildings are towering.

The mottled wall skin and the marks left by the sword chopping add a lot of heavy atmosphere to the Xiongguan here.

Because of the extremely important geographical location connecting the north and south, both the number of soldiers and the degree of prosperity here are far behind other surrounding towns.

At this moment, inside the Black Horse Pass, an imposing caravan was conducting the final inspection before leaving.

"Old man, we're about to leave, you'd better not run around, or no one will wait for you."

At the end of the caravan, a sturdy man with the appearance of a guard frowned slightly, and shouted at the old man standing outside the restaurant in the distance.

"No, no, Xiao Laoer knows the rules."

The old man was carrying half a roast chicken in his left hand and a jug of wine in his right hand, taking a sip between words, and he couldn't do it leisurely.

"Just know the rules."

The guard nodded and turned and entered the courtyard next to it.

Knocking on a door, four or five people sitting inside cast their gazes in unison.

"Zhang Wen is here, is there any news?" The middle-aged man sitting with his forehand asked.


Zhang Wen sat down cross-legged and said with a hesitant face:

"It stands to reason that if Bai Gongzi wants to go to the Phoenix Sea, he must pass through the Black Horse Pass, but in the past few days, the C and T... The six groups of people and horses almost turned the black horse over, and there was no trace of it.

"Yes, I didn't hesitate to take the risk of breaking into the inside of the Lane Chao Pavilion, and I didn't find anything, and everyone lost three pounds." The middle-aged man echoed thoughtfully.

Zhang Wen's face darkened: "What?" Little ladies, you can hide people in that ditch in your chest, right? "

The Lane Chao Pavilion is the largest gathering place of female bodhisattvas in Black Horse Pass.

Make the tide, this tide word is very interesting....

The middle-aged man's name is Wang Qiang, and he is the leader of the Bingzi team.

Zhang Wen was his deputy.

Wang Qiang had no wife and no children, so Pingsu liked to compete with female bodhisattvas who gave alms in the flesh.

Hearing Zhang Wen's angry voice, he couldn't help but blush, and argued:

"That Langchao Pavilion Huakui is known as Taoyuan Xiaodongtian, the ravines are as deep as the sea, all small caves, deep as the sea, maybe I can hide people, I can't check up and down!"

Zhang Wen's forehead was raised, with a black line on his face.

The two have been friends for many years, and he is not really angry with Wang Qiang.

It's just that I can't find Bai Yi's whereabouts for a long time, and my heart is inevitably a little impatient.

"The caravan is basically ready, and it will leave in a quarter of an hour, so prepare for it."

After a long silence, roughly gathering his thoughts, Zhang Wen stood up and said to Wang Qiang.

"If we leave like this, there will be a vacancy in the internal manpower of Dark Horse Pass, what does it say?"

Wang Qiang has no problem with when to leave.

Anyway, he is alone, as long as he brings enough money, the land of female bodhisattvas in the world can be his home.

Wang Qiang was worried that if they left the C group, there would be a vacancy in the Black Horse Pass, and they would miss Bai Gongzi...

Will die.

Three days have passed since the gang of waste on the Jiazi lost the trail of Bai Gongzi.

The pressure above is increasing, and it is said that if it were not for the Demon Reserve, he would still be able to contact Bai Gongzi through the transmission jade card.

Everyone in the Jiazi can't escape a head-to-head landing!

"We stayed in Heima Pass for too long, it is likely to arouse the suspicion of people with intentions, but it is easy to leak the news that Bai Gongzi has left Kyoto, so the above means that we should go first, and the number of non entered the customs yesterday, and they will replace the area we are responsible for."

Zhang Wen explained when he heard this.

Wang Qiang is a character who does not like to worry about these things, so he is generally responsible for contacting the above.

After all, he is more like the real person in charge.

"Okay, I'll go and inform them to get ready to go."

Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and walked out of the room.

Looking at the back of his friend who had no heart and no lungs leaving, Zhang Wen shook his head helplessly.

Thinking of the harsh words used when communicating with Elder Yu, he felt pressured.

Bai Gongzi, where the hell are you hiding.

If you don't come out again, there are six hundred spies and twenty people and horses along the way in the Phoenix Sea.

All have to die....

Outside the restaurant.

The old man took a sip of wine, tore off a chicken leg and ate it, listening with relish to the storyteller in the building.

"That Qiong Yu Demon Sect is the leader of the world's Demon Dao, how terrifying the specific strength is, everyone can take care of the big change in Kyoto some time ago."

"The foundation of a country is turned upside down in one day, turning hands into clouds, turning hands into rain..." The

storyteller stretched out a palm to the crowd, flipped it up and down, and made a gesture of secrecy.

"Of course, the characters I want to talk about next are definitely related to Qiong Yu, but it is no longer the story of the older generation as usual, today, we will talk about the female genius that Qiong Yu Demon Sect has been difficult to come out of for ten thousand years - He Yiyi!"

"It is said that the great sects of the world attach great importance to the cultivation of young disciples, and generally speaking, the major sects will select two talented immortal figures among the young generation, one man and one woman, and give the position of the Holy Son and Holy Daughter, focusing on cultivation."

"And this He Yiyi, she single-handedly made the Qiong Yu Demon Sect change the rules that the entire Tianxia Sect has been adhering to for ten thousand years! No longer set up the Holy Son and Holy Daughter, but separately call her Demon Reserve, Demon Reserve Demon Reserve, Demon Sect Prince! The future heir of Qiong Yu! "

How can a woman's body achieve such a terrifying achievement that is so brilliant and even domineering? And Rong Mou will talk about it in detail for everyone..." At

the door, a flash of essence in the old man's deep eyes that did not match his appearance at all.

On the old face, the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled into a happy arc.

He took a sip of cider and looked south.

Senior sister, I'm in Dark Horse Pass.

The roast chicken is fat and sweet, the sun and breeze are just right, the ears are you, and the heart is also you....

The old man is exactly Bai Yi.

He glanced back at the spit storyteller, and felt out a few pieces of broken silver and threw them into the tray on the table.

Meizi muttered in a low voice: "The world is famous, and my senior sister is really very good." Saying

that, he lifted half a roast chicken and half a pot of fruit wine, and walked towards the caravan that was about to leave.

What Bai Yi didn't know was that not long after he left, the storyteller changed his tone and talked about He Yi's ruthlessness and slaughtering the same door...

The convoy slowly drove through Heimaguan, and Bai Yi and a few people who also went north in the caravan sat in the open carriage.

The willow branches on the side of the road are clinging to each other, but they are bare without a single green leaf.

Bai Yi put down the wine jug in his hand and took a nap with his back against the goods on the carriage.

Phoenix Sea - Phoenix belongs to fire, and the sea is water.

Good place, just right for burial....

Speaking of which, it's time to propose to Senior Sister when I go back this time.

After all, always using your feet is not a solution.



Well, the carp is back, although it is not yet thorough, but it seems that it is not okay not to come back, after all, there are already people in the comment area who are saying that I ga....


It should be a second infection, I didn't expect to be so unlucky T^T If you give another chance, the carp will definitely not be arrogant about themselves soon, crying chirp~

Today is a chapter for the time being, tomorrow should be updated normally, finally, everyone's concern Carp has received, super touched Oh! Love you guys~ (care to care, besides, beat you!) )

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