"Where did this kid go, could it be that he knew that the old man was going to attack him so he ran away?"

In the secret room of the Deyun Hall, Sui Yi frowned at the transmission jade tablets that were full of walls, and his tone was full of doubts.

Say yes to let Yu Xian come back, and change it to himself.

Help Yiyi completely solve his worries.

But now he can't find any trace of Bai Yi, which makes him very faceless as a master.

"Yiyi also asked the little junior brother, but he only told Yiyi not to worry, he will come back when he finishes dealing with a little thing, and the rest will not reveal anything."

He Yiyi collapsed his small face and lay on a table, sullen.

What exactly is the little junior brother going to do?

The little junior brother has changed.

I don't want to tell Yiyi when I encounter something, hum!

No love!

"You said that the kid was already out there earlier, and warming the heroic spirit was just an excuse, but in fact, he followed other women away and flew away, and he didn't plan to come back."

Sui Yi frowned and thought for a long time, and said his guess with hesitation.

The girl's face froze, and a trace of obvious panic flashed in her eyes.

But he said:

"Blah blah, master, don't talk nonsense, the little junior brother will not do such a thing!"

"I also don't think Brother Bai is this kind of person." Yu Xian echoed next to him.

"That is, it must be that the master has thought too much, and Yiyi's little junior brother will definitely not be this kind of person."

He Yiyi's speech was fast, as if if she didn't deny it immediately, Master's speculation would become the truth.

She looked at Sui Yi, who still wanted to say something, waved her little hand and said:

"Master doesn't need to say any more, Yi Yi won't worry about this kind of thing happening at all, it's impossible, by the way, Yi Yi suddenly remembered that there is still a little thing that has not been dealt with, the third senior uncle will help keep an eye on it for a while, and I will be back soon."

Saying that, the girl who pretended to be calm buried her head and walked away in a hurry.

I came to a remote hall and randomly chose a room.

She tightly held the communication jade card specially used to contact the little junior brother, biting her lip and thinking about it for a long time.

Only then did he take a deep breath and input a wisp of spiritual energy into the jade card.


Bai Yi, who was napping on the carriage, felt a slight vibration from the jade card in his arms.

He slowly opened his eyes, why did Senior Sister suddenly contact herself?

Looking around, the few people closest to him were basically ordinary people, and the only exception was just the Heavenly Realm.

If the summons were connected now, there should be no risk.

But after thinking about it, Bai Yi still silently summoned the horned wood jiao, and raised his cultivation to the supreme realm.

Create illusions around you and look asleep.

Then the aura was input and the message was connected.

"Senior sister, what's wrong? Wasn't it just summoned yesterday? Bai Yi said to the jade card transmission.

Hearing Bai Yi's familiar voice coming from inside the jade tablet, the girl's heart suddenly put down.

She was silent for a long time, her eyes were slightly red, and she said in a tone with a little fear:

"Little junior brother, don't you want Yiyi?" They said that the little junior brother had someone outside, and they didn't want Yiyi, and they would never come back after leaving this time.

Bai Yi thought for a while, and did not answer the girl's question, but asked with a smile: "Senior sister missed me?" "

“...... Well, Yiyi thought about the little junior brother.

"Where is Senior Sister now?"

"Oh?" He Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and Han Han replied: "Yiyi is in a side hall without a name in the palace.

"Good." Bai Yi said softly, "Stay there and wait for me."

With that, he ended the summons and pulled out another jade tablet from the storage space.

After entering the aura, he said a little apologetically:

"Uncle, the plan may have to be postponed for a few days, I'll go back to the house to coax my daughter-in-law..."

The story about the legendary woman of the Qiongyu Demon Sect has spread all over the streets.

People envied He Yiyi's almost terrifying cultivation qualifications, and they were also afraid of her terrifying deeds of slaughtering the geniuses of the entire sect alone.

From the childish children playing on the side of the road to the old people drinking tea and bragging, they all know the prestige of the Qiong Yu girl Demon Reserve.

And everything that is happening at the moment in Dark Horse Pass is also constantly playing out everywhere in the world.

Hidden beneath the fame is a dark conspiracy that looks like flowers and is actually cooking oil.

In the eastern part of the Phoenix Empire, under the gaze of a pair of scarlet eyes, everything is slowly and slowly beginning in an orderly manner...



(Well, one more mouth, the main line of this book is to follow the plot, the introduction should be able to see, to be honest, I was scolded a lot, the carp does not want water and does not have the heart to water, the length will not be very long, say it in advance ~

In addition, it is to ask for flowers and generate electricity for love, honestly explain! ) Carp leave for a few days, are you giving flowers to other fox spirits! Hum ╯ ^ ╰ Finally, there must be a few aliases in the rivers and lakes, carp is of course no exception, "Yan Xiao Carp" is also a boo, both sides are changed, rain and dew are wet, hey, you can pay attention to Oh~)

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